Chapter 130 70s Green Tea Educated Youth (17)

Jiang Yihua has never been at this moment, so disgusted with himself who gave birth to greed, which is a kind of tarnish to the little girl, but the more he suppresses this kind of thought, the more strength he has to rebound.

He entered the room, picked up the water bottle, left without saying a word.

Chi Yun'er took the water with a basin, and the whole dormitory area was unbelievably quiet, giving people a strange feeling that she was the only one in the world in broad daylight.

She hurried into the house and wiped it with a rag.

In such a positive working environment, people who are lazy can feel endless guilt, and then die in anger and hit the wall, right?
But under the passionate surface, there are actually a lot of filth, such as her in the past, and Jiang Yihua who was killed because she was far away from the capital...

Jiang Yihua came back from fetching water for a while, brought her a briquette stove, and sent a carton of briquettes, firewood and hay.

This was not enough, he saw that there were only stoves and no stoves, so he went to the canteen warehouse to pick up some pots and pans, and made a set abruptly.

He went to the logistics department again, and exchanged his work points for brooms, mops, dustpans, etc., as if he was rushing to live a small life, and wanted to buy everything in one go!
Chi Yun'er had already sat down and rested, holding a glass of malted milk and sipping it, watching him coming in and out, her brows and eyes frowned, feeling very comfortable.

When he could no longer think of what was missing, he touched the sweat on his forehead, and Jiang Yihua's gaze continued to rest on the little girl's shiny earlobe:
"I'll go to the office to see if Director Qi has switched your job with someone else."

Chi Yun'er stood up with a chuckle, and grabbed the corner of his white shirt:
"Brother Yihua, aren't you tired? In the early morning, you didn't stop for a second, and you worked harder than the ants that went out to look for food. I guess many people secretly watched your jokes."

"Even if you're serious, I'm not as considerate as you, that is," she said with a bright smile, "Even Brother Zishi, he can't do it to your level."

"It's like," she pursed her lips, couldn't help but smiled and put her head against his arm, "my mother took me to my father, and the little couple who hadn't seen each other for more than half a year finally ushered in the reunion moment."

"At that time, my dad was like Brother Yihua, he was so happy that he didn't know what to do, he came and went to move things around the house."

"Even if I have nothing to do, I have to go around a few times. I'm afraid that my mother will lack this and that, and won't see his sincere heart, and she will leave as if she dislikes the difficult conditions."

Jiang Yihua's whole body was stiff, and he felt that instead of getting better, his illness was getting worse.

Ever since Chi Yun'er pulled his clothes, he felt an itchy urge to peel off his skin.

But he was greedy for this touch of dependence, this ray of fragrance, and this playful smile, forcibly bearing the itch of destroying the world, he stayed still for fear of hurting the little girl's heart.

Truly half hell, half heaven.

"Ah, brother Yihua, are you suffering from heat stroke, why are you so red in the face?"

Chi Yun'er raised her head and saw Jiang Yihua's blushing abnormally, she couldn't help but tiptoed and touched his forehead with her palm.

Jiang Yihua pinched her wrist and tensed his jaw, wanting to preach to her, the little girl should be reserved and not be too close to a man, especially a man like him who has been single for a long time and may turn into a wolf at any time.

But the words changed, "Do you still have mung beans? Why don't you cook some rock sugar mung bean soup?"

"Everyone is hot and thirsty after a day of exhaustion. Although we don't need to invite people to dinner to connect with each other, a bowl of mung bean soup can improve everyone's impression of you."

Chi Yun'er nodded with a chuckle, "Okay, I'll listen to Brother Yihua."

Jiang Yihua let go of her wrist, took a big step to the side, nodded and ran away as if being chased.

The smile on Chi Yuner's face gradually faded, remembering what Jiang Zishi said outside the window last night without giving up.

"Yun'er, I really like you, but I can't go back to the city and can't give you a good life, so I don't want to delay you. Now I regret it, go to the fucking marriage and future, I only want you..."

"No one in this world treats you better than me. Marriage is just a matter of paper. Isn't my love for you enough?"

