Delicate beauty is sweetly spoiled in the chronology

Chapter 174 You are more precious than a baby

Chapter 174 You are more precious than a baby

"I dreamed that we got married and had two children. The boy was as tall and strong as me. He liked to fight for my bed since he was a child. He insisted on sleeping with you. He was very naughty."

"The girl looks very much like you. She was so cute and cried a lot since she was a child, but with her brother protecting her, she became more and more able to act like a baby. She also likes to sit on my shoulder. Once she deliberately made a mess of peeing. It's on my neck."

"You don't know how happy I was after having that dream that day. I chopped more than 100 catties of firewood the next day, and I felt that my whole body was full of energy."

"I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. I married you, and we have a child. I don't know if it's the boy who likes to grab the bed with me or the girl who purposely tricked me into peeing on my shoulder."

He Chen's tone of voice was very gentle, and his eyes were sparkling. When he looked at her, it was like looking at a rare treasure in this world.

Ye Manman was embarrassed by him, her fair face was slightly flushed.

But she still pouted proudly, "Hmph, isn't the story telling now pretty good, just now you read the story dryly, just like chanting scriptures, it's so ugly."

I don't know when the tears came back, if it wasn't for the wetness on the slender eyelashes, Ye Manman didn't look like she had just cried at all.

He Chen lovingly kissed her forehead, "Then I will tell the baby the story of how much Dad loves Mom from now on, okay? If you like to hear it, the baby will definitely like to hear it too. When he is born, he will be like Dad in the future." Loving my mother serves multiple purposes."

The more he talked, the more feasible it became.

Ye Manman looked away shyly, "Who would like to hear it, but I don't."

Seeing her stubborn mouth, her big watery eyes were slightly curved with joy.

He Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, you don't like to hear me tell your baby how much daddy loves mommy, then listen to me tell you how much your husband loves his wife, okay?"

"I tell you every day."

Ye Manman was amused by him, but still bit the bullet and snorted.

"Then you call him baby, and you call me by name. I'm not happy."

He Chen scratched his head, a little shy.

"Then I will call you baby from now on, you are more precious than baby."

There is no such thing as a husband and wife in this era. He Chen also suddenly associated with the word baby, and he felt extremely embarrassed after saying it.

But Ye Manman was very satisfied, "Okay, then you can't make mistakes in the future, I am a baby, and the baby is a baby, you can't call him a baby."

In fact, I was still very embarrassed, and I couldn't scream, but seeing her so happy, He Chen still bit the bullet and agreed.

"it is good."

Ye Manman happily kissed him, "Then what should I call you? Should I also call you baby? Will it be a bit repetitive?"

She raised her eyebrows, "How about calling you dear?"

Mentioning these three words, both of them simultaneously remembered the bad things they did in the room when they came back from buying lipstick.

The air suddenly became a little hot and dry.

He Chen subconsciously rubbed his fingers, his palms were hot, his fingertips were sweating a little, and the wind from the fan didn't seem to cool him down.

Just when his thoughts were about to leap forward, he suddenly remembered the doctor's advice.

My mind suddenly cleared up.

Intercourse is not allowed in the first three months and the last three months of pregnancy!
After keeping this in mind and beating himself a few times alone, He Chen gradually calmed down his restless heart.

"Or, you can call it whatever you want, I don't choose, I like to hear it."

He smiled foolishly and eased the atmosphere.

Ye Manman felt a little embarrassed when she remembered the time before, so she simply turned around and lay down on the bed, "Then I'll call you whatever you want~"

The weather is hot, and she often feels sleepy during the day, but now she is in a good mood but a little tired.

He Chen knew that she would fall asleep soon, so he silently turned down the fan's wind power, and covered her stomach with a thin quilt.

He remembered the doctor saying that it was bad for a pregnant woman to catch a cold.

