Chapter 188 Flying Five Alone!

A satisfied expression appeared on Chen Ye's face as soon as he took down Jess's head with a general attack.

Xiaohu is not a jungler, he must not be able to calculate the experience state of a jungler who countered a group of stone beetles + took a small dragon, and even if he can calculate correctly, he can't defend against it.

A Jess who doesn't dodge will never be able to avoid the crocodile flashing red anger W.

This is almost a dead end!

And Chen Ye's plan had just begun.

Because he went home and made CD shoes directly, the CD of his ult is not long. With the ultimate hunter on the zero floor, the 150-second ult is directly reduced to 111.11 seconds.

Less than 2 minutes.

Now it is the third round of wild monster refresh time, and it is also coincident with the second round of BUFF, the time for these six groups of wild monsters to be cleared is almost the same.

Chen Ye's movements did not stop, he quickly swiped all the way down, and finally gave Scout a blue.

At this time, his big move has only the last 30 seconds left.

"Get ready to be the vanguard." Chen Ye quickly organized the next move.

In fact, the time has now come to 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

But anyway, because Xiaohu died once in the top lane, and there is no right to the middle lane, it is not convenient for Wei to play the vanguard.

Of course, Chen Ye didn't have this concern. His ult was about to get better now, and the nightmare and bottom lane duo returned to the city at the same time, heading towards the upper half of the district.

Xiao Ming, who was in the bottom lane, immediately gave the news that EDG's bottom lane duo was missing, which made Wei helplessly give up the competition for the pioneer.

On the opposite side, the bot lane right came ahead of time, but it was inconvenient for him to move the vanguard directly, so he really couldn't get it.

After Chen Ye directly took down the vanguard, he brushed a circle of wild monsters, and rushed down the road decisively!
On the other side, Wei probably could guess the location of Chen Ye, so he resolutely came to the road again!

And this time, it's not just the jungler alone.

Cryin in the middle seized the time when Scout came home, Seraphine strengthened Q and played AOE to clear the line, and then quickly walked towards the top road.

Brother Holy Gun wanted to run when he saw the opponent coming to catch him, but it was too late.

Wei didn't talk nonsense, he knew that the crocodile didn't dodge, he just touched the eye and kicked the crocodile out of the tower, and then Seraphine's double E skill played control, and Jess poured it out!

Holy Gun used his big move + Q to restore blood, but it was still unrealistic to fight three against one, and he was hammered to death by Jess with an E in the end.

"There's nothing you can do about it. The three of you have too much control, and Brother Holy Gun has no room for manipulation." Wawa also tried to excuse Brother Holy Gun.

As for the bottom lane, Chen Ye led the vanguard to the bottom lane, but GALA and Xiao Ming were very steady, knowing that their teammates were in the top half, so they couldn't be greedy in the bottom half.

The two went directly from their wild area to the middle lane to eat the line, and the bottom lane was directly pushed by you.

Chen Ye frowned when he saw this scene, who are you looking down on?

He directly released the canyon vanguard, and the pioneer's tower demolition speed was much faster than the four of them.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ye did not retreat, and led the team to directly attack the second tower!

Wa Wa looked at this scene and frowned and said: "These two towers will definitely not be able to defend, but RNG's upper and middle lanes will definitely not be able to tear down the towers. does it worth?"

Obviously, RNG must be at a loss here.

But in fact they have nothing to do.

EDG's wave of four packs and two packs is fierce. They will definitely lose the first tower in the bottom lane. They are saying that they use their own second tower in the middle lane to replace the middle lane and two layers of plating, which can be regarded as a wave of stop loss.

After all, the economy of the second tower is not high now, only 350 yuan, which is about the same as two layers of plating, and the strategic significance of the second tower is not important.

GALA even wished that EDG would also hit the bottom highland, so that one more way of super soldiers could be developed.

But Chen Ye also understood this truth, and he immediately said, "Let's go, don't demolish the high ground, go to Xian to push the road."

"okok~" Park Daoxian said in a brisk tone, and went back to the city directly to go up the road. The tool man Saint Gun took advantage of the situation and came to the bottom road to guard the tower. The rhythm was not bad.

The game begins to advance toward the mid-term.

EDG's rhythm also began to slow down at this moment.

Should I say it or not, the lineup of RNG is really a bit invincible when it shrinks back.

Top laner Jess, mid laner Serafini, and AD Xia are all first-class pawn clearers. Every time the pawn line fails to enter the tower, they are directly cleared.

In the end, the second pioneer was refreshed in 4 minutes, and EDG took advantage of the second pioneer to tear down the first tower on the road.

Moreover, Xiaohu's Jess has pretty good equipment with the help of his teammates. In addition, his one-belt sense of smell can be said to be one of the best in the league. Using his one-belt advantage to frequently create room for the team to develop,
In the next few minutes after dismantling the top tower, EDG did not gain any economic advantage. Instead, they lost the top tower because they wanted to control the dragons in the lower half.

