Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 508 The Will of Naga Kapooros

With Li Lin's support, Sarah Doom no longer hides herself, and directly recruits people to occupy the top of Bilgewater, which originally belonged to Planck's manor, and publicly announced that Planck's execution is scheduled for a week later.

During this period, in order to rescue their boss, the loyal members of the Iron Hook gang called other gangs and united hundreds of people.

It's a pity that they were fully armed and wiped out by the drones and storms sent by Li Lin before they even crossed the Butcher's Bridge.

In order not to harm this historical relic built in ancient times, he also specially ordered the brain to use only the most basic low-power plasma weapons.

In this way, not only can it not cause too much damage to the material, but it can also kill these vicious pirates and make an example of them.

The remaining parts were left untouched, and the old Youtiao who was going to be a "gold bird" took the opportunity to seize the territory.

But in front of the more deterrent mechanical engineers, they didn't take too long.

Although many secretly called Miss Fortune a shameless bitch, she had a good looks and figure, and she was able to hook up with the rising stars of Piltover.

But in fact, every captain wished that he would be a young, beautiful, and good-looking woman in his life, because then the opportunity to take charge of Bilgewater might be theirs.

Li Lin doesn't care what these people think, and neither does Sarah.

Anyway, after talking, she found that Li Lin had no demands on her at all, so she simply let the rumor continue to spread.

At least with his backing, the people of Bilgewater would not dare to do anything to her in the future, but would obediently obey her orders and respect her as the Empress of Piraeus.

Of course, on the third day after Miss Fortune announced that Planck would be executed, the Baru people still came to Li Lin.

Baju sect, the true person of Naga Kaporos - sea beast priest Illaoi.

Only her.

The manor that now belongs to Miss Fortune was built from an abandoned large sailing ship.

The estate was less than a third the size of Gilaman Hall, but it was probably the largest residence in Bilgewater.

It's just that because Planck had too many things, Sarah felt that her eyes were dirty, so she called her first mate, Lei Wen, and organized people to clean up the garbage left by the previous owner.

In the reception hall, only Li Lin and Illaoi sat facing each other at the two ends of the long table.

Illaoi is a sturdy and burly middle-aged woman, even stronger than the barbarians in the extreme northern wilderness.

Even Li Lin, who has strengthened his body and is close to 1.9 meters tall, is a circle smaller than this woman who is almost two meters tall.

I really don't know how Planck fell in love with her at the beginning...

Li Lin glanced at the heavy statue engraved with sea beasts on the wooden floor that was about to be crushed by Illaoi.

It is a sacred artifact exclusive to the true one, the treasure of the Baru Sect—the gods.


Anyway, it is an epic quality equipment blessed by the ancient gods.

Realizing that Li Lin's attention was not on her, Illaoi broke the silence first: "Piltover Speaker, Li Lin."

After his eyes turned back to her, she continued: "May Naga Kaporos protect you."

"May she protect you too."

Although he had already guessed the intention of Illaoi's trip, Li Lin still did as the Romans did, and responded with the etiquette of the Baru people.

Naga Kaporos is real, at least she is a god of life who protects the Blue Flame Islands, and she is one of the incarnations of the will of Runeterra.

With the power to summon Naga Kaporos, Illaoi is naturally a solid and reliable teammate.

Whether it is dealing with Fyego, Mordekaiser or Void in