Chapter 171 I'm just a passerby

Ni Zhao didn't expect that she would move her hand suddenly, and pulled her arm subconsciously in a panic.

But he found that the weak little hand that was holding him was so strong that he couldn't break free at all.

No wonder it was the orc who could defeat Ezun, under her hands, he was powerless to fight back.

After all, the man still knows the times, he swallowed unwillingly, and then said: "I can help you dispose of her body."

Ni Zhao: So... don't kill me to silence me (humble).

Hearing the other party's sinister words, the little girl rolled her eyes.

Good guy, this man and that guy on the ground should have an enmity, why are you so proactive in wanting to join the gang.

After pondering for a while, she said casually, "No, give me a rope first."

Although the other party looked like a green-ranked orc, if I hadn't been able to pretend to be aggressive, I would have been unable to bluff him just now.

She didn't want to seek skin from a tiger, so she sent him away quickly.

Ni Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked for a rope, so it turned out that the other party just wanted to kidnap, so Eren is not dead yet?

He quickly rummaged through the space, and found a large group of straw ropes at the bottom of the box.

The rope is not stronger than the kind of vines that Yu Nan often takes out, but it is better in that it can be obtained from anywhere, and it is easy to make.

So the orcs with their own space will carry a little bit of this kind of junk with them when they go out.

Ni Zhao was a little lucky, fortunately he also brought one, otherwise...

He handed her the straw rope directly, but Yuyue shook her head.

Then the little girl said unhurriedly: "Tie her up."

The man had a sinister and vicious face, but ran obediently without hesitation to help her tie her up.

Ni Zhao thought this way, as long as he was obedient enough, the bad woman in front of him would not kill him to silence him.

However, what he didn't expect was that the purpose of Yuyue's aggressiveness was just to test his bottom line.

I didn't expect him to be so obedient...

The man neatly tied up the comatose Eron circle by circle, then raised his head, waiting for her next instruction.


"Okay, let's go."

The big guy in the black fur cloak waved his hand casually, and let him go like that?
Ni Zhao couldn't believe it, it was over so easily?Will she suddenly come over to dig out his heart when he turns around?

After Yuyue finished speaking, she waited for him for a long time, only to find that the man had been hesitating in place, unwilling to leave.

Frowning, she said coolly, "Do you want to stay with her?"

This remark made Ni Zhao shake his head in fright, and ran away without saying a word.

Yuyue has already realized that when dealing with this weird man, the worse the attitude, the better the effect.

The more you bully him, the more at ease he looks.

After Ni Zhao left, the little girl gave the purple-rank orc on the ground a headache, then grabbed her foot resignedly, and dragged her away.

That's all, after all the beatings, she should take it back and let Baobao deal with it.

After a long while, there was a bang on the potholed land, and Erlong gritted his teeth and shook his head.

It turned out that he had knocked his head on a stone by the side of the road, and was woken up again.

I wanted to raise my hand to touch it, but found that I had been tied up by some broken grass ropes.

The exposed skin was also rubbed hot by the ground. If her crocodile skin was not thick enough, blood would have been rubbed all over the ground by now.

There are no proper roads in the forest, and all the ground is rough, and a stone will come out for a while, and a tree branch will come out for a while.

Just now when she woke up, she had knocked and knocked several times.

After silently slowing down for a while, she squinted her charming peach eyes and looked forward.

At this time, the person in front of her dragging her feet should be the black shadow that attacked her just now.

I saw that black shadow sneaking along the way, probably because he was afraid of encountering any living people, he always hid wretchedly behind the tree.

Cowardly like this, dare to sneak attack her?

Thinking of the black shadow that had cast a shadow on him just now, he seemed to be such a useless person.

She clicked her tongue meaninglessly, then lazily said, "Go west, there are fewer people in the west."

"Oh my god..." The little girl was already nervous, but at this moment, the cold and disdainful strange female voice rang out suddenly, which directly scared her into a shudder.

Yuyue looked back in panic, the brim of the hat was lowered at this time, that pale little face and special eyes made Efan feel startled.

She straightened her expression, and felt that she was not in such a hurry to break free from these straw ropes.

The woman on the ground was full of astonishment, but the mood of Yuyue who was standing was completely opposite to hers.

As soon as she turned her head, she found that the purple-rank orc who was knocked unconscious by herself had woken up at some point.

Those icy eyes were staring straight at him right now.

She dropped the woman's feet with a swish, and ran away, fearing that people would remember her appearance, and pulled up the cloak to cover the lower half of her face.

"Who are you?" The woman on the ground suddenly asked her with a smile.

"I'm a passer-by. I just saw that you were not well lying on the ground, so I wanted to take you home for treatment." The little girl said tentatively.

She gambled... When she knocked on someone just now, this woman hadn't seen who it was...

"Oh, thank you then." Er Yuan was completely easy-going, but his eyes were still fixed on her.

Seeing this, Yuyue approached her, and asked cautiously: "Hey, sister, you won't seek revenge on me in the future, will you?"

Er Fan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words: "Of course not, you saved me, how could I seek revenge?"

The little girl grinned, and quickly helped her up, leaning against a tree trunk beside her.

But he still dared not untie the rope tied to the other party.

The woman didn't seem to care about this, but smiled at her with a good temper, and said politely: "Thank you."

Hiss...Yuyue is getting more and more guilty, this sister looks really nice, she knocked him out so impulsively.

"It's very chaotic here, and it's close to those dark-hearted Shui tribes. It's dangerous for you to wander outside alone." The woman suddenly said to her earnestly.

Yuyue couldn't help but sneak a glance at her, the messy hair, the wound mixed with mud and blood, and the dirty body that was rubbed on the road.

Obviously a beautiful face, but it looks very hard.

Hmm... You, a purple-rank orc, look more dangerous than her.

The little girl faltered and said: "Well, I am anxious to find a friend, so..."

"What friend?" Erlong asked immediately.

She also seemed to have noticed the little girl's scruples, paused, and then received: "You see, I am also a purple-ranked orc. I know a lot of people. Whoever you want to find can definitely help you."

(End of this chapter)

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