"Without my protection, you are a shining jewel, and men everywhere are coveting you. You will definitely regret pushing me away..."

Jiang Zishi's mouth was parched, but the woman in the room still didn't respond at all.

He couldn't help but ruthlessly said:
"Do you think everything will be fine with my brother protecting you?"

"Heh, that's really funny. I'm not afraid that you will know. My brother is a eunuch. He has been suffering from misophobia since he was a child. He can't touch a woman's finger at all. Otherwise, he will be allergic all over his body. In severe cases, he can hold his breath!"

"Haha, he will never be a man in his life, let alone get married..."

"So what if he's good, he's a fucking cripple..."

"Otherwise, if you think he is so good, would my parents let him remain single? How could they take advantage of you, a beautiful, stupid woman?"

Chi Yun'er lowered her head and looked at her hands. There was a faint blush on her wrists, and there was still a man's palm on it, which was different from the scorching temperature of ordinary people. Fate always liked to play jokes on her.

Jiang Yihua ran out of the yard as if fleeing, calmed his breath, and walked slowly towards the office building. The discomfort on his body gradually subsided with the breeze of summer.

Director Qi smiled when he saw him and said:
"I'm going to look for you, the thing you asked me to do yesterday has been done!"

"Do you remember Zhiqing Yu?"

Jiang Yihua raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Remember, it was the female educated youth who married someone from Xialin Village and moved away?"

"Yes, she married a soldier, so after marriage, she enjoys the treatment of a military member. She doesn't have to continue working in the fields, but becomes a warehouse manager." Director Qi said with a smile.

"However, her partner has been promoted recently, and a family building has been assigned. The family wants the young couple to reunite, so the position of the warehouse manager is vacant."

"Our farm only accepts educated youth, and the family is unwilling to let go of a job opportunity. Things have been deadlocked."

"Isn't Zhiqing Chi here now? Several of our leaders had a meeting to discuss it, and then we found Zhiqing Yu and asked her to communicate with her family, and finally settled the matter for you!"

Speaking, Director Qi pushed a form over, "Let Chi Zhiqing fill out the application form, and she will be a part of our farm from now on."

"Of course, she also sent a job transfer letter to Zhiqing Yu. As for who will take up the post, it's none of our business."

Jiang Yihua thanked Director Qi with a smile, took the form and walked to the dormitory, saw a beautiful figure flashing through the window in the dormitory where he had lived for more than a year, and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

When did he become so affectionate?
In the final analysis, no matter how advanced a person is, he is just a poor worm who is occasionally occupied by instinct.

He lowered his head to look at the application form, and still knocked on the door bravely, without taking a step inside, "Xiaochi, after you fill out this form, give me the job transfer letter."

"I can go to work in the warehouse of our farm today."

Chi Yun'er nodded with a smile, she still couldn't help revealing her joy, and took the form.

As if performing a certain ceremony, with infinite piety in her heart, she filled in her information carefully and neatly, wishing she could spend two lifetimes of effort!

Holding two pieces of paper, Jiang Yihua couldn't help telling her:

"The work in the warehouse is not tiring, but it's not easy. You just persevere a little bit, and it will be fine after your parents transfer you away."

"The director who manages the warehouse is a bit serious, but she's not a bad person. You do what she tells you. There's nothing wrong with saying less and doing more!"

"With working experience on a farm, when you return to the city to report to your work unit, the work arrangements will definitely be better than those of others."

Chi Yun'er listened carefully, nodding her head again and again, her face showing yearning for a better life after returning to the city.

Having experienced the darkest days of her life, Chi Yun'er has erected a hard armor all over her body, and is vigilant towards everyone.

She thought that even if she went back to the city in the future, Gao Li's heart would not be completely let go.

Originally, she thought that she had found a temporary refuge, but she did not expect that there was a refuge, only a window was left, and the door was not opened for her to enter...

"I cooked the mung bean soup and put it at the door. You can pick it up after work." She smiled and pointed to the mung bean soup that continued to simmer over a low heat. "Remember to leave me the bottom of the pot."

