Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 524 The Well of Death

Chapter 524 The Well of Death
Several other generals resigned, and Swain led Li Lin through the Immortal Fortress.

Footsteps echoed in the empty and dark corridors. Compared with the Castle of Dawn in the capital of Demacia, there were not many people in the depths of the Immortal Fortress, and there were not even a few guards along the way.

It was gloomy and desolate, with no breath of the living at all.

This was supposed to be the place where those in power lived, but successive Noxian emperors knew the origin of this place and what kind of existence was sealed under the Immortal Fortress, so they all had their own mansions.

This also led to almost no guards patrolling the interior of the core castle of the Immortal Fortress.

Thanks to secrets unearthed from the depths of the Immortal Bastion, Swain was the first leader who dared to dwell here.

Just as Li Lin was looking around curiously, Swain, who had been silent for a long time, finally said, "There are many dangerous items inherited from ancient times in the Immortal Fortress, even I dare not check them out."

"Apart from Mordekaiser's power, is there anything in this world that can scare demons?"

Swain turned half of his body, looked back at Li Lin, and the corners of his mouth curled up vaguely, "Shouldn't you know this question better than me?"

The scarlet left arm hidden in the shadow of the hem of the coat was revealed, and the middle-aged man walking in front shook his head lightly.

There are many things that can scare demons. As long as they are not the top ten ancient demons, knowing the real names of demons can make their weaknesses exposed in the material realm.

Of course, if you have powerful magic like Ryze that can defeat the Eye of the Void, you can also easily defeat them simply by virtue of strength.

After all, among the common demons known so far, only Eternal Nightmare Nocturne is good at fighting.

Desire Demon Tam Kenzie and Pain Demon Evelyn are not a big threat to human beings, as long as they can restrain their emotions and not be tempted by them.

After walking for a while in silence, Li Lin found that they were going all the way down.

The rancidity of heavy metals appeared in the mouth, and a strong smell of death, like an old man dying, hit his face.

Li Lin already guessed where Swain wanted to take him, "Shall we go to the well of death?"

"That's right." He didn't look back, "I once dug the truth of the burial in the depths of the Immortal Fortress, and found this place."

The two walked up the elevator, and Swain stretched out his hand to pull the lever. The chain rubbed against the metal gear, and the simple elevator that had existed for many years slowly descended.

After a while, they finally came to an underground hall with a circular gap in the center.

The huge space is very dark, only a few scattered pillars are engraved with "bright" rune imprints, and then countless chains hang down from different corners, extending together to the central round pit - engraved with various seals The metal of the rune can hardly cover up its interior, which belongs to the dark green of death.

It has an aura similar to that of the Shadow Isles, but there are essential differences.

A curse of lifelessness and death, a magic that belongs entirely to death.

Swain stood on the edge of the depression in the center circle, and didn't take half a step inside, but Li Lin didn't have this taboo.

In the blink of an eye, the Infinity Armor changed from clothes to a metal armor covering the whole body, and a translucent blue energy barrier appeared around him, completely blocking the influence of the Death Sealing Technique on him.

Li Lin walked towards the center and thickest cylindrical support column, stayed at a position seven or eight meters away from it, and then activated the anti-gravity device to levitate.

He looked down and heard inexplicable whispers in his ears, as if the combination of thousands of emotionless voices was enough to easily drive an ordinary adult crazy.

This is a language that the living cannot understand, and it belongs to the language of the dead - Ou Chen language.

Some taboo necromancers specialize in this magical language. They will pray to the undead, exchange some items, and provide a medium with a breath of death for them to come to the material realm and help them fight.

Necromancers disappeared as early as 1000 years ago when the Rune Wars started, mainly due to some stupid guys who brought the soul of Sarn Uzul back to reality after death, but they could not dispel it with the powerful magic contained in the real name He, because he has already changed his name to Mordekaiser in the Ou Chen language.

The Iron Armored Wraith slaughtered almost a generation, especially the Necromancers who were in Valoran, which was his primary target.

With the anti-demon device and the immune effect of the banshee veil on the interference of spiritual magic, Li Lin was completely unaffected by the language of the dead, and his attention was attracted by the deep pit shimmering with green light.

The chains extending from all directions in this hall are all locked on the black iron plate armor and a nail hammer in the bottomless depths in front of the eyes, as if leading to the center of another dimension.

It was about four or five meters high, and the length of the mace was easily comparable to that of a strong adult.

Even though his body was surrounded by dense chains of green and blue rune imprints, he couldn't resist the breath of death emanating from them.

Of course, such a strong death magic is actually partially due to the well itself being able to connect to the realm of the dead.

"At the beginning, that group of stupid necromancers communicated with the realm of the dead and called Mordekaiser back here." Swain's voice was low.

But in this dead deep underground, even if a thin needle falls to the ground, the sound it makes can be easily heard.

"Until now, there is no conventional method that can destroy this set of black iron plate armor and nightfall mace that once belonged to Mordekaiser... I think, with your technology, you should be able to destroy it."

"Yes, yes, but are you ready to face Mordekaiser?"

Li Lin withdrew his gaze from looking into the depths of the Well of Death, took a slow breath, and retreated to Swain's side.

After all, it is made of matter combined with magic. He does not need to use cosmic ray gamma beams at all. He can easily disintegrate this set of armor containing Mordekaiser's soul with only material cracking beams.

Even if Li Lin doesn't have this level of laser rays, with his current space travel technology, he can fly them into outer space.

The realm of the dead is only a part of Runeterra, and no matter how strong Mordekaiser is, he cannot use magic to affect the outside world.


"This set of magic plate armor is not the key to Mordekaiser's return to the material realm, but the well of death can contact the realm of the dead where he is.

"If Mordekaiser sensed that his weapons and armor that should not have been destroyed were cut off from him, would he lead the death army in the realm of the dead to return early?"

Swain was silent for a moment, "I've thought about what you said, but Lamo once revealed Noxus to me... No, it's the future of Runeterra, it will definitely become a paradise for the dead..."

"But the foreseeable future is only a part of many timeline branches."

Li Lin chuckled, retreated his battle armor, and showed the watch transformed from the Enlightenment rune fragments on his left wrist.

"You can use Lamo's ability to see if you can detect my future?"

Swain stared at Li Lin with dark red pupils, and there was another short silence, then he laughed loudly, "It seems that I still far underestimated you, Li Lin."

"Mordekaiser's return is inevitable, but we can choose to nip his plans in the bud."

Li Lin glanced back at the Well of Death that sealed the Black Iron Plate Armor and Ye Yun, "Don't worry now, we have plenty of time when the Black Rose is solved."

(End of this chapter)

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