Become a group pet after being dressed as a little white tiger in the beast world

Chapter 179 The familiar sound of falling to the ground

Chapter 179 The familiar sound of falling to the ground

Ni Wa originally ran out secretly by himself, because he never believed that his brother would really join forces with those bad guys.

The little loach lay persistently on the bottom of the water for a long time, so long that it was about to fall asleep, and then waited for Ni Zhao and the others to make a move.

It's a pity that the little orc's attention was attracted by the sister last time before seeing Ni Zhao go on a killing spree.

After seeing Yuyue, she completely forgot about her brother.

Under the cover of aquatic plants, he surfaced cautiously, and as soon as he hid behind the grass stem, he watched Yuyue pick up another little orc.

Last time she said she hated the turns out she really just hated him.

The little loach was so angry that he plunged into the water and drank a big mouthful of water.

Isn't it just drowning, he will, he will...well he won't.

Then he spit out the water from his mouth again with a thud.

Looking at the little girl who was giving first aid to the little orc, Ni Wa circled around the grass stem anxiously.

He wanted to go there, but there were quite a few aquatic orcs with sensitive perception in this water, so he dared not act rashly.

Being discovered is no small matter. Those Shui tribes who want to ambush people will clear the field in advance.

Outsiders, except for the big loach brought by Ni Zhao, were all driven away from here by them.

It seems that they are afraid that some of their innocent aquariums will fish in troubled waters and get a share of the pie.

The pseudo-eel with sucker-like mouthparts is the orc of the fish-trending tribe, and the one that looks like a piranha is the orc of the wolf-fish tribe.

Together with the crocodile tribe, the fish of these three races have been rampant in this watershed for a long time relying on their strong fighting power.

The natural disaster not long ago made the small river, which was not a good place, so wide.

The Crocodile tribe even named this river the Qishui River. Isn't it obvious that they want to dominate here?

Although Ni Wa is small, he understands many established rules, which is why the adults of the Water Loach Tribe let him go out to play by himself.

But perhaps no one thought that this little cub would have the guts to sneak into the hunting grounds of those tribes alone.

Ni Wa hid in the corner tangled like this, but not long after, Yu Yue suddenly got up and left.

she left!Little Loach's eyes lit up instantly.

He quickly dived to the bottom of the water, bypassing the underwater guards everywhere, and slipped out with ease.

Ni Zhao: Why your brother and I have been with them for so long, but I haven't figured out your skillful route.

The little loach quickly swam to the uninhabited shore, turned into a human form and climbed up.

Then, he followed Yuyue and her two backs and chased after them.

At this moment, the atmosphere between the two was somewhat depressed.

"I saw a farce." It was staged by so many innocent lives.

Hu Zhao said with no surprise: "What's the matter, the orcs have never been united in a real sense."

"Obviously such a smart orc, but sometimes he even lives worse than an inhuman wild wolf."

Worse than a wild wolf without humanity?
Yuyue suddenly thought of the group of big bad wolves pulling the sled, yes, no matter how anxious and tired they were on the road, they never abandoned their companions and clansmen.

If anyone is left behind, other gray wolves will stay in place to rest with it, and finally catch up with the main group together.

This kind of...deliberately killing your companions will never happen.

While Yuyue was in deep thought, Hu Zhao suddenly moved to her side with his hands behind his back, and asked curiously, "What kind of trick did you just do?"

"Which one?" The little girl asked with raised eyebrows, imitating his same backhand posture.

"Just...the one in the back."

"Oh, that's called CPR." She was dizzy from the farce just now, and now she just wants to go back and suck leopard.

"Want to learn?" Yuyue turned her head and saw the man nodded seriously.

Little Niqiu followed far behind, and could vaguely hear her patiently explaining the principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to Hu Zhao.

He was fascinated by the crisp and gentle voice, and then accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

Yu Yue heard the familiar sound of falling to the ground, and turned her head thoughtfully.

Sure enough, it was the little orc with wet hair that he had met before.

Looking at his animal skin skirt with drops of water hanging on it, Yuyue nodded knowingly, and finally understood why the kid's hair was always wet.

Feelings, he always climbs up from the water every time.

"What are you doing?" the little girl asked blankly.

"Sister..." Ni Wa pursed her small mouth tearfully, Yuyue was very confused by the look of crying or not.

Didn't she still look for her brother last time, why did she call her sister this time?

Yuyue pinched the center of her brows, and was about to speak when she saw him stumbling towards her.

"Don't move!" She stretched out a hand against Ni Wa's forehead, and gently pushed him away.

The little orc looked at her with a hurt face, as if he had been abandoned.

Yuyue twitched the corner of her mouth speechlessly: "No, you are a child of the Shui tribe, shouldn't I hide from you?"

Thinking of the bloody and wailing on the river just now, those things are always alerting her to stay away from that river and the water orcs.

Hu Zhao at the side shrugged his nose at this moment, and interrupted abruptly: "Hey, you are a little loach, right?"

Ni Wa didn't expect that this person would suddenly reveal his identity carelessly, and subconsciously took a few steps back when he heard this.

Why did you say it, why did you let your sister know?
Originally, she didn't like her because her brother was a villain, but now that she knew he was a dirty and weak loach, she would definitely dislike him even more.

The little orc, who was only as tall as Yuyue's waist, had a look of helplessness and pity on his thin and thin face.

When the little girl couldn't see it, it turned into resentment and hostility. If eyes could kill, Hu Zhao would have been dismembered by now.

Hu Zhao was not afraid of a cub's hostility, he even smiled contemptuously when he received the other's slap.

Relying on his petite and pitiful appearance, when he was rampant in the beast world, this little guy might not have been born yet.

Pretend to be pitiful in front of him, and he will reveal it to you in minutes.

The only one here who breathed a sigh of relief was probably Yuyue.

It turned out to be loach, loach is good, as long as it is not the two kinds of crushed corpse fish I saw in the river just now, it can be any fish.

"Let's go, little loach, go on looking for your brother, we're going home."

Yuyue waved her hands again and again, telling Ni Wa to leave quickly. Although she didn't hate the child, he followed her all the time, which made her feel guilty about abducting the child.

After saying this, the little girl dragged Hu Zhao away, for fear that the little orc would catch up again.

 〆(^) Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm busy with team building today, so I'm going to delay the update and give the children some time.

(End of this chapter)

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