Jiang Yihua was taken aback for a moment, then laughed lowly: "Okay, I'll keep it for you."

After being delayed all morning, Jiang Yihua couldn't stay here anymore, so he told her about his usual work and made sure that she could find him for help around the clock.

Who knew that this girl was not only ungrateful, but also laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out, "At this moment, Brother Yihua is like a child who goes out to play, Baba reports his whereabouts to his parents. !"

Jiang Yihua replied with a grumpy smile: "What benefits can I ask you for?"

But he gave the answer in his heart, what can a man do by being courteous to a woman?

He is also an ordinary person, he can't control his body, wishing he could, wishing he could give her his whole body and mind.This hormonal impulse made him want to stop, but he was helpless.

He replied: "Then just now you asked me to save the bottom of the pot for you, isn't it more like a baby who misses the delicious food at home and is reluctant to go out?"

Chi Yun'er rolled her eyes slightly. Although she had been trapped in the village in her previous life, she was surrounded by mountains and forests. There were farms, and later with the support of organizational skills and funds, the whole village began to farm. Fruit trees are also extensively planted.

The economic benefits of the fruit are very considerable. As long as you choose the right variety and the plants are good, with the excellent natural living environment here, everyone who works hard can make a fortune and build a small villa.

Electrical appliances and electronic products poured in one by one, and Chi Yuner's understanding of the development of the outside world came from the TV.

When she is really crazy, she is more honest, a little silly, and she does what others say. This state is normal in the eyes of others.

But when she was sober, she would not cooperate with those evil people to do bad things, pretending to be crazy, not to mention working, she would either smash things or bite people.

If she was locked in the house and tied up, she would hit the wall, bite her tongue and self-mutilate, or go on a hunger strike.

If she hadn't been too skilled in counterfeiting, Er Liuzi's family would have kicked her out of the house long ago.The family has money, what kind of normal woman can't find it?
Later they discovered that when the TV was turned on, she would quiet down and even tune the channel, so exhausted and thankful, they let the TV play tricks on this lunatic!

Chi Yuner's world is dark.

She yearns for the outside world, just like a child, curious about everything.

She never watches TV dramas, movies, or entertainment programs that waste time. Instead, she likes some scientific and educational programs, and one of them analyzes people's psychology.

This is one of her favorite programs, and it mentions the treatment of various phobias.

Fear does not arise without reason. It is necessary to find the root cause and carry out reasonable and targeted counseling, and it must be combined with effective training to slowly attack fear directly.

Thinking of this, Chi Yun'er's eyes flashed with cunning, she laughed and threw herself directly at her broad chest that she had been thinking about for a long time, and softly shouted at him: "Dad..."

Jiang Yihua felt as if he had been hit by a click, every inch of his skin seemed to be on fire, and the itching was fierce, but before he could suppress and escape with fear in his heart, he was scorched by Chi Yuner's two words... …

He knew that he was a few years older than her, but he wasn't too old, right?
This little girl shamelessly called his father, tsk, he was ashamed to think about it, let alone let him call his peers this and that!
"Xiaochi, you, this joke is not funny," he glared at her.

Looking at his swollen face, Chi Yun'er pursed her lips and smiled nonchalantly, "Okay, Brother Yihua, I won't bother you anymore."

"It has delayed you all morning, so hurry up and go to work."

After Jiang Yihua went out, he felt the aftermath of itching on his body, and he suddenly stopped in place. Just now...

He was hugged by Chi Yuner just now, it seems that it lasted more than three or five seconds, a full half a minute, right?

I remember the last time when he squeezed a train, he was very close to a woman, and a large area of ​​skin was in contact with each other. In less than ten seconds, red rashes appeared all over his body, and he was short of breath, his chest was heavy and he rolled his eyes.

Although he had adverse reactions when he was close to Chi Yun'er, the reaction was extremely violent at first, but after his attention was diverted, he didn't feel overwhelmed anymore.