Don’t be too greedy for coolness in summer, and must keep warm in winter. Now Ye Manman is very afraid of heat, the fan always has to be turned on to the maximum, and she doesn’t like to cover her with a quilt.

In this situation, it is easy to catch a cold, so He Chen keeps an eye on her every day, and when he sees that she is about to fall asleep, he will take corresponding measures to prevent her from catching a cold.

Cheng Yuan and Jiang Yuan haven't come to play with Ye Manman much recently, one is because the store is busy, and the other is because the newlyweds are busy building a house.

In the beginning, the three of them would meet once or twice a week to chat and stroll around together, but Ye Manman felt sleepy from time to time after she became pregnant and couldn't lift her spirits.

They were also worried that it wouldn't be good to play with her in this hot weather, so they made an appointment to meet once or twice a week, just chatting and not going out, just in time to talk about their own things, to relieve Ye Manman's boredom, so as not to leave her alone all day Staying at home is boring.

The results of the college entrance examination came out quite quickly, there was news in about half a month, and in the second half of the year, the high schools received notifications of the scores.

Social candidates like Ye Manman and Cheng Yuan need to go to the Education Bureau to check their results.

Originally, He Chen wanted her to stay at home, so he checked it out by himself before telling her, but Ye Manman hadn't gone out for half a month and was too busy, so he insisted on going together.

It's just that the weather is too hot.

He Chen was worried that she would get sunburned, so he insisted on her wearing a straw hat. The brim of the straw hat was so big that it could cover her face and neck, but it couldn't cover other places.

Ye Manman herself has a strong sense of sun protection. Even if her forehead is sweating from the heat, she resolutely puts on long-sleeved trousers.

However, the material of this suit is breathable linen, which is very light and airy, but it is not as hot as she imagined.

He Chen thickened and strengthened the cushion on the back seat of the bicycle. Before going out, he wiped the cushion several times with a cold wet towel, and finally put on the straw hat and took her out together.

In fact, He Chen is not afraid of the sun. When it was too hot to work in the field before, he felt that the straw hat was in the way and the gown was airtight. He always worked in the field with his shirt on and his head under the scorching sun.

But Ye Manman said that he is more handsome when he is white, so he always pays attention to sun protection, so as not to get tanned, which she said is ugly.

Along the way, He Chen asked her from time to time if she was uncomfortable sitting or something, but Ye Manman replied that she would be relieved if he didn't.

Other than that, the two of them didn't talk much, mainly because the weather was too hot, and their mouths felt dry after speaking a few more words.

He Chen lowered his head and rode his bicycle, fast and steady all the way, and soon arrived at the gate of the Education Bureau.

"Eh? Why are there still banners hanging on this wall?"

The sun was dazzling, Ye Manman only saw a banner hanging on the wall next to the Education Bureau, and didn't have time to carefully read what was written on it.

After He Chen parked the car, he quickly came over to help her. He wiped her sweat and fanned her with a straw hat. He was extremely busy. The two of them walked to the Education Bureau together, and no one had time to pay attention. What is written on the banner.

The scores are posted on both sides of the gate, with red and black characters on the paper, and the scores of the students who passed the admission line are arranged in sequence from left to right and top to bottom.

There were a lot of people who came to check the scores today, and the two pieces of paper were surrounded by people, Ye Manman couldn't see them, so He Chen asked her to stand in a cool place next to him to have a look.

He Chen believed in Ye Manman's achievements, so he started to read from the first row on the left.

Surprisingly, there is no Ye Manman's name on the paper on the left.

He glanced worriedly at Ye Manman who was looking forward to it from the corner of his eye, and had no choice but to walk to the right with heavy steps.

Ye Manman frowned, not believing that she would be on the second piece of paper.

"Don't have my name?"

She suddenly appeared next to He Chen, He Chen's heart tightened, and he didn't dare to turn his head to look at her.

 When the pressure cooker was halfway burned, I turned off the fire. I was afraid that the pressure would be too high. After all, it is not easy for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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