Chapter 254 My dad is 1.9 meters five

Liu Jitong was eventually left at home.

The three of Ye Manman went to Cheng Yuan's school first.

They plan to find Xia Yu'an together.

Of course, it was Ye Manman and Jiang Yuan who were waiting on the bench downstairs in the dormitory. Cheng Yuan went to the dormitory to say hello to Xia Yu'an before inviting her out to play.

Sitting downstairs, watching the people coming and going in their school talking and laughing, Ye Manman felt a little emotional.

"I found that this school is very popular."

Jiang Yuan didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

Ye Manman sighed when she thought of those students in her school who were busy studying all day.

"I feel that the students in this school live more like real people. The students in Tsinghua University are under too much pressure. The students on campus are always in a hurry, with notebooks or books in their hands. They go to the library every day. The road is very quiet. Sometimes there is movement and movement, and most of them are reciting or practicing."

"Almost everyone doesn't have any spare time activities, let alone go shopping arm in arm on weekends like us. Everyone seems to put a lot of pressure on themselves, and they take the time to study every day. I don't know if it's because of the past few years. Because the college entrance examination has just resumed, everyone's family members have set too high expectations."

Jiang Yuan doesn't like reading, so she doesn't really believe that there are people who really love reading and studying. Such a boring life is really boring.

But after hearing what Ye Manman said, she understood those people who put their heads into their studies and didn't spend time having fun.

"That's true. In fact, there is something I didn't tell you, because it's A Ji's private matter."

"I'll tell you one person quietly, don't tell others."

Jiang Yuan quietly approached Ye Manman and said in a low voice.

"Actually, before the accident happened in Ah Ji's family, after he was admitted to university, his family even hosted a grand feast to invite relatives to dinner. At that time, many people flattered and flattered him because he was about to become a college student. Even those relatives who hadn’t been in touch for 80 years rushed over.”

"Later, something happened to their family, and all the relatives who had said good things before were silent. Really, I can't even imagine how shocking this incident must be. I can see through people's hearts at once. Ah Ji has been here until now Not very willing to bring up college and those things.”

"Your school is amazing. Those students who passed the exam are probably in the same situation. There are only tens of thousands of them. Each of them must have many relatives who have placed high hopes on them. They may even have given them gifts. If you don't work hard, you can't do it. If it’s not good, I won’t be able to work in the future, so why pay those gifts.”


Ye Manman also understood their thoughts very well.

No way, that's how it is in this age.

are too poor.

A college student is almost equal to the hope of a village or even a town.

With the expectations of so many people on his back, how dare he stop to have fun.

Sometimes, climbing too high is indeed easy to carry more.

If you climb to the middle position, you can rest and catch your breath.

Just like the students in this school.

The scores are also high, but not to a particularly high degree.

Everyone is very strict with themselves, they will study hard, but they will also take proper rest.

After all, the pressure is not that great.

So instead live more like a complete person.

There are joys and sorrows.

While the two of them were chatting, Cheng Yuan returned to the dormitory.

She knows the habits of her roommates.

The other two roommates go home every week because their home is in Beijing. Although it is a bit far away, they can be reached by bus.

And she and Xia Yu'an are both from other places.

The two of them basically study in the dormitory every weekend. Occasionally, if there is something to look up, they will make an appointment to go to the library together for half a day.

In fact, she wasn't sure if Xia Yu'an would feel bored in the dormitory alone and went to the library, but she still had to go back to the dormitory first.

Opening the door, Cheng Yuan probed in and took a look.

As a result, Xia Yuan just heard Xia Yuan's impatient "tsk".

"Why come back at this time? Don't you want to play outside for a few days?"

Xia Yu'an is trimming her nails.

Not only is her hair cut short, but she is also very clean. She never allows her nails to exceed one length, and she cuts them regularly almost every week.

Cheng Yuan walked in awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"That... An An... you"

"Say something."

Xia Yu'an interrupted her spellcasting with a calm expression, not as impatient as before.

Cheng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right, I want to ask if you want to meet my two friends. They think you are very cool and nice, and they want to make friends with you. They are waiting downstairs. We want to invite you to hang out and have dinner together." Go shopping."

For some reason, she was a little apprehensive.

"……What do you think?"

After asking this sentence, there was a brief silence in the dormitory.

Xia Yu'an was still cutting her nails, but the expression on her face changed a bit.

Just when Cheng Yuan was about to ask again to see if she didn't think too much, Xia Yu'an put away the nail scissors after cutting her nails and put them back on the table.

"Let's go."


Cheng Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Although Xia Yu'an is such a vigorous and decisive person, she just made a suggestion.

"Don't you need to pack up and get a bag or something?"


Xia Yu'an glanced at her speechlessly, then casually took out the keys from the table and put them in his pocket.

"Aren't your two friends pregnant? You don't want people to carry things when you go shopping? How much can you carry alone?"


Cheng Yuan followed her out of the dormitory door in a daze.

Seeing Xia Yu'an took out the key and locked the door again, she still didn't recover a bit.

The three of them had been plotting for a long time yesterday, and all the words they thought of to persuade her to make friends and play together were useless.

Following her downstairs together, Cheng Yuan felt inexplicably happy.

She secretly stared at the back of Xia Yu'an's head, thinking happily.

It turns out that she really wanted to meet her friends yesterday...

very nice.

Xia Yu'an met Ye Manman once, so after the two went downstairs, she just glanced outside and walked over directly.

Cheng Yuan, who was obviously supposed to be the middleman to help introduce her, instead followed behind her.

"Hi, I'm Xia Yu'an, Cheng Yuan's roommate."

Xia Yu'an was very forthright and straightforward, when she walked in front of Ye Manman and Jiang Yuan, she extended a hand to greet them.

Ye Manman had seen her before, so when she walked over, she immediately pulled Jiang Yuan to stand up.

She briefly shook hands with Xia Yu'an, "Hi, I'm Ye Manman."

Nodding to Ye Manman, Xia Yu'an reached out to Jiang Yuan again, "Hello."

Jiang Yuan put his hand in hers in a daze, and opened his eyes wide.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Yuan..."

"An An, you are so tall, a head taller than me!"

She withdrew her hand and stood beside Xia Yu'an for comparison, stunned.

"Yuan said that you are very tall. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect you to be so tall. Are your family members also tall?"

Xia Yu'an pursed her lower lip, seemingly at a loss in front of the enthusiastic and direct Jiang Yuan.

"Well, my dad is 1.9 meters five, and my mother is 1.7 meters."

Now Jiang Yuan was not the only one who was surprised.

Both Ye Manman and Cheng Yuan were stunned.

Ye Manman, "Wow!"

Cheng Yuan, "I don't know these things, it turns out that An An is as tall as your father."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help holding her hand.

"It's so tall, it's almost two meters! No wonder you're tall too! Can I walk with you?"

 According to the latest male-female ratio in China, you should have four boyfriends, but you have none.

(End of this chapter)

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