Jiang Yihua didn't know whether it was because his tolerance to the scratching pain had increased, or because he felt differently about Chi Yun'er and his body reacted differently?
Either way, the situation was better than he had imagined.

At this moment, he only realized later that just now, he was hugged by Chi Yun'er, and the soft and full body of the woman Xinxiang reappeared in his mind very concretely at this moment.

His whole body was itching and aching, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Jiang Yihua took a deep breath, clenched his fists, he was about to be tortured crazy by Chi Yun'er, everyone in this world has a nemesis!

For the mischievous, cute and cute girl whose yearning affects his work and life, he can't be beaten, scolded, or even sternly preached, so what else can he do but suffer?

After cooking the mung bean soup, Chi Yun'er moved the pot outside the window, packed herself up, put on her bag and locked the door and window, and headed towards the warehouse.

The warehouse is not far away, and it is also a row of red brick houses, but it is more vertical and horizontal, and the height is not comparable to that of ordinary dormitories.

"It's Chi Zhiqing, right?" A woman with short ear-length hair came up to her with a smile, held her hand, and looked her up and down: "It really is the person we Comrade Jiang likes, looking at this beautiful and outstanding appearance , Let alone our entire farm, it is hard to find one in Kyoto!"

Chi Yuner asked in surprise: "Sister is also from Kyoto?"

"That's not true," the woman whispered to her with a chuckle, "My name is Chen Xinyao, and Comrade Jiang is not only a fellow villager, but also a high school alumnus."

"My family's conditions are not bad. I know that I can't suffer too much, and I don't expect to work more to support my family. So I was not deceived by the blood in my head at first, and I went directly to the warehouse to work down-to-earth."

"Although the salary and benefits I get are not high, I don't have to face the land with my back to the sky. I am exhausted every day, and I have changed myself from a flowery girl to an aunt..."

"It turned out that I was too prescient. Now those people who are controlled by passion are secretly begging grandpa to tell grandma to be transferred to logistics, but how can there be so many positions for them?"

Speaking of which, she proudly held her head up.

Then she smiled and said, "But compared with Chi Zhiqing, I'm far behind."

"Before you came to report, Jiang Zhiqing came here to take the lead for you, not only in the warehouse, but also in the office building. I'm afraid we will make you angry!"

"Don't forget that we didn't see Comrade Jiang's unsmiling face changed, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the ears."

"This is not a greeting to us, it is clearly announcing to the world that his partner is coming."

Chi Yun'er opened her mouth slightly, expressing her surprise.

Her relationship with Jiang Yihua isn't that good, is it?
But it's hard to say, the things between men and women can't be explained by common sense, and he was busy with his own moving before, which is not bad.

He is also the son of the Jiang family, and he is also courteous to women, but Jiang Yihua and Jiang Zishi are fundamentally different.

She couldn't stand Chen Xinyao's teasing, her face was flushed and she pursed her lips and chuckled, "Brother Hua is warm and generous."

"Tsk tsk, that's not it." Chen Xinyao shook his head with a smile, "He looks warm and generous, but when it comes to personal matters, he really doesn't take the hard way, and he can't overcome thirty-six tricks."

"Comrade Jiang is very popular in our farm. How many comrades are staring at us? There are female college students from the Imperial University who chased us from our capital, there are charming girls from Shanghai, there are girls from Northeast China, and there are girls from Sichuan."

"They went to look for Comrade Jiang when they had nothing to do. However, Comrade Jiang left when he saw them far away. Even if he was blocked, he would stab a few words in the face coldly, which was enough for thin-skinned lesbians to wipe their tears and run away."

"Even if some lesbians are not afraid of his tricks, it's like Lin Xiulan, a female college student at the Imperial University, who used her identity as a scorekeeper to hang around Comrade Jiang all day long, hoping to have a long-term relationship."

"But Comrade Jiang has to keep a distance of at least one meter from her every time. When she takes a step forward, Comrade Jiang takes a step back. How many people can bear the obvious attitude of dodging? Are they just following Comrade Jiang's rules helplessly?" ..."

(End of this chapter)

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