Chapter 368 Wasteland
Ding Niu opened his eyes, it was early morning.

As far as his eyes could see, Yufeng stood tall, and the slanted morning light was colorful, which made him see hazyly.

He was also in a trance.

Seeing him wake up, there seemed to be a piece of jade wall attached to his lower abdomen, giving him a warm feeling.


The way is:
The way of Tao is a thing, but it is only trance, trance and trance, there is an image in it, and there is a thing in it.There is gold in it, and its gold is so real, and there is faith in it.

For those who are in a trance, the chaos is created at the beginning, and there is movement in the extreme. Under the heavy yin, the yang comes and goes, the golden light shines, breaks through the majesty, and the moon rises.

At this time, it was the thunder that struck Xunhu and sent electricity to Kunmen.

For those who are in the dark, their body and mind are integrated, their spirits are integrated into one ball, and the sun and the moon are in the same palace. At this time, it is like the wind of the gods is silent, and the smoke is hidden in the mountains.

"...Three Caves of True Dharma."

Ding Niu recognized at a glance that the true method of these three caves is "to find the image in the trance, to find the real gold in the dark."

In this situation and the scene, the arrow has been wound, and it is difficult to get off the tiger. The ox moves according to the law and has to move.

Holding the smoke in his hand, looking for the white elephant, with a grasp, he meets the eyes of the ups and downs above him.

Iraqis as before!

Some memories flooded my mind.

On this day, he was supposed to receive a call from his girlfriend, and listened to her talk about the lovesickness he hadn't seen for a few days, which made her get up before dawn and rush to the station, and then took a two-hour bus to his small county town.

Ding Niu remembered that the two of them were studying in the provincial capital, and she was from the provincial capital.

Ding's father was going out for lunch with his friends, but when he heard about it, he picked them up and had hot pot with his friends instead, saying that young people must love it.

During the meal, Ding's father made a plan with his friends, and now he has a daughter-in-law, he wants to buy a house in the provincial capital as soon as possible. He asked Ding Niu's girlfriend where the provincial capital would be like, but the girlfriend was too shy to answer, and everyone chatted and laughed.

After eating, the two of them took the bus home and went down to the door of the house.

Ding Niu's girlfriend is a road idiot who never remembers directions, so Ding Niu wanted to tease her and asked her, do you still remember how to get to my house?

She shook her head, and Ding Niu immediately acted like running wildly to get rid of her. She was so frightened that she immediately hugged Ding Niu's arm tightly and was dragged away by Ding Niu.

At this moment Ding Niu smiled very proudly.

Three years later, Ding Niu lost this girlfriend and broke up.

A few years later, he was drifting in another world, until now, everything seems to be back to the original point.

When Ding Niu often sleeps, he can still dream about the scene that happened that day, recalling the beauty of that day.

Ding Niu thought that if one day he woke up and opened his eyes, it would be that morning again, and he was going to pick her up at the station...

But it never occurred to him that he would pick her up on the bed.

Ding Niu's eyes are like lightning, and his heart is also surging when he sees the beauty of the ups and downs of the mountains and rivers.

His face is the same as before, but he is no longer a Iraqi.

"...Young Master Dongtian, show me your true colors."

"Oh, how can it be as you wish?"


Ding Niu didn't blame her for wanting to seize the real gold, because he also took away the two characters of yuan and yin from her that day.

Only blame her for tampering with the beautiful memories in her heart:
"An dare to break my Dao heart?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was only a cold snort.

"Ding Niu, repeat it several times, you are too deceitful!"

Look at this!

Ding Niu laughed loudly: "You bullied me when I was young and used it as a tiger and wolf to destroy my foundation... It's two armies at war, I don't blame you."

"But you have to think about it, the girl who is close to me, you are the only enemy against me, and your heart is as hard as iron... If you didn't reverse the three-hole true source method and wanted to harm me, how could you end up here?"

The expression of the people above became even colder upon hearing the words.

"In the past, you used the three-hole method to take my Yuan and Yin characters, and then you used the three-hole true method to take the way from me and escape from the upper realm, so that I have you and you have me."

"You left a loophole, I've already guessed that I can reverse this method to get your foot in the door, just to lure me into your evil trap again..."

She just sneered: "Today you used me again, escaped from danger with this method, and played with me in the palm of your hand."

"You asked me, how did I end up here?"

On that day, the golden core of the Northwest Demon Country transformed, and the spirit sea from the upper realm suddenly diverted to infuse the Northwest Demon Kingdom at the peak of weaving, causing a battle of gods. It was because she fell here and has been trapped until now!