Chen Ye could only be ruthless, and took Meiko to the bottom lane to forcefully hit a wave of three packs.

Xiaohu's Jess operation was full, and behind him was a big poster of the nightmare. First, a Q broke the shield, and then an E hammered away the nightmare and quickly pulled it away.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohu switched to the cannon form QE to trigger the phase, and began to pull Chen Ye, and at this moment, a blind monk appeared behind Jess, and it was obvious that RNG was also prepared behind Xiaohu.

But Chen Ye also has his own narrow-mindedness. It is useless for him to pinch the E skill here. He decisively advances into the destroyer and moves close to him, and then gives Jess an E!

At the same time, Meiko's Thresh also appeared on the side, and a flash E pendulum hit Jess!

This time Xiaohu obviously couldn't run away, even if only one R kicked Chen Ye, but the Holy Gun and Thresh who followed were enough to kill the half-blooded Jess.

Wei saw that the situation was not right, so he didn't support him at all, and just sold his brother Hu directly.

"However, EDG transferred three people to go down to catch Jess, and the middle lane is going to be unstoppable!" Wawa looked at the middle lane, GALA was very courageous, and took advantage of Nightmare's lack of a big move, directly pushed the line into the tower , Take down the fragile Zhongyi tower.

RNG has won the economy of the two defensive towers for the team through exquisite disadvantaged operations.

Their economy even went back a bit.

"RNG's disadvantaged operation still has something!" Miller was a little helpless, "It really deserves to be the team with the highest winning percentage in the league, and it really has a skill."

From today's pre-match data chart, we can see that RNG's winning rate is 15% when the economy is behind for 85.7 minutes, which is really not an embarrassment.

What?You said EDG's winning rate is 0%?Because EDG is never at a disadvantage in the early stage.
"Continue to demolish the middle tower." Chen Ye didn't panic, "Tear down the middle tower to get the third dragon."

When the time came to 18 minutes, Chen Ye's ult changed for the better. With the deterrent effect of turning off the lights, Xiaohu on the sidewalk had to be a little bit more wretched for fear of being caught.

But in this way, the pressure on the side is reduced, and Meiko and Scout can come to the middle to put pressure on the tower.

The first tower in the middle lane that RNG held on for five or six minutes finally couldn't stand it at this moment, and was flattened by everyone in EDG, and then everyone turned to Xiaolongkeng.

Xiaolong has 30 seconds left to refresh.

But it was not unexpected, RNG still did not accept the group, and the upper and middle lanes enjoyed their own wild monsters and soldiers, while Wei entered the upper half of Chen Ye's area and stole the wild that Chen Ye had no time to brush.

"Let's fight around the big dragon, the time is running out." Chen Ye went back to the city to make up for his second bloody hand, and replaced the accessory with a foresight transformation. With a close hand + bloody hand, he has a strong desire to fight. "The big dragon on the opposite side will definitely come, and then I will directly use my big move!"

Everyone in EDG went home to resupply, and then quickly grouped up to the upper half to seize the view of Dalongkeng.

Seeing the disappearance of everyone in RNG, GALA immediately realized something, and turned to Dalongkeng with a vision, but this blue eye only lasted for a moment before being eliminated by everyone in EDG.

"Dalong Dalong!" Seeing this information, Xiao Ming immediately called his teammates to slowly advance into the Dalong Pit, all movements appearing cautious.

Halfway through, Cryin clicked on the second foresight transformation, wanting to see the blood volume of the dragon.

Another farsighted point passed, but saw that there was no one in the dragon pit, and Baron Nash was lying in the pit safe and sound.

Something is wrong!
"It's not fighting, it's not fighting!" Cryin shouted, "Retreat first!"

But at this moment, it was dark.

A vision transformation appeared at the feet of the RNG camp, and then a ghost flew directly from the river!

"Chen Ye started a group!" Waowa was very surprised, and shouted: "Are you going to fly five? This is too courageous!"

The Eternal Nightmare was directly out of touch with the team. He rushed into the camp of five RNG players alone, and his goal was directly locked on Cryin's Seraphine!
After approaching the target, throw Q in the air, and when it lands, a passive A directly hits the three of them!
Immediately afterwards, Nightmare made another breakthrough.

[Advance Destroyer! 】

A short displacement happened to come to the center of the RNG camp, directly including all five RNG players, and the five players were directly slowed down by 40% as a whole!

"Wow, it's too exaggerated for Chen Ye to get close enough to keep people!" The already a little excited baby started to shout in an instant, "This close shot directly hit five people!"

In the screen, the five players on RNG's side moved in unison, and they all chose to focus on Nightmare by coincidence—they could clearly see that Nightmare was seriously out of touch in order to start a group!
The damage of the five RNG players was poured directly, and Nightmare's blood volume suddenly dropped all the way, but soon, a situation that made them desperate appeared.

