Alliance: This jungler is too arrogant!

Chapter 205 The long-lost Jue jungler!

Chapter 205 The long-lost Qian Jue jungler!
In the player's seat, Chen Ye sat on the gaming chair and stretched lazily.

"Brothers, hurry up and finish work today." Brother Shengqiang didn't feel nervous about the finals at all, and even shook his legs leisurely, "After the fight, let's go find some Wuhan specialties to eat. good?"

"You just wanted to eat, didn't you?" Abudu, who was standing behind, was amused. "One thing to say, if you can kill Xiaohu once or twice alone, then we can indeed deal with them quickly."

"But it's obviously impossible." Brother Saint Gun shrugged, "Xiaohu is also very good at playing, he doesn't fight with you at all in the lane, he just waits for the jungler to come, and he is like TheShy Abin. It's just one world at a time."

This is also the difference between Xiaohu and other top laners, he knows the game too well.

He knew that it was meaningless to fight to the death online and opposite, and it would only increase the risk of being caught.

His choice is usually based on stability, and he will not change if he can not change his blood.

Oh, of course, there are two such top laners in the league.

The second one is Brother Holy Gun.

Today is a battle between two top lane veterans.

"It's time to start!" An announcement came from the referee's voice channel, and the top single Holy Gun on the blue side nodded and quickly clicked to start the game.

Because they are the winners of the finals, they are born with the priority to choose sides.

The champion of the winner's group entered the final with the Resurrection A, and what he got in exchange was only the priority to choose the side in the first round. It is hard to say whether it is a profit or a loss.

Of course, in the current version, the right to choose sides is still very important.

After all, the priority of the Alchemy Pot jungler is still quite high. Except for EDG, a team that has been playing red and can always win, the winning rate of the blue team was even as high as 75%.

Basically, the right to choose a side is tantamount to a point.

"Okay, we can see that the blue team's EDG is coming aggressively, and directly sent Xiao Ming's bull head to the ban position! And the red team's RNG is the first to ban Chen Ye's male gun!"

"In the second hand, EDGban dropped Lucian, and RNG held Riel with a backhand!"

After choosing this point, Abu paused for a moment, and asked, "Chen Ye, do you want to ban Udyr with this one?"

This is a matter of choice. This ban position directly chooses the junglers of both sides.

EDG doesn't ban Udyr, so of course RNG will not ban Udyr foolishly. Both sides will default to one side.

But if EDG bans Udyr, then of course it is impossible for RNG to release the troops to EDG, they can only follow the ban troops, and the junglers of both sides enter the free casting.

"Of course it's a ban!" Chen Ye is quite confident, "Without these two junglers, I will only be stronger, but the opponent will definitely be weakened."

Abramovich thought about it for a while, and this is indeed the truth. He simply banned Udyr. Of course, RNG also directly won the team and entered the selection stage.

"On the blue side, EDG locked on Kai'Sa first! The AD position was determined first! On the other side, RNG backhanded Jess and Cannon! First determine the top laner Jess, which is relatively rare on RNG's side!"

"Then, will EDG have any options for Jess?"

As soon as the words fell, EDG directly and continuously locked on Daomei and Titan, and the selection was fast.

"Brother Holy Gun's top single-knife girl?" Wa Wa felt familiar but at the same time strange, "It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time."

"It's been a long time." Miller nodded, "Brother Saint Gun rarely plays this kind of hero after he came to EDG."

RNG then quickly locked the jungler Olaf in the third hand, dragging the game into the second round.

In the second round of bans, RNG spared no effort to give all the bans to Chen Ye, sealing off the excavator and rock sparrow.

But Abrahim changed his normal, he didn't choose to ban support, after going through the FPX station, he knew that Xiao Ming's support heroes could never be banned, so he simply gave all the ban positions to the mid laner, sealing off Victor and Ruiz.

In the fourth choice, RNG locks on the auxiliary Japanese girl, leaving the Counter position to the mid laner.

Abu nodded slightly. This was in his plan. He backhanded Scout to lock the panacea Galio to confirm the right to the center line, and then asked Chen Ye for his opinion.

"Whatever you want to play in the jungle, you can choose whatever you want."

"For the lineup on the opposite side, give me Qian Jue." Chen Ye thought for a second, and locked on a choice that he hadn't picked up for a long time.

Kindred's advantage against Olaf is crushing, and its ultimate move [Lamb Spirit Breath] will force the opponent's bloody heroes to enter the circle, which can form a perfect linkage with Galio's ultimate move [Hero Debut].

"Yes, it's you!" Abu gave a thumbs up. He really didn't think of the casting of Qian Jue just now. After all, this hero is a bit out of version now.

However, there is no problem in playing Olaf as a counter position.

On RNG's side, the Czar is locked in the last hand, and the lineup of both sides is confirmed.

Blue Fang EDG: top laner girl, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Kathaga Titans.

Red side RNG: top laner Jess, jungler Olaf, mid laner Tsar, bottom laner Xiaopao Jiari.

