Escape to Farmland

Chapter 775 Please take me with you if you leave

Chapter 775 Please take me with you if you leave
While the elders listened quietly, Xia Quan continued:
"As for me, I was a young biology academician and a professor of the Academy of Dragon Sciences at the time, and I had many surviving researchers under my command."

When she said something, she paused slightly, and looked at Xiao Chong with a hint of reverence in her eyes.

"It was you who personally brought two guards to invite our team to help develop a drug to restrain the virus."

"It was also during this period that when I woke up after going into shock due to long-term lack of sleep, I realized that I had changed my place and my body."

"Xiao Quan."

Ding Qingan was shocked again by what she said, "Don't say that, you are Xiaoquan, not someone else."

"Listen to me."

Xia Quan patted the man's big hand comfortingly, "The original soul of this body, that child named Yaya..."

"Before I came, she died of hunger, and her soul had already dissipated. That is to say, her brother would not survive if I didn't come."

"After accepting this body, I will take on the responsibility and obligation of raising her younger brother."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ding Qing'an seriously: "Xiao Huan doesn't know about this matter, and I hope he never knows about it."

"Don't worry, I won't tell Xiaohuan."

Ding Qing'an nodded seriously, and at the same time looked at several elders.

Both the third elder and Xiao Chong nodded solemnly: "The fourth elder is right, we will not let that child know the truth."

With everyone's promise, Xia Quan continued: "At the same time, this time I came, I heard a voice in my mind sending me a mission, asking me to save people..."

Everyone knew what happened afterwards, so she didn't repeat it.

The old people finally figured it out after hearing this: "That is to say..."

"It is this mysterious existence that sends missions in your mind to provide you with those supplies."

Cheng Xiuxian analyzed, "And you use these materials to do missions to rescue victims, so as to get the reward you deserve."


Telling the truth, Xia Quan only felt relaxed, and his tone was a little more brisk.

"So, when our sister and brother's life settled down, I opened the physical store outside."

"So that it is convenient for people from all ages on this plane to come in and buy what they need."

"A laboratory was built in the dark, and we seized the time to conduct new experiments, hoping to prevent possible global tragedies before the mission of this plane is completed."

"You should have told me sooner."

Ding Qingan said distressedly, "In this way, I can choose to learn the same knowledge as you, so as to help you develop and deal with those viruses together."

"No, actually you've been helping me."

Xia Quan looked at the man beside him, "Because my goal now is not to wait for the disaster to happen and then use medicine to overcome poison."

"It's about discovering the source of the disaster in advance, so as to nip it in the bud in advance."

"So, I was very happy to find out that you are interested in mathematical physics, and even study these subjects beyond my reach."

"Because only by studying these subjects far beyond the previous ones, can we achieve the early launch and early exploration of the more distant galaxies beyond the Emperor Star, so as to achieve the purpose of discovering and killing the source of the disaster."

"Don't worry, Xiaoquan, I will work harder to study these subjects, and strive to achieve the goal of entering the starry sky in advance."

At this moment, Ding Qing'an also lost his love for his children, "I will not let such a catastrophe befall our Emperor Star."

Having said that, he looked at her seriously again: "Xiao Quan, you promise me that even if you have to leave this plane in the future, please take me with you."

(End of this chapter)

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