Chapter 186 I'll Be Alone From Now On

"Why did you take it to your house?"

The captain treasured these two things, Ye Guoqiang asked, and he immediately pushed aside the crowd and came out from behind the desk.

"This is the glory of our Qingshui Village, and it's not your family's business. Why should you take your family? Didn't you also take care of Manman?"

Besides, these two things represent the glory of the entire village. In the future, no matter what honors are evaluated in the brigade, the collective superiors will have to weigh them. They came from the village and have won the provincial champion. The brigade leader can't understand Ye Guoqiang's idea of ​​taking them as his own. .

Ye Guoqiang has always been very honest and friendly, and he never dared to blush with the captain.

But he was blushing today, and he couldn't help being angry, "I just didn't care, she is also my daughter, and her things can't be put in the village, they should be put at home."

Ye Guoqiang didn't want to give up this great opportunity after being useless for most of his life.

Everyone seems to have never thought that he could be so tough today, tough with the captain.

But this just got a little unreasonable.

Some people couldn't stand it anymore, "Guoqiang, what you said is a bit unreasonable. These two things were sent by the province to commemorate the village. They don't belong to individuals. Look at the small characters on the left side of the pennant."

He pointed to a line of small characters on the left side of the pennant, "Gift: Qingshui Village, xx Town, xx Province, the hometown of Ye Manman, the provincial champion in the college entrance examination in 1980."

As soon as the man read that line, Ye Guoqiang's face suddenly became ugly.

He hurried over to read it, but he couldn't read, so he wasn't sure if it was written on it.

Seeing everyone looking at him with contempt or disgust, Ye Guoqiang blushed all of a sudden, extremely embarrassed.

He stuttered and remembered the picture again.

"What about the photos? My daughter's photos can't be put here? I have to take them back."

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes became even more strange.

It was still the same person, he carefully picked up the photo frame under the watchful eyes of the captain, afraid that Ye Guoqiang would not see clearly, so he handed it to him.

"Look, there is also a line of small words under this group photo, which is written by the director of the Provincial Education Bureau. Gift: Qingshui Village, xx Town, xx Province, the hometown of the number one scholar."

Ye Guoqiang couldn't believe that these were all for the village. He wanted to take them over to have a look, but the team leader was afraid that he would just grab them and run away, so he hurriedly snatched the frame away.

He carefully placed the photo frame and wiped the front glass before turning his head to look at Ye Guoqiang with great dissatisfaction.

"Ye Guoqiang, I'm not talking about you. You never cared about that girl Manman. It's normal for a girl to deny you now. Don't think of ways to ease the relationship with the girl now. Come here to fight with the village. What are these things for?"

Someone next to him also agreed very much, "Yeah, I heard that Manman is going to Beijing soon. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back after a few years. It's useless for you to come here to fight for this thing. Go and coax her well, don't make it so that my daughter will really deny you in the future."

The others also nodded repeatedly, "While she is still in the village, hurry up and give some money, and say good things, so that she can live more easily in Beijing in the future and concentrate on her studies."

"Everyone in the village has given them something. You, a father, are still here arguing with us for this little thing. You haven't shown anything at all. It's no wonder that people don't recognize you."

"Sometimes you should bow your head. What's more, it's your problem. I think that girl is also kind-hearted. I think if you treat her better, she won't really deny you as a father in the future."


After everyone talked and talked for a long time, Ye Guoqiang's head was buzzing, and he didn't know when he would quit.

To tell the truth, Ye Manman slapped her face like that in front of the crowd in the morning, and lost all face, Ye Guoqiang still blamed her very much.

So for a while, he really couldn't bear to take the initiative to say good things.

He was very conflicted, and in the end he thought what those people said made sense, and decided to go home to get some things and money for Ye Manman, treat her better, and bow his head.

Anyway, treat her better now, and she won't still recognize him as a father in the future.

He thought very well, but Yang Xiumei found out when he went home to get things and money.

The two quarreled again.

In the end, they decided to live separately, sleep in separate rooms, and eat separately, so Ye Guoqiang was able to go out to He's house with his things.

But because of the delay, when he knocked on the door of He's house again, he found that the door of He's house was already locked, and Ye Manman and He Chen had already left.

At this time, Ye Guoqiang finally realized that he had missed the last chance, the last chance to apologize to Ye Manman.

She might really never recognize him again in the future.


Ye Manman never thought that Ye Guoqiang would go to her, or even if she knew that Ye Guoqiang would go to her and say good things to her, she wouldn't listen to it.

For her, the Ye family in Qingshui Village has nothing to do with her, it is Ye Xiaotong's natal family.

After returning to the town, He Chen decided to transfer the shop.

Originally, this store was intended to be transferred to Jiang Yuan to sell fried chicken, but now they have established chain stores, and there are chain stores of their two everywhere in the city. Jiang Yuan has become a big boss, so there is no need for such a store. Small storefronts in town.

So He Chen contacted the landlord, and after the two parties settled the rent deposit, they set a date to move out on August [-]th. As for who to transfer to and do business with, that was something the landlord had to consider.

Of course, during this period, they will still cooperate with the landlord to let others look at the house.

The acceptance letter from Tsinghua University should be in the mail soon, and they will have to live in the store until then.

He Chen decided to move back to the village before leaving for Beijing, and packed up the rest.

As the weather got hotter, Ye Manman became more and more lethargic.

Her appetite has also increased a lot. Except for the severe morning sickness in the first week, her appetite immediately increased. It is obvious that such a hot weather should be bitter summer. She can eat half of the previous meal in one meal. .

But even after eating and sleeping like this every day, her stomach has not changed much, not even a slight bulge, it is as flat as if she is not pregnant.

The notification letter arrived on the [-]th, and along with the notification letter was a letter written by Mr. Nie from Tsinghua University.

In addition to some miscellaneous precautions and caring welcome, it also wrote that the school had already applied for her accommodation and she could go there at any time, so they decided to move out as soon as possible.

He Chen bought the ticket for NO.13 in advance, and spent two more days getting all the things he couldn't take away back to the house in the village. The rest was waiting for the two of them to go to Beijing together the next day. .

NO. On the afternoon of 12, both Cheng Yuan and Jiang Yuan came to say goodbye to her.

The two girls were crying. Ye Manman didn't feel anything at first, but when they cried, she also felt her nose a little sore.

Seeing that she was also sad, Jiang Yuan quickly wiped away her tears, crying and laughing at the same time.

"Oh, let's stop crying. Manman is still pregnant. I heard that it is not good to cry while pregnant. Anyway, we will meet again in the future. I will definitely go to you as soon as possible to play. Everyone is not allowed to cry oh!"

After finishing speaking, she took Chengyuan's hand again, "And you, Yuanyuan, don't you want to go to Beijing too? Although it's not the same school, the chances of you two meeting each other are far more than mine. Don't cry We will cry again in a few days when you leave."

The more she talked, the more she shed tears, and her voice became sobbing.

"You must remember to write more letters to me, I will be the only one in the town from now on, I will miss you every day..."

 The AA system is no longer suitable for me, I invented an AAB system!
  Go out in the future, you AA, I will go with a B face.

(End of this chapter)

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