Escape to Farmland

Chapter 537 Is it Zhuang's driver or

Chapter 537 Is Zhuang Mou’s Driver Or?
"Gossip is not exclusive to girls."

Xia Quan got up with a smile and walked to the backyard, "Be careful when speaking in front of that person in the future."

"It's better not to say it."

"Of course, if you have to say it, say it louder and simpler, so that the students around you can hear it clearly, so as not to be discredited by him."

Ding Qingan caught up: "Actually, that classmate is kind-hearted."

"He's a little... How should I put it?"

The boy couldn't think of the right words to describe that classmate for a while, and was a little distracted.

Xia Quan saw that his foot was about to step on the ground, so he stretched out his hand to help him helplessly: "Concentrate."

"Ah, Xiao Quan is so kind."

Being held back by Xia Quan, Ding Qingan came back to his senses, only to realize that he almost stepped on the air and wrestled just now.

"It's a good thing you stopped me, otherwise fourth brother would be ashamed."

"Be careful in the future, no matter how distracted you are, you have to leave a point to pay attention to safety."

Xia Quan let go of his hand and walked to the kitchen first.

In the evening, there were ready-made dishes, so Xia Quan didn't plan to cook anything else. He just cooked some rice and warmed up the dishes and soup that Ding Qing'an brought back.

After resting for about half an hour after the meal, the two practiced in the yard for a while.

At this moment, a car horn sounded outside the courtyard.

Not long after, there was a polite knock on the door.

Xia Quan looked at Ding Qing'an, who turned around without hesitation and said, "I'll go and open the door."

Seeing him walking quickly towards the gate of the courtyard, Xia Quan went back to the house and took out the tea set.

"Come in and sit."

Ding Qing'an brought a tall and burly man in, and Xia Quan happened to come out with a tea set.

Seeing this man, Xia Quan smiled and said, "Uncle Qin, please sit down."

"You're welcome."

Xiao Qin, the full-time driver that Zhuang Jingyan brought from Yanjing, said politely, "Xiao Quan's injury is already fully healed."

"It's okay, it's a sin to let everyone worry about it."

Xia Quan signaled Xiao Qin to sit down beside the stone table and chair on the other side of the ginkgo tree, "It's brighter outside, Uncle Qin doesn't mind."

"Don't mind, don't mind."

Xiao Qin put down the net bag in his hand, "This is a recovery gift that our leader asked me to give to Xiao Quan, please accept it."

"I wish you, brothers and sisters, all health and happiness, and never have anything to do with evil."

"Uncle Zhuang's blessing, we accept it."

Xia Quan said politely: "I also wish Uncle Zhuang and you all good health and happiness."


After talking with Xiao Qin here for a while, after drinking two cups of tea, Xia Quan got up and said, "Uncle Qin, fourth brother, you talk, I'll go to the backyard to tidy up."

"You are busy, you are busy, don't be polite to me."

Xiao Qin hurriedly got up to see her off, saw her turn around and went to the backyard, and then sat down again.

"Tell me, is there any news from home?"

When Xia Quan disappeared around the corner, Ding Qingan changed his usual gentle demeanor and looked at Xiao Qin like a god.

"Young commander..."

"Don't, just call me Brother An."

Ding Qing'an waved his hand, signaling to Xiao Qin not to call him young and handsome.

He didn't feel worthy of the title.

Especially during the period of living with Xia Quan, I always heard a sentence from her intentionally or unconsciously: "How much weight is there to bear the responsibility of what identity."

"Don't listen to what people tell you, but what they think about you in their bones."

Although these words are mostly taught to Xia Huan.

But Ding Qing'an still vaguely felt that it was also very useful to him.

When he was in Yanjing, Ding Qing'an was quite proud of everyone calling him that for the sake of his father and brothers.

Since coming to Ningjiapo Village and actually living with Xia Quan's siblings, the young man feels that his mentality has been greatly sublimated.

(End of this chapter)

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