After the hero selection ended, Abu and Zhu Kai, the partners from last year, shook hands heavily in the middle of the stage, and they walked back behind the scenes side by side.

Wei stared straight at Chen Ye's hero selection. He rubbed the warm baby in his hand, and even a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Nothing, he was just a little nervous.

The first is tens of thousands of spectators from the field.

The second is the sense of oppression from Chen Yeqianjue.

How strong is Chen Ye's Thousand Jue?

After studying Chen Ye's countless games, of course he understands the Wei.

Through a wave of forehand and backhand slings, Pyosik was beaten from the world's No. [-] Kindred to the existence of the former world No. [-] Kindred.
"It's okay, just relax and call." Xiaohu seemed to see the nervousness of the younger brother, and he comforted him, "Call for help if you need it, and we will support you."

It is worth mentioning that although this year's regular season MVP is Chen Ye, in the MVP campaign, the second MVP vote is Wei.

The rise of RNG this year is due to a large part of the credit for the jungler, even greater than that of Xiaohu.

Wei nodded, he simply relaxed and slapped Nuan Baobao on the table.

It's the first time to play the spring show, who is afraid of whom?
During the loading session, fans from both sides cheered and cheered as usual.

There were more than 1 spectators in this match, but they couldn't tell any camp. The shouts were chaotic, but soon the EDG fans gradually gained the upper hand, and they quickly twisted together.

"EDG, come on!"

Shouts resounded through the sky, until the EDG fans finished shouting, RNG fans finally came out and cheered for the team.

In the picture, the heroes of both sides have stepped out of the spring.

The opening arrangements on both sides tended to be stable, and they didn't even take the risk of warding. The junglers of both sides made defensive wards and then went home to change scans.

The main reason is the pattern of the two sides. Basically, the routes of the junglers and the junglers of both sides are fixed.

EDG is superior in the top lane, and RNG is superior in the middle and bottom. It must be one side going up and one side going down, without interfering with each other. Stable control is still important.

Whether Qian Jue can control the first mark of the crab depends purely on [-]-[-] luck.

Chen Ye didn't bring a late-stage Conqueror, but chose the more aggressive early-stage Congren Qianjue, mainly to fit the current fast early-stage rhythm.

The junglers on both sides did not interfere with each other. Chen Yehong opened all six groups of junglers from bottom to top. Qian Jue didn't clear the jungle quickly. He didn't control the river crab until nearly 4 minutes, but he was confident.

Because the imprint is printed on the bottom
This luck did not take care of him, and Chen Ye was not discouraged, and returned to the city after finishing brushing the river crab leisurely.

On the other hand, Olaf must have cleared the jungle much faster than Qian Jue. Wei's Olaf raided a wave of bot lanes early on, but he didn't gain much. He just helped RNG's bot lane duo quickly line up troops. Pushed up the defense tower.

After pushing the tower, the RNG bot duo quickly returned to the city.

Seeing this message, Meiko pinged a signal as usual, indicating that the opposite duo disappeared.

It was just an ordinary wave of returning to the city to replenish equipment, but when it fell on RNG, it would become a little weird.

Chen Ye narrowed his eyes and glanced at the bottom lane, he suddenly realized something, and quickly moved the camera to the top lane.

On the top road, the lineup between the two veterans seems to be quite peaceful. Xiaohu and Jess are not very aggressive, and the two sides are developing peacefully.

However, the hero Daomei is invincible when passive Q is activated, so Brother Saint Gun waited for the opportunity of the collective blood of the soldiers to control the line with a wave of QQQ, and then pushed the line forward.

At this time, the pawn line is stuck in front of RNG's tower.

Brother Holy Gun knew that Olaf was in the lower half, so he was not afraid at all. He was planning to push the line of soldiers into the tower, and then return to the city to make up a wave.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ye made some calculations in his heart, and then quickly said: "Something is wrong, Mr. Xuan, after you return to the city, don't TP to go online, you go to your own wild area to go online, don't be triple-guaranteed by the opposite party."

"En?" Holy Gun Brother was a little surprised, "How do you know that the other side wants three guarantees?"

The jungler is in the bottom lane, and the support has just returned to the city. Can you guess what the opponent wants to do?
"Sure!" Chen Ye is quite confident, "The pawn line will start to push back after Xiaohu has repaired the tower knife. At this time, you are going to return to the city, and the pawn line will be pushed under your tower soon. This time is just enough for the opposite side. Nosuke ran to the road"

"Oh, don't worry about it, just pay attention, and you won't lose two pawns in a circle."

"Let's go." Brother Saint Gun nodded, and then he tilted his head again, "Then why don't you come? I know the other side is going to arrest me, so come and protect me!"

"Save the hair! I brushed from the bottom up, and I will protect you from the wild in the upper half of the area?"

Chen Ye spoke quite heartlessly, "Well, let me mark the Jess on the opposite side, pretend to catch it, and give the other side a false impression. Whether it works or not depends on fate."

