Chapter 194

A group of people got into the wooden cabin. Once inside, the little red fox looked around curiously. He was very surprised by the layout of the cabin. This was the first time he was qualified to sit in it.

Knowing that this thing floats on the water, Xiao Mao is both afraid and novel. The fear is due to the psychological shadow of yesterday, and the novelty is also due to the nature of children, who are curious about unknown things.

She nestled obediently on the animal skin cushion, secretly glanced at Yuyue at the side from time to time, as if she wanted to look but didn't dare.

She had noticed that the beautiful sister was here a long time ago, but she didn't expect to have a chance to see her again.

The grace of saving life is unforgettable, she glanced at it now and then.

Feeling the cub's gaze, Yuyue felt a little uncomfortable, but she was not very good at coaxing the cub.

What's more, the cub still has dirty tears all over his face, because he was scared by the tiger.

She pretended to be calm and scratched her thigh, and suddenly scratched a pile of furry things.

Looking down, it turned out to be the group of bastards. I don't know why these little fur balls are sticking to her, and they are all squeezed against her body.

The little rabbits didn't know why it was attached, they just felt that it was safe to stick around her.

With an idea, Yuyue took off a rabbit ball from her body and stuffed it into Xiaomao's arms.

"Come on, play with the rabbit."

Xiao Mao held the rabbit flattered and grinned.

Yuyue caught a glimpse of the small white teeth in her mouth, and subconsciously put her hand into her mouth to break them off.

Then, as if she suddenly realized what she was doing, she withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and explained solemnly: "Ahaha, the small teeth are really strong, and the mouth is good."

A few seconds later, a certain tiger turned his back to the cub and began to reflect on himself silently: Woohoo, envious of the cub with good teeth.

Xiao Mao didn't know what happened to the beautiful sister, she cheerfully stroked the little rabbit in her arms, and moved carefully, for fear of seriously hurting her sister's rabbit with one hand.

But the rabbit is worthy of being brought out by the owl, and the ability to bully the weak and fear the hard is learned very well.

Seeing that Yuyue stopped looking this way, the rabbit in Xiaomao's arms showed its true colors and bared its ferocious fangs fiercely at her.

"Woo..." Xiao Mao pursed his mouth in fright, and almost cried out in a whimper.

But then she thought that this was her sister's rabbit, she couldn't cry, she couldn't hate it.

Facts have proved that not only Yuyue can't accept a weak cub with a mouthful of ferocious fangs, but others can't accept it either.

Yuyue turned her head when she heard the voice, tilted her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

The vicious little rabbit changed his face very quickly. The moment Yuyue turned around, it immediately put away its ugly face, and nestled in the cub's hand obediently, with a completely peaceful appearance.

Xiao Mao also shook his head obediently, as if nothing happened.

Seeing this, Yuyue patted the cub's head carelessly, and suddenly remembered that little loach.

I don't know if he researched and figured out who the golden loach was after he returned home.

She still remembered that when the cub left, there was an unconcealable anxiety on his face.

He must have gone back to find his brother.

And the fact is indeed like this, but it's a pity that after Ni Wa went back, he searched every corner of the tribe, but he couldn't find Ni Zhao.

He stayed at home helplessly, and Ni Zhao never came back, so he kept watching with his small eyes.

No matter how anxious he was, he didn't dare to tell anyone in the clan.

After all, it is a golden fish. Ni Wa's little head is full of wisdom for such a special thing. He knows that he can't tell others casually.

That night, Little Loach waited until he fell asleep, and it wasn't until almost noon the next day that his careless brother swam back from the outside.

Ni Wa told him about the golden loach without even thinking about it, and Ni Zhao reacted greatly when he heard this.

He grabbed the little loach's arm and asked anxiously, "Where is she? Where is she!"

The almost crazy appearance made Ni Wa a little scared, he swallowed his saliva, and said weakly: "I'll take you there."

One big and one small hurried to Yuyue's temporary camp, but when they arrived, they had already packed up and left.

From a distance, Xiao Ni Wa discovered that the place where there were so many people and so many beasts yesterday was now empty.

He tugged at Ni Zhao's animal skin skirt somewhat helplessly.

"Brother, they seem to have left."

Ni Zhao suddenly stopped in his tracks, as if he had been relieved of his strength, he squatted down without saying a word.

Although he was calm on the surface, Ni Wa could see the suppressed storm in his brother's heart.

It was the first time Ni Wa saw his brother like this. In his memory, even when his mother passed away, his reaction was not so severe.

Perhaps because he was frightened by his brother's state, he looked up anxiously, trying to judge the direction Yuyue and the others left.

Suddenly, he saw that the familiar large stone trough was still hidden in a bush near the fire.

"Brother, look, they just put the golden loach into that stone trough yesterday." After finishing speaking, he patted his decadent elder brother on the head.

Ni Zhao raised his head abruptly, and rushed over without saying a word. It was probably a fluke, he didn't want to let go of any hope.

The man pulled away the shrubs surrounding the stone trough, looked down, and found that the golden loach that Ni Wa was talking about was still lying cross-legged in the water.

As if the leaves covering her head were gone, she suddenly felt the sun, and she twisted her body flexibly.

At that moment, Ni Zhao seemed to have completely lost all his strength. He tremblingly stretched out his hand to caress the loach in the water, and the big loach rubbed his fingers back affectionately.

"Sister, they didn't take her away..." Ni Wa raised his head in disbelief, and looked inside the stone trough.

Hearing this, Ni Zhao looked at him the same way, but didn't say much, and quickly took out a fish skin bag made of unknown fish skin from the space.

The waterproof effect of the bag was very good, he directly immersed the bag in the water, and put the water and loach into the bag together.

The man carefully held the bag and was about to take the little loach back.

When the two left, Ni Wa took one last look at the empty camp with nostalgia.

Sister, are they really gone...

After returning to the tribe, Ni Zhao concealed what he was holding in his arms so that no one else could see it.

When he got home, little Ni Wa held the big fish skin bag and looked up at his brother busy packing things.

"Brother, are we going out?"

"Well, we left here and never came back."

"Ah?" Xiao Niwa's eyes widened in surprise, she wanted to say something, but couldn't say it, she could only babble her mouth in confusion.

"You wait here, I'll go out for a while." Ni Zhao looked very anxious, he rushed out after saying a few words, leaving only the little and golden loach with big eyes facing each other.

Looking at the golden loach in his arms, Ni Wa couldn't help muttering: "Who are you?"

Why did my brother react so strongly after seeing you, and actually wanted to leave the place where he lived for generations.

(End of this chapter)

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