Become a group pet after being dressed as a little white tiger in the beast world

Chapter 164 The dead black history suddenly got up and attacked the tiger

Chapter 164 The dead black history suddenly got up and attacked the tiger
In the water, once the aquarium wants to make a mess, it will be hard to guard against.

If Fu Nan took the tiger alone to cross the river, then it seems that it is not impossible, but the problem is that the two big cats also bring a large group of family members.

It stands to reason that She Lan and the big black fish are not inferior to each other in fighting in the water, but who made the big black fish start to get sick before fighting.

Fu Nan didn't want to take his tiger to take risks, but fortunately he decided to take the trouble to come over early to clear the roadblock.

"So that egg?"

"It's a toll for them."

"But that egg is not..." In the middle of speaking, Yuyue suddenly realized.

If you take advantage of the fire to rob, I will pretend to be fake, to see who can play better than whom.

"Then will they see it?" A scoundrel who has been around for more than ten years, even if it hasn't been broken, it must stink.

Yu Nan smiled and patted her head: "You will know when you see it later."

Sure enough, Fu Nan's determination and persistence did not turn over, and after a while, Chuantian climbed up slowly, waving his paws and pointing down, it seemed that he had dug up something good.

The two looked at each other, and Yu Nan put his arms around her waist, jumped decisively, and sneaked into the cave.

The big body of the excavator really has the advantage of being big. The hole dug out is just like the artificially built tunnel, wide and stable.

Maybe seeing Yuyue's novelty, Fu Nan slowed down and took her for a leisurely stroll.

Chuantian was still unsteadily following behind them, shaking his head to look for bugs to eat.

Hearing the crunching and popping sound, Yuyue recalled some bad memories, and couldn't help vomiting.

Fu Nan immediately squeezed her waist tightly, and asked seriously, "What's wrong?"

Of course Yuyue wouldn't tell him about her dark history, what a shame.

She waved her hand in embarrassment, and said weakly, "I just think it's disgusting to eat bugs."

Yu Nan nodded thoughtfully, but the next sentence made Yu Yue's whole body crack.

"I remember that you liked to eat moths very much. You took one bite at a time, and you still ate it even after you were fainted by the poison."

Yuyue raised her head abruptly and looked at him in shock.

Isn't that dark history known only to her little baby Totoro? ? !

Shouldn't this kind of embarrassing thing quickly disappear from the memory of those who know it as time goes by?

" did you know..." She likes to eat moths?

Bah, bah, bah... She doesn't like to eat at all, doesn't she like to eat!
"I saw it." Yu Nan said with some embarrassment.

In that case, would Ah Yue think that he was spying on her with ill intentions?

Yuyue patted the man's chest, and began to defend herself solemnly: "Don't get me wrong, I don't like to eat that kind of food, I just went to taste it that time."

Fearing that Fu Nan would misunderstand that she really likes to eat moths, and was afraid of exposing her original predicament, she rolled her small eyes and started talking nonsense.

Hearing this, Yu Nan stroked her hair, and said seriously: "It's okay, if you still want to eat, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the little girl staring at him with squinted eyes, and she seemed to be gnashing her teeth.

Suddenly realizing that the atmosphere was not right, and what he said was a bit silly, Yu Nan pursed his lips and did not speak again.

He hastily pulled the hat on the little girl's head, directly covering most of her face, only a small pointed chin was exposed.

"Let's go, let's take you to find the neck feather dragon's egg."

After that, he hurriedly led her and walked quickly.

It seemed that it was the first time she saw Yu Nan so frightened, Yuyue was no longer angry, and she secretly grinned as she ran.

"Hahaha Baobao, why are you in a hurry all of a sudden?"

Fu Nan didn't speak, but her ears were inexplicably red. After Yuyue noticed it, she touched it curiously.

Hmm... It's even more red.

Fu Nan took off her hand, hugged her directly by the waist, and ran to the end of the burrow at the fastest speed, which was their destination.

While the pangolin was eating, it realized that the two people had disappeared again.

Chuan Tian: Really speechless, as soon as he raised his head, the two of them would be distorted, and as soon as he lowered his head, they would run away.

Flicking his big strong tail, he waddled after him.

Yu Nan tried to attract Yuyue's attention with the big neck feather dragon egg, but unfortunately this trick didn't work.

In front of the giant egg, Yuyue was still clinging to Fu Nan's body, she put her arms around his neck and asked resolutely, "Why are your ears so red!"

The man was so disturbed, he thought that she was actually a coward, so he suddenly turned his face to meet her gaze.

As the man's handsome face got closer and closer, the little girl let go of her hand suddenly, and ran to the side of the giant egg.

Patting the big egg, she said with emotion as if nothing had happened: "Hey, Baobao, look at this egg, it's really big."

Hmm... the transition was pretty quick.

Now it was Yuyue's turn to blush, Feng Shui took turns, Fu Nan burst out laughing.

Before she couldn't put it on, he cooperated solemnly: "Yes, the eggs of the neck feather dragon are very special, and they are as hard as rocks before they break the shell. No one can tell whether the eggs are good or bad except for themselves. of."

"This is the egg of the Necked Dragon?" Chuantian, who had turned into a human form, appeared behind them at some point, looking at the giant egg with a look of shock.

He has done a big project, who in the beast world doesn't know how precious and rare the eggs of the neck feather dragon are.

Of course, the neck-feathered dragon clan has always known that the orcs hunted them down, so in order to protect the offspring of the race, the places they look for when laying eggs and hatching eggs are very hidden.

I heard that there is also a specific area, which is where all the neck feathers go back to when they give birth.

No orcs have ever been able to find that place, and some people may have found it, but none of them have the ability to bring this information out alive.

So outside, meeting a neck feather dragon egg will definitely make people orcs boil.

Chuan Tian was full of emotion and excitement, he scratched his eyes foolishly, thinking that he could brag about this matter for the rest of his life.

In the future, whoever has a job can't come to him, he is a mountain pangolin that has dug up a dragon's egg with a neck feather.

Yuyue glanced at him, then looked back at Fu Nan: "Baobao, it's so big, how can we take it out?"

Fu Nan casually raised his hand to touch it, and immediately put the giant egg into the space.

"Inanimate things can be put into the space."

So this egg is really hopeless...

Yuyue is still a little regretful, she remembers that Baobao helped her rescue the dead Xiaojiu last time, she thought maybe he could try this dead bastard...

Leopard: I just know a little about first aid, I won't be able to bring the dead back to life yet.

After Yu Nan collected the eggs, the three of them could finally leave.

 Hugs are a bit too much lately, there are not many hugs in human form, and they become tigers. Hugging is heavy. In order to lighten the burden on Fu Nan, I will add more hugs in these chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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