With that said, he conveniently changed the hunting target to Jess.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly returned to the city and went straight down the road.

In the commentary seat, the three of them were talking about the camera of the director.

Because they could see that Xiao Ming didn't go down the road after returning to the city, but walked directly towards the top road.

In front of him, Wei's Olaf is also pointing to the road in the same direction.

"This Qianjue hunted me." Xiaohu said suddenly.

"It's okay, don't worry about it!" Wei Guo broke the mouth, "Qian Jue brushed from the bottom up, he can't come on the road, he probably wants to brush up to catch you."


Obviously, Qian Jue's hunting mark did not give RNG any hindrance.

As Chen Ye said, RNG really intends to take advantage of this wave of pushback on the road to directly give a wave of three guarantees to the newly launched Holy Gun brother!

As long as you can get it, then the sword girl will directly end the game.

The camera was shown to Brother Holy Gun, and everyone saw that Gun Bao had also become spiritual, and Dao Mei didn't choose to go online directly, but walked into the wild area inexplicably.

Daomei walked all the way in the upper blue area, and soon came to the position of the triangle grass.

On the other side, Wei's Olaf also happened to appear in the triangle grass.

The two stared at each other and met head-on.

"Damn it, it's really coming!" Holy Gun's eyes widened. After seeing Olaf, he didn't dare to turn his head back, and just ran away!

Dao Mei obediently squatted in the autistic grass in front of the second tower, shivering.

The baby at the commentary seat immediately started to yell: "Brother Holy Gun's wave of consciousness is very beautiful. He realized that he might be caught, so he defended himself, and he saved his life by digging grass with this hand!"

【Invincible! 】

[Is this the consciousness of the old top laner? 】

[Absolutely, absolutely! 】

[Then RNG didn't lose money this time? 】

The three of RNG stared at each other with confusion.

This wave of Nosuke joined forces to roam the top road, but now they can only eat one wave of top road plating?
Although this also caused Brother Holy Gun to lose a wave of soldiers, but compared to the human resources used, it is definitely not profitable.

The camera suddenly switched to the bottom lane at this moment.

Suddenly, another round of cheers erupted from the audience seats.

Chen Ye's Qian Jue didn't choose the normal wild farming after going out, but directly rolled into the lower half of RNG.

Of course, his goal is not to counter-wild.

It's GALA in the bottom lane!

GALA came back to the city with Xiao Ming. He knew that his support roamed on the road, so he, who has always been steady, was not greedy for soldiers at all. Instead, he chose to hang behind the first tower to gain experience as much as possible.

But he obviously didn't expect that Qian Jue, who was opposite him, was already squatting in the place of his Demon Swamp Frog.

Viper and Meiko pushed the line of soldiers into the tower and saw the small cannon behind the tower.

Meiko's titan moved forward a few steps quickly, as if he didn't want the cannon to gain experience.

GALA sighed slightly upon seeing this scene, and backed away quickly.

But at this moment, a Qian Jue suddenly turned out of a Q in his wild area!

The reason why Chen Ye chose to mark Jess before was not to help Brother Saint Gun.

Instead, it gave RNG the illusion that he was planning to go up and catch people.

By default, GALA will not guard against Qian Jue's capture when Chen Ye will go up to the jungle by default.

In this way, Chen Ye can safely accept the head of this AD!
But unfortunately, the CD for Qian Jue to change the mark is 75 seconds, and Chen Ye can't change the mark to this little cannon.

But the head money is enough!

Congren Qianjue's outburst was quite exaggerated. He came to the near side of the small cannon with QW, and directly sent out three general attacks in a row. With two long swords and a short sword in hand, Qian Jue directly knocked out a third of it. A blood!

GALA had no choice, he knew that going to the first tower was a dead end, so he quickly turned his head and made a W [rocket jump], and forcibly jumped to the second tower with Qian Jue's damage!

However, since Qian Jue was originally behind the small cannon, his jump actually only changed the relative orientation of the two sides, and the distance between the two sides did not change.

Chen Ye's eyes were firm. He made another A, and then another set of QA, followed by the E skill to slow down. In the W area, the Q skill CD is very short!
GALA quickly gave treatment, accelerated the retreat, and then pressed his finger on the flash.

He seriously doubted that he would not be able to escape even if he flashed.

Taking advantage of slowing down, Chen Ye chased after A again.

Wait a second for the CD, another set of QA!

After these three sets of QA, how could a small third-level cannon withstand this damage, and quickly came to the residual blood!

And Xiaopao still has Qian Jue's full layer of E!

GALA almost vomited blood, so he could only dodge quickly and run back to the second tower!

Chen Ye followed decisively!

At this time, Qian Jue had already stood in front of the second tower of RNG's bottom lane, but Chen Ye didn't panic at all, and operated Qian Jue to step directly into the tower, Q [Dance of Arrows] was thrown for the fourth time, and then followed closely One attack!
[Born with Fear] The three layers are full, and the burst damage takes down the last blood bar of the small cannon!
"First blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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