Chapter 200 The Other Side Full of Vitality

Huzi was originally very resistant to the cold river water, but just after watching a fierce underwater battle, her interest and enthusiasm have been ignited.

She has long wanted to jump down and play for a while, just waiting for Yu Nan's words.

Fu Nan saw through her small thoughts, and just as she stepped closer with her paws, she silently patted her wet tiger head.

He turned around and threw all the rabbits out of the wooden cabin one after another.

Although the rabbits were a little confused, none of them dared to resist.

Even Hu Zhao and Xiao Mao turned back into their animal forms and jumped down.

The owl hates water, so it cleverly stood on the tiger's head on tiptoe.

Yuyue couldn't help shaking her head to test whether it would fall or not.

A large group of furry floating in the water, coupled with the strange stone houses around, looks like an animal version of the water park.

Even the black fish that was recuperating in the stone trough was violently and casually thrown out by the man.

He is like an industrious and capable shepherd dog who clears the raft after clearing the wooden cabin.

In the end, all the vehicles were directly collected into the space. Without the support of the wooden cabin, the big snake fell from the midair with a plop.

He swam in the water in a daze, only to find that there were all kinds of furry around him.

Everyone bypassed obstacles one after another, while swimming forward, while looking for land.

The nine little bastards are very annoying, seeing that Fu Nan is not there, they are as bold as hanging on a tiger.

Yuyue was enjoying swimming at first, but there was one standing on her head and a bunch of water-absorbed fur balls hanging on her body, making her uncomfortable.

She was the most burdensome, and the tiger twisted his neck uncomfortably, couldn't help but glanced around to see who was the best swimmer, and finally ran towards the big snake sneakily.

The swinging snake's tail was suddenly hugged by a cumbersome tiger. The big snake's face was stinky, and he knew that he could not escape the fate of being dominated by the cub.

But Yu Nan, who was left at the end, did not leave with them, but stood on the roof of a stone house, looking at the back casually.

After a while, the river in front of him turned black, and dense black swimming fish crowded around, not daring to get too close to him.

Soon, two fish turned back into human form, and one of them was the leader of the wolf-fish tribe that they had met before.

And the other looks like it should be the leader of the Yuyu Clan.

The leader of the wolffish was still the same as before, with a flattering smile on his face, while the other patriarch didn't look so dog-legged.

His expression was deep and cold, if Yuyue was there, maybe he was from the Loach Clan, after all, his temperament was really similar to that of Ni Zhe.

Regardless of the attitude of the other party, Yu Nan nodded lightly, but did not say a word.

The atmosphere fell silent...

The leader of the fish fish held it for a long time, but he couldn't hold it any longer. He glanced coolly at the leader of the wolf fish beside him.

"My lord, that black fish..." He rubbed his old hands and asked helplessly.

What the leader of the wolf fish hated most in his life was that the clan failed to raise a purple-ranked orc, which made him nod and bow in front of everyone.

This damned fish, he can act so aggressively, isn't it because there is an old Zijie old man in his clan.

"What's the matter, he's my friend." Fu Nan replied indifferently, as if he didn't understand what they meant at all.

"He is an orc who is about to degenerate, and he must be eliminated as soon as possible!" The leader of the fish said angrily.

"Calm down, calm down..." The patriarch of the wolf fish tugged at him speechlessly, wondering why this man spoke so aggressively.

"Oh." Yu Nan sneered disdainfully, not affected by his rudeness at all.

"What are you talking about! I ****..." The leader of the fish fish, who was about to explode at a little bit, frightened the leader of the wolf fish who had no confidence. He helplessly pulled his beard to try to stop him from pounced.

"Let me tell you, you, an outsider, don't interfere with the affairs of our aquarium!"

"Whenever he degenerates is our business, you old men don't interfere."

With a smile, Fu Nan suddenly kicked the leader of the fish into the river.

The leader of the wolf fish at the side was stunned, but he still didn't dare to say anything when he saw the back of the man leaving freely.

After all, that's the one who can defeat Ezun...

Now, Erlong has lost an arm, and he doesn't know if he can protect the secrets of their tribe in the future.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." The wolf fish leader shook his head meaningfully while thinking about the future.

The leader of the fish that was kicked into the water turned back into a black fish. He rolled and thrashed angrily in the water. The scene looked like a big black fish going crazy.

"Save your energy, the more angry you are, the faster you will degenerate." The wolf fish leader couldn't help muttering in his throat.

But it happened to be heard by the fish leader, he twisted his body, jumped up suddenly, and slapped him directly with his fish tail.

Wolffish leader: I am so humble that I dare not speak anymore.


I didn't expect the residential area of ​​the Shui people to be so big, and everyone swam for a long time before they could see the other shore from a distance.

Separated by a river, the two banks are completely two worlds.

It was desolate and desolate there, and a few small snowflakes fell from time to time in the past few days, it was simply a bitter cold place.

But here, looking from a distance, one can see that the shore is full of green, tall and lush trees, without a trace of withering.

There are also faint calls of unknown animals, which is the energetic appearance of the animal world in everyone's memory.

At some point, Huzi had climbed up to She Lan's huge snake head.

She stretched her neck and looked into the distance, looking at the pleasant scenery on the other side, she flicked her tail happily.

She Lan: ...

Not only did Huzi and other cubs be carried on the body of the big snake, there was even a little red-haired fox hanging on the tip of its tail.

"Aww..." Brother Fox, you should come up and stay, aren't you tired...

Xiaomao's beast shape is a thin lion cub. She shivered and squatted on the broad snake, howling at the little fox hanging from the snake's tail.

Hu Zhao hugged the big snake's tail tightly, and rejected her suggestion with his own words.

He doesn't want to hang on this silly snake, he just hangs here.

She Lan: There is still something hanging on the tip of the tail. It is so uncomfortable and I want to get rid of it.

After a while, everyone finally swam to the shore.

The fluffy ones flicked their hair happily, only She Lansheng was lying on the shore helplessly, hoping that the little things on her body would be more conscious and get out of here quickly.

Huzi ran out happily, and she took the lead in jumping into the dense forest, feeling the beauty of nature.

After playing for a while, I suddenly thought of Leopard, and returned to the shore with a guilty conscience and sat obediently waiting for the man to come back.

I accidentally caught a glimpse of the little lion who was also obediently sitting next to her, and couldn't help but stretched out his claws and pushed.

(End of this chapter)

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