Ding Niu borrowed her tricks several times, endlessly.

An understatement these days?

Dongtian Shaojun said coldly: "Ding Niu, am I sexless?"


"You left the mark of the three holes of true Dharma on me. It is true that you are profound, but you also underestimate me. You are so arrogant! Now you have me in you, and you in me. Did you ever think that there will be today? How do you take it off?"

"Everything in the past has made you cocooned!"

The two looked at each other, weighed it for a moment, and became more and more in one place.

Dongtian Shaojun reversed the three-hole true method, making Ding Niu unable to go.

But this time it was a fight with the descending deity, which was extremely dangerous, and it made her sweat profusely for a moment.

The way is:
Whether or not they will intersect with each other from now on, I don't see how they can think about it.

There are two words, and he said: "Always have desire to observe its orifice, and always have no desire to observe its wonder".

When the spirit is in the dark, it is like everything is hidden, and there is no human habitation, so it is called nothing; however, the sympathy of yin and yang, dense and dense, is a wonderful state of the human body.

When the mind is in a trance, it is like spring coming to the earth, and all things are born, so it is said to exist; but when heaven and man co-produce, blend and vent, it is called the opening of the profound gate.

There is a world of difference between doing nothing and doing something.

Dongtian Shaojun reversed the true method of the three caves, making the original method of harmonious cultivation become like two armies at war, full of murderous aura.

When the two armies fought, the one who was discouraged first was defeated.

Ding Niu sighed, but still tried to persuade him:

"Why don't you and I make a difference, and we won't owe each other after I go."

"Oh, how could it be as you wish?" Dongtian Shaojun was very happy: "Ding Niu, you used the method of three holes on me in the past, which made me humiliated, but have you ever thought about today's calamity!"

"I have never underestimated you. With your cultivation, you can finally realize the mystery. If you use it rightly, there will be a new world. But you do the opposite, trying to make me face the enemy... these things, I Didn't you expect it?" Ding Niu sighed, "Young Master, you have been fooled by me many times, and you still don't know me? If you keep pestering me, I'm afraid you will suffer."

When Dongtian Shaojun heard the words, he became more and more obsessed:
"I know that I am not your opponent. Don't you know that this road is a loophole you deliberately set aside to lure me into a trap? Back then, I checked you with the retrospective method, and I suddenly landed here. I knew I was fooled. But I was also willing to do so Waiting for you everywhere."

Dongtian Shaojun said: "I am not your opponent, but I firmly believe that no one in this world can control you."


"Of course I was fooled in this matter, but I also know that the mantis is catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind. You stay behind, obviously knowing that today will be difficult. And the person who can force you into such a mess, how can he let you go away so easily? I only need to stop you once, and I can break your plan."


Ding Niu does not deny:

"Today I was almost sealed by a saint, and it was this fetter that pulled me here, and I was freed from the seal of the saint for a while and regained my freedom, so that you will be fooled again."

"..." Dongtian Shaojun was not annoyed when he heard the words, but chuckled lightly:
"People who hold the winning ticket, why do you need to be weird and look for winners and losers with me? It can be seen that you have already lost a lot in the battle in that world, so you can't calm down."

"You thought you could play with me at will, but you finally underestimated me."

Dongtian Shaojun raised his eyebrows and locked him up tighter, trying to prevent him from escaping by using the three-hole true method.

Ding Niu saw that he couldn't persuade her, so he let her do what she did: "But you made a mistake in your wishful thinking, and the sage can't see here."


Ding Niu said: "You and I are like this. In the Tao, it is a matter of harmony between yin and yang, which is a matter of nature and righteousness. But in the etiquette, it is the most private affair between heaven and earth. Don't you know that you should not regard injustice? A saint, he can't see it, he If you look, are there any holy characters?"

"If you can't see it, you can't find me, so I have a chance to reverse."


Ding Niu moved suddenly and forcefully, causing the two to rotate, and the rotation gradually transformed into Yin and Yang, which is the image of Tai Chi.


Dongtian Shaojun saw that he had changed, but it was too late to leave. Originally, her anti-luck three-hole method became tighter and tighter, which was to check and balance Ding Niu, but it also complemented Ding Niu's positive luck three-hole method.

In this way, it seems that she is willing to cooperate.

The image of Taiji gradually gives birth to Liangyi...

And Dongtian Shaojun is already having a hard time making a choice, let him escape, or lock him up?
I really don't know whether to prevent him from being fooled, or not to prevent him from being fooled?
But at this time, no matter how she chooses, the subsequent changes are beyond her control.