Since Chen Ye was fighting five people at the same time, the shield amount of the bloody hand was also superimposed to the maximum value!
The shield amount of the current version of the bloody hand is calculated as 200+8% of the maximum health value*bloodthirsty layers.

In the case of the fifth floor, the amount of shield is the terrifying 200+40% of the life value!
Coupled with the fact that Nightmare still has 30% HP left, this shield is almost directly filled with Nightmare's remaining HP!
How can this move! ?

The audience in the audience screamed one after another. In their eyes, Chen Ye looked like a god of war!
Soon, after reading the Nightmare E skill, Cryin's Seraphine directly entered a state of fear. Chen Ye's Conqueror was already full at this time, and he set his sights on the singer, slashing upwards one after another!

On the other side, the teammates of EDG finally caught up, and the prehistoric giant crocodile rampaged into the field, and a Q hit a lot of AOE!

Immediately afterwards, Brother Holy Gun flashed a W to bite the frightened Seraphine, and directly killed her first!

In the narrow jungle corridor at this time, his ultimate move is very threatening, and he must be killed first!

In the back, Viper only hated that he didn't have Yingyan in his hand, so he could only throw a folding mirror R to stack the flywheel, then came up and drove the red knife Q to quickly stack the flywheel to ten shots, and then cut out the folding mirror to flatten A insanely !

"EDG is following up, this nightmare is not dead yet! RNG is about to collapse!"

Amidst the cheers of EDG fans at the scene, the five players in the field chased and killed all the way, but RNG chased and killed three of them.

At this time, only Blind Monk and Xia were left on RNG's side. GALA's big move ascended to the sky, and then directly E flashed the feathers, and finally killed this evil nightmare.

But they obviously couldn't escape themselves.

Viper emptied the red knife in his hand, took out a green knife, and then he accurately hit Xia with a Q of the green knife, and then guided Ping A to rush over with countless flywheels in his hand. Blood, the Collector triggers and kills it directly!

And the remaining blind monk was also on the plate. Scout was stunned by a push ball, and Viper quickly stepped forward to launch another flywheel general attack, directly hitting a group kill!
"Nice Nice!" Chen Ye quickly commanded as the sideline: "Two big dragons, two high grounds, so that the big dragons fight slower, and I can still get the big dragon BUFF."

Aphelios' green and white sword is invincible in fighting the dragon. It only needs someone to resist in front, and it can be easily taken down quickly.

However, Meiko and Scout acted separately, taking advantage of RNG being wiped out and directly taking down the high ground in the middle, and the situation is very good.

"Dalong was also taken down, and Viper has controlled the time well. Chen Ye was born just to eat Dalong's BUFF, and the economic gap between the two sides was pulled to [-] in an instant!"

At this time, the director also gave a replay, and everyone saw Chen Ye's heroic feat of entering the field alone to keep people.

"This wave of group opening is indeed too exaggerated." Wawa shook her head when she saw it, "The main reason is that the current bloody hands are too terrifying, and this shield is more than 1000 points!"

[This bloody hand can't stop exploding the resurrection armor?Who can die with this shield on him? 】

[Actually, this is considered an extreme situation. Who can guarantee that five people can be touched at the same time in a team battle? 】


[And no one from RNG has produced a giant snake, Xiaohu's Jess should produce one]

After this wave, the game entered a familiar rhythm again.

After returning to the city for supplies, EDG's equipment became more and more luxurious, and Chen Ye directly found out a cheap resurrection armor.

"Chen Ye led the team directly to the bottom lane, and a large wave of soldiers pushed over. It seems that RNG can't defend it!"

The super minion with the dragon BUFF has a high amount of damage reduction, which caused several line-clearing heroes on RNG's side to lose their effect immediately.

Everyone in EDG swarmed up and directly crushed RNG on the lower road, and then Chen Yeguo broke the group!
The nightmare of the Bloody Hand Resurrection Armor stands out for its bravery, and it flew in without intending to come out alive.

The teammates behind Chen Ye started a damage competition. Syndra in Scout's three-piece suit directly flashed the push ball and received WR, instantly killing the full-blooded Jess!

GALA's Xia Shengtian evaded Nightmare's pursuit, but Chen Ye's backhand barb was blocked by Chen Ye's [Dark Blessing], and then he was slowed down by Nightmare's approach, and was directly killed by his teammates who followed.

In 25 minutes, the RNG base crystal broke again!

The end time of the three games was very short, none exceeding 10 minutes, which can be said to be quite an exaggeration.

This shows that both teams' operational and fighting abilities are top-notch, and after gaining an advantage, they can unreasonably quickly expand their advantage into a victory!

"Two to one, EDG completed a wave of one-chasing two, and defended their first place in the regular season with ten consecutive victories,"

"RNG also showed a very strong strength today, but in the end it was still a bit inferior!"

Miller made the final summary, "Now that the regular season is drawing to a close, I hope they can make persistent efforts in the next schedule and face the playoffs with the best posture!"

 Push this book, brothers can have a look
(End of this chapter)

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