Chapter 153

As she ran, Yu Yue felt that the temperature around her was changing more and more obviously.

So after the two of them ran for almost a whole day, she suddenly realized that there was no snow in sight.

Until the night fell completely, the black panther barely stopped, flicked its tail leisurely, and signaled to Hu that this was the end of the two's itinerary for today.

That relaxed look, as if he just watched others run all day today.

It made Hu, who was already grinning and panting heavily, jealous beyond recognition.

The absence of snow does not mean that there is vitality, and the withered forest looks desolate.

It didn't look any better than the snow covered in silver, but she still couldn't believe it when she saw the land she hadn't seen for a long time.

After all, these days, watching the snow during the day and watching the snow at night, even catching a prey has to dig a snow hole, which makes Hu Zi's already difficult eyesight even more difficult.

She clenched her paws, and while trying to stabilize her tired, vain steps, she couldn't help but look around curiously.

After chasing the panther all day, this is definitely the most exercise day in her life.

It's a pity that she is no longer the tiger she used to be. Now breaking through the limit of exercise is just like playing.

Fu Nan knew best how to combine work and rest for the child. As soon as Hu Zi stopped, he turned his head and stuffed a blue crystal into Hu Zi's mouth.

After running for a day, it is very suitable to absorb the crystal nucleus energy at this time.

He probably doesn't want to sleep, Yu Nan thought, even if he fell asleep, it's okay, he is not too big for such a big tiger.

Sure enough, not only did Yuyue not feel drowsy this time, but she also seemed to have been installed with a new battery, and she quickly regained her vitality.

Without feeling tired at all, he turned his head and jumped up to a tall tree next to him. The cat looked left and right among the bare tree branches.

Without the cover of white snow, the big white tiger climbed to such a high place, it looked very conspicuous.

Yu Nan sat weakly on the ground, propped his chin and sighed dryly.

Well, if I knew it earlier, I would not have given her food.

"What is that!" Under the dim moonlight, the seemingly peaceful forest suddenly became noisy.

"Are they coming to attack us?"


"It's a tribe."

"The one who looks stupid is definitely not a fox."

Huzi was so frightened by the sudden human voice that he almost lost his footing and slid down the branch.

She stretched out her claws and hugged the tree trunk next to her helplessly, and looked around with her big head, but she still couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Hey, what are you doing here!"

"Yeah, what are you?"

"It's a tastes like a tiger"

"Impossible, tigers don't have such beautiful white fur."

"Hiding in the tree and looking around, it's not good to see it."

The unknown organization below is still discussing the 'fair and fair' tiger hiding in the tree.

The protagonist under discussion scratched the trunk nervously, and innocently turned his head to look at the man sitting on the ground with a relaxed face.

"Wow." Leopard, did you hear that, someone...

Fu Nan couldn't hold it back, supported his forehead and chuckled, waved his hand, calling her to come down.

After receiving the order, Hu Zi carefully climbed down the tree trunk, and hid behind the man with a vigilant face.

When everyone from the Snow Fox Clan chased after them, what they saw was a purple-rank orc sitting on the ground with an old god, and looked at them with his chin resting on his face leisurely.

And the sneaky white tiger just now was hiding behind him.

The tiger's furry paws were leaning on the man's back, which ruined his pretentious aura a lot.

Fu Nan didn't mind, he just hooked the corners of his mouth and didn't say a word, that silent look made the Xuehu people who were a little caught off guard even more nervous.

"My lord, are you passing by too?" In the frozen atmosphere, a slender and tall man stood up at this moment.

The appearance is so cold and lonely, it looks like an unattainable snow-covered sacred flower.

However, his demeanor is indeed approachable and easy to bully.

Although it is also gentle, it is completely different from the impression given by the gentle and beautiful He Chen.

If He Chen's gentleness is natural and comfortable, Baobao's gentleness is also mixed with frightening temptation and disharmony.

There was an inexplicable sense of humbleness and weakness in the gentle voice of the man opposite.

Yu Yue: Big brother, you are so beautiful, why are you so humble, give me a boost!
Hu Zi tilted his head to observe him, and nodded his head in a way of saving face.

Yes, yes, we were passing by too.

Hu Bingli was originally worried because he didn't get a response from the purple-ranked orcs.

But seeing the big tiger nodding behind him, he was secretly relieved, and smiled gratefully at her.

Hu Zi shook his head and grinned, and flicked his tail eagerly: You ask again, you ask again.

Hu Bingli received the signal, thought for a while, and then asked after thinking for a while: "My lord, are you going to rest here tonight?"

Yuyue raised her head and thought for a while, it's getting dark today, Baobao must be staying here overnight.

Then he nodded heavily on the tiger's head again.

Just as Hu Bingli wanted to smile at her again, the tribe behind him poked him lightly on the back.

He suggested in a low voice that he could invite this Master Zijie to stay overnight with him.

He frowned when he heard the words, held his fingers hesitantly, and finally asked cautiously.

"My lord, our Snow Fox Clan just found a big cave, or..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Hu Zi quickly shook his head.

But no, no, she and Baobao don't really like being crowded with too many strangers.

After all, it is a social horror and a world-weary...

Every time Yuyue saw a strange orc, she didn't even dare to change her human form.

Seeing her shaking her head and rejecting, Hu Bingli was relieved and at the same time felt a little lost.

"Okay then, let's...don't disturb your lord for now." He tried his best to smile gently, but any fool could see that it was a stiff and wry smile.

After the members of the fox clan left, Fu Nan frowned, and turned to look at the innocent tiger wagging his tail. Who was that fox talking to just now?

Fu Nan patted Hu's head, and told her earnestly: "When you meet people from the Snow Fox Clan in the future, if I'm not around, stay away from them."

Yuyue tilted her head when she heard the words, and directly raised her claws to grab his shoulders to express her curiosity.

Yu Nan smiled, took out her two-piece skirt and cloak from the space, stuffed it into Hu's mouth, and signaled her to change into a human being first.

Tiger: Alright o(^`)o
After she quickly changed her clothes, Fu Nan turned his head and asked with a smile: "Didn't you notice that there was something wrong with the group of people just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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