When his mind was in a mess, Ding Niu moved faster, Dongtian Shaojun suddenly lost his soul and fell into the clouds, and it was difficult for him to let out a long groan!
At this moment, all the initiative was lost, which added fuel to the fire, and the initiative fell into the opponent's hands.

The faster it moves, the faster it changes. Taiji produces all things, all things transform into ten thousand kalpas, ten thousand kalpas give birth to billions, and the void is broken.

Dongtian Shaojun was so dazzled that she couldn't see anything. She had extraordinary knowledge, but she had never seen such a scene.

Ding Niu's scene, is it to break the void and eliminate billions of kalpas?

And emptiness is empty, boundless, how to break it?

Beyond the void, is it the other shore?
To eliminate hundreds of millions of kalpas is to eliminate hundreds of millions of kalpas. The cultivation method in the world is said to be "casting sages with disasters, and refining immortals and Buddhas with kalpas". What kind of holy gods can be cast after the elimination of infinite kalpas?
Need to break the void, shatter the void?
These scenes and thoughts were only shown in front of her eyes for a moment, but they have been engraved forever.

These auras were turbulent and leaked out, Dongtian Shaojun was deeply afraid that this was Ding Niu setting a trap again, she wanted to remind her, but she was weak and hesitant.

Reminder is cheated, or not reminded is cheated?
She has suffered a great loss again, and has no way of distinguishing.

After hesitating for a moment, I heard a magnificent voice that seemed far away but not far away, seemed near but not near:

"I found you."


Dongtian Shaojun felt relieved, strong help has arrived!

A force was injected, and the scene of breaking the void became more and more intense.

The power of the holy king has been followed, and Pei Mo can resist it!
Just because dominating the world is the power of the world!
Ding Niu can't stop, and hasn't stopped.

Although this force has not yet locked onto him, it swept everything without hesitation for a moment!
To destroy all things in this world is to destroy this world for hundreds of millions of kalpas, and to find the root and trace the source, to destroy the source.

Wang Wei must not be offended, he must punish the nine clans!

It is not enough to destroy this place, but also to find out the root cause!
Like a footstep at the door, the void that has always been a bit short is broken, revealing a light that looks like the other shore.

Ding Niu was not surprised but smiled, and immediately pulled away: "Help me, the Holy King, find where I came from!"

Dongtian Shaojun felt lost at once, seeing Ding Niu walking ruthlessly and fast, he secretly thought it was terrible!
The place where she landed is not the real world, but the scene in Ding Niu's memory, which is what she thinks in her heart. Although it is extremely real, but she has been here for a while, and she has already realized that she has been fooled.

Although I have seen Ding Niu's feet here, know that he comes from a place called the earth, have seen many differences between the earth and her world, and know the source of Ding Niu's strangeness-but in fact, I still can't deal with him, It's just not true here.

Only then did Dongtian Shaojun understand that Ding Niu used her as bait and himself as bait, and under the layout, he wanted to borrow the power of the saint.

The Ding Niu on the earth is gone, and he wants to return, but his own memory alone is not enough, but with the help of the initial mighty power of a saint who became a saint king, it will make a big difference.

Ding Niu wants to return to the earth, is he homesick, or is he forced to make a helpless choice, or does he have some other purpose?

Dongtian Shaojun knew nothing.

She only knew that Ding Niu's goal was still achieved at this moment.

Ding Niu took advantage of the power of the holy king Zhulian and entered the place of broken light.

She miscalculated, did the saint miscalculate?
But Saint King Weili noticed something strange, but he didn't stop, as if adding fuel to the flames.

For the Holy King, helping him go, chasing him, or is that the goal?
Dongtian Shaojun is completely unable to guess.

The two forces disappeared at once, and the void was shattered, but what was the other side revealed?
But a mess.

Dongtian Shaojun gritted his teeth and followed.

At this moment, the dharma body suddenly became heavy and fell down!

It turned out that there was little spiritual power here, and it was difficult to support her dharma body, only a strand of true spirit was floating around.

However, this true spirit is still much faster than a mortal body.

Dongtian Shaojun knew that with her cultivation level, she could not stay in this world for long, otherwise she would be assimilated, and her true spirit would eventually become a mortal body.

She knows that this place is the earth, and she has seen it in the world shaped by Ding Niu's memory.

Here, the way of the sage is somewhat different, but equally prevailing.

Although the spiritual power cannot be used, although the saint here cannot manifest his holiness, he still has infinite power.

I don't know what Ding Niu can rely on?

Dongtian Shaojun is cautious, like walking on thin ice, Ding Niu is cunning, how many traps and misleading are there in the world of memory he created?

There's no way of knowing for sure.

