I died in the game and became a god

Chapter 264 Chaos magic gene potion

Chapter 264 Chaos magic gene potion
Chapter 1

After temporarily putting aside the abnormal civilization and Pandora's core monsters, Shen Senguang opened the silver treasure chest on the ground.

The moment the silver treasure chest was opened, a dazzling blue light floated out and ran out quickly. This light seemed to be able to pass through the wall, and disappeared after hitting the rock wall.

[Speed ​​power, golden items, plot props, cannot be owned.A special gene developed by the aberrant civilization can exist in the human body in the form of light. It is said that the reason why the aberrant civilization transformed a kind of erect ape on the earth and promoted them to Atlanteans, Just because you want to get a special superpower gene like speed force. 】

[Speed ​​Force is only compatible with 0.0003% of special humans, so Speed ​​Force will find a new master after the host dies. 】

[Reminder: Generally, the adaptor is only 10% compatible with the speeding force, and cannot display its full strength. 】

[Hint: The degree of matching between the speeding person and the speeding force is 3%, which is barely matching the speeding force. 】

Shen Senguang felt ashamed.

He looked at Speeding's corpse on the ground, brother, no wonder you can only work for others, your matching degree is too low.

Even people like Speeding Force look down on you.

However, Shen Senguang was also shocked by the golden props, which were only low-level superpowers in the eyes of the aberrant civilization.

Then I guess I have to be in a 3-star game to meet the distortion civilization.

Shen Senguang looked at the silver treasure box again. He didn't expect that the speeding force before was just a special effect of the silver treasure box.

Shen Senguang looked at the bottom of the silver treasure chest, and found that it was a bottle of purple potion mixed with a little stardust-like sparkle.

[Chaos magic gene potion, red items, based on the super speed force, the aberrant civilization has found a way to capture the magic field that the aberrant civilization is not good at. They bundle magic into the gene that exists in the form of photons, so that users can get Special magical abilities. 】

[Hint 1: This potion can only be taken once, and this potion conflicts with the super speed potion. 】

[Hint 2: This medicine does not conflict with the X gene ability medicine. 】

[Hint 3: After taking this potion, you may be targeted by the demons of Chaos and Void. 】

[Hint 4: This potion needs to be tested for compatibility, and you have the highest compatibility with Chaos Magic. 】

Shen Senguang picked up the potion bottle, the purple magic potion was mixed with stardust, and there seemed to be endless starry sky circulating inside.

I have a high compatibility with chaos magic, probably because I have been in charge of magic law.

That's right, Little Witch Anne told herself that that world is the origin of all magic.

Therefore, I have the highest compatibility with Chaos Magic.

In fact, the level of the witch world is very high, but because of the law, that world seems dangerous, but as long as you pay attention, it is relatively safe.

After all, not every world is covered by a law.

I was able to defeat Uranus at that time, but also relied on the eighth-level magic law.

"That's right, I can't open a treasure chest to find an item that I can't use at all." Shen Senguang said, holding the Chaos Magic Gene Potion.

The potion was heartbreakingly beautiful, as if putting the light of the sun and moon in it, and letting Shen Senguang shake it.

Policewoman Luna seemed to see the moon as a boat, shuttling through the silver starry sky in the potion bottle.

"This seems to be..."

"I have seen this bottle of potion."

Policewoman Luna said: "This is the most important thing for the FBI. By the way, the Apollo 10 spacecraft found this bottle of potion on the back of the moon, as if it was a super speed force."

"The speeding potion was eaten by the speeder, and this bottle of potion has never found a suitable person to take it."

"The FBI sees it as its most important asset."

"I think this is the greatest secret of a free country, but now the greatest secret of a country has appeared in your hands, congratulations, senior."

Policewoman Luna shrugged. "As long as you and I can leave the phase space stronghold of Atlantis, senior, we can go out and sell it for money."

"Exchanging money is too wasteful." Shen Senguang said, he was going to take medicine.

"And, I have a way out."

"We have Speedster's phone now, just put this crystal skull on the dock and restart the crystal skull."

Shen Senguang said. "The problem is, I guess we'll be ambushed by Mr. A as soon as we go out now."

"How about we throw the speeder's body out first and let him be bombed for a while?"

Shen Senguang slapped himself on the forehead. Forget it, it's not realistic. At that time, he, Luna and the corpses of the speeder will be blown up together. After all, the speeder is just a beater.

Who cares about his corpse.

Policewoman Luna reminded him. "Maybe there are still some security measures in the Atlantis stronghold. If you restart the crystal skull in Atlantis, you may be able to find a way to break the situation."

Shen Senguang nodded.

However, before that, he was going to take the potion first.

Anyway, as long as they don't go out for a while, there is no rush.

Shen Senguang opened the Chaos Magic Potion, and the Chaos Magic Potion suddenly seemed to boil.

[Taking Chaos Magic Potion still requires special rituals...]

【1. The praise of evil believers (at least 100 people)...】

[2. Create a huge chaos. The chaos or disaster (at least causing extreme panic in a city with a population of more than 100 million) must be known to everyone that you made it. 】

Shen Senguang frowned, are there any conditions?
Then I can't use it for the time being.

The golden ocean in Shen Senguang's mind suddenly flickered for a moment, and then a reminder sounded in his ear again.

【As the ruler of the law, you can easily yield any magic. You don't need to go through the above steps when you take this potion. 】

Without hesitation, Shen Senguang directly poured the medicine that was boiling and seemed to be evaporating into his mouth.

At that moment, it was not that he drank the potion, but that the potion actually slipped into his mouth as if it had been inserted into his mouth.

Shen Senguang's whole body was shrouded in crimson light, like the upside-down order of the boundless universe.


Outside the phase space, main battle tanks and helicopter groups are already covered under the highway, just waiting for Shen Senguang and Luna to throw themselves into the trap.

Mr. A stared at the ghost for a while, and finally realized that he had made up too much.

Nima, think about it carefully, isn't that thing that cannot be hurt a ghost?

Then he is afraid of shit.

It's just that he has had too much contact with aliens.

(End of this chapter)

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