A sage, can he break through the confusion and not be confused by him?

He should have fully believed in the saint's strength, but Dongtian Shaojun couldn't help feeling worried at this moment.

Ding Niu fell down here, and there was no time to miss it. Here he is also a mortal body, unable to activate mana and supernatural powers.

So is the Holy King.

But there is a great market for the way of the holy king here. The holy king is like a fish in water when he comes here. I am afraid that he will soon be able to grasp the power and mobilize the power of the world. It will be easy to destroy him.

But after all, it is still a bit traditional.

With just one network, he will be faster than the Holy King.

Ding Niu's first stop was the Internet cafe, and he posted a post on the Internet first:
"I was originally a free and unrestrained true immortal, but I was killed by a cunning opponent. The gods chased me and made me fall here. I want to make a comeback, but now I am only 16 to 45 years old to help me, find me a job, Full attendance is 7000 in January, or you can send peerless exercises."

Once issued, the response was overwhelming:

"V I'm 50, let's look at strength first."

"I am Qin Shihuang..."


Seeing this, Ding Niu was very happy.


He flies with his fingers and surfs fast.

However, within two days, they were found.

The people who came were two handsome men:
"Boy, my elder brother invites you to drink tea! Don't be ignorant!"

"... who is the eldest brother?"

Looking along the direction of the finger, it is a man with a fierce face and an elegant temperament.

The holy king incarnates as a big brother in society, and finds Ding Niu in two days, so that Ding Niu can see the way of the holy king for a small test.

The two sat side by side on the street, chatting like friends.

"Regardless of refining qi or cultivating the truth, the mighty power is attributed to oneself and the self is highlighted, but once it falls into this world, it is difficult to have a place to display it."

"In the world of mortals, great power is hard to return to oneself, and the way of cultivation becomes weaker and weaker. On the contrary, the spiritual power in this world is weak, but the way of the holy king is even better. Ding Niu, do you think the way of the holy king is really the answer?"

Ding Niu said: "Although it is difficult to use the methods of refining qi and comprehension in this world, it is not impossible to say that the great power belongs to oneself."

"The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine is soaring?" The holy king landed here, and he also checked the information and had a wide range of knowledge:
"This method can also be regarded as collecting great power, but it does not cultivate the true self."

Ding Niu did not deny it, but raised one thing:
"At that time, I used the method of transforming all things to incarnate into you. I wanted to grasp the jade decree and made you furious, so I realized that you already knew that the way of a sage is not good."


"The sage's way educates the world, wants to make everyone holy, everyone is like you, if I become a saint, you should be happy and happy, but your reaction is the opposite, just because you have always understood, how can everyone be like you? "

"You are only one. From my point of view, you are so, so am I, and so are others."

This time, the Holy King did not deny it either, but he also said:
"Of course, so this method of comprehension can polarize all things, and it won't work either."

Ding Niu snorted and listened to his opinion.

Then listen to the sage king:
"I saw something in this world, and I took it seriously."

"You can never really know a person unless you put on his shoes, walk around, and think from his point of view, but when you walk through his path, it feels sad to even pass by. Sometimes you see Yes, it’s not the truth of the matter, what you know is just the tip of the iceberg floating on the water.”

"Your various annotations and readings of me do not constitute a ten-thousandth of me, but you can see everything in a glance."


"Ding Niu, your way of comprehension, saying that all things are for me, and I am all things, is also a castle in the air."

"It's just because the so-called empathy is still separated, and it can't be true."

"That's why your cultivation base is at the God Transformation Realm, it is difficult to break through, and you are not my opponent."

"I gave up the way of a sage, and turned into the way of a sage king. Up to now, you should also know your way back."

Ding Niu was silent for a moment, then asked:
"Have you seen a word in this world?"

The sage king asked:

"What is it?"

"The end of the Stone Age is not the end of the world's stones."


"There is a method in this world, which can make people truly understand another person, know his habits, preferences, and the logic of thinking, and have a clear view of what he thinks."

Hearing this, the Holy King was moved: "What method is it?"

Ding Niu invited: "Please come to the Internet cafe and have a talk."

The two entered the Internet cafe, Ding Niu turned on the phone and sat down, and opened a page. The Holy King saw that it was chatgtp.

Seeing his movements, the Holy King looked calm at first, but his pupils shrank after a while:
Ding Niu in front of the computer disappeared instantly.

The Holy King stood there dumbfounded. After a while, the network administrator came over and asked:

"Brother, do you want to renew the fee?"

"...renewal fee."

The Holy King sat down in front of the computer, and then looked at the chat interface in front of him, which kept beating.

And Ding Niu in his mind had already carried the power of the new law, and bounced back to his palm in that realm.

Under the realm of nothingness, the seal was sealed in the hands of the Holy King, and Ding Niu showed his figure again.

Han Tianzun, Gulan Prophet, Son of Heaven and other gods outside the sky, Dao Dingniu, have been captured by the Holy King. It seems that the battle of gods has come to an end, and they all sigh secretly!
Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhuolu Holy Mountain, Northwest Demon Country, and even all over the world, new fires suddenly appeared and burst out, and the bull in the palm of the Holy King kept responding and cheering.

The gods listen, it is the way of comprehension that tells:
I for all things, all things for me?

Obviously, it is still far from possible.

It turned out that this time, Ding Niu took a step back and said:

All for one, one for all.

Originally, this was still a theory of nothingness and emptiness, hanging high above the nine heavens.

But this time, it actually fell to the ground and resonated with the people involved.

But at this moment, everyone is for me, and I am for everyone. Although it does not reach the state where I am all things, it is enough.

Thousands of people, thousands of people, know Ding Niu's mind, and Ding Niu knows his mind.

You, me, and him are not distinguished by high or low, and there is no distinction between high and low, so they can be in one place and become humane.

The gods stared at the palm of the holy king, feeling the sudden change.

In the holy mountain of Zhuolu, the Buddha also had a feeling. Originally, he was pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other. He followed the palms of the sage king to fold his palms together, and turned his palms together:
"There is no difference in all worlds, only one-hearted work... Amitabha!"

In the hands of the Holy King, light burst out.

This light hits the realm of nothingness, bursting open!

"...What kind of power is this?"

"In this world, there is still power to defeat the Holy King!"


Everyone who saw it was shocked!
These rays of light cannot be stopped in the realm of nothingness, but the Holy King is indifferent!

Gods, doubts, puzzlement.

The God of Heaven repeatedly called:

"Holy King! Holy King!"

The hand of the Holy King was slightly clenched according to the voice, as if about to extinguish the light, but after a moment, he opened his hand.

Let its light shine brightly, shining all over the sky!

People from all walks of life in Tianwaitian are also aware of the appearance of the ancestors and the birth of gods and Buddhas, and they all look to where they came from:

"Someone has become enlightened!"

The way of comprehension is above the realm of transforming gods, and the realm of harmony!

The dharma body of the holy king, who commanded the power of a lifetime and was invincible in the world, couldn't bear it, and collapsed, revealing the appearance of a saint inside!
The figure of the inner sage looked at the Ding Niu sitting in the palm of the outer king from the remnant body, his eyes met, and thousands of words were spoken in silence.

The saint disappears.

With the palm of the outer king supporting Ding Niu, he ascended to the upper realm and stepped on the realm of void.

The realm of the void shattered like a remnant of a holy king!
Human fairyland, golden fairyland, and even the realm beyond the sky, all the realms that conform to the rules will all be knocked out of the mortal world at this time.

The gods howl!
Without the blessing of the rules, they are no different from ordinary people.

The gods fell, some pointed at the sky and cursed the earth, and some quietly disappeared and mixed into the crowd.

In the lower realm, the aura passes through the broken realm of nothingness and falls evenly:

Vientiane is born new.

Below, it is full of vitality, while above the upper realm, the remnant body of the holy king stands in the ruins with a ox in his hand.

He came together in a hurry, although he knocked down the gods and revealed a bright universe, but in terms of his own realm, he was not harmonious, especially in ruins.

However, the way of comprehension is a personal exploration, there is no set rule, and there is no one step to perfection in this world?
As long as tomorrow is better than today, every day is victory.

It is nothing more than continuing to practice and make progress together with you, him, and this world.

"This realm, now the realm of games, is named after Wasteland."

"I am with you."

 In May, when the mountains and rivers enter the summer, half of the city is green and half of the city is full of flowers.

  Very happy to meet all of you.

  It's over today, and it's a relief.

  Say something like an example.

  In the middle of the writing, the rhythm suddenly accelerated. It was because of the series of banned chapters at that time. Although the editor was very generous, he also knew that the follow-up would be difficult. As a result, the middle part of the journey to Yamatai and the Zodiac Patriarch had to be discarded.

  Abolishing my manuscripts will hurt my martial arts, and my mood will inevitably be depressed.

  In the second half, I changed the course and changed the course. It was said that I was not good at it, which made me rack my brains, and it was hard to hide my shallow knowledge.

  To hold on till now is to the best of my ability.

  It's finally round today, probably, probably...

  It's time to start documenting.

(End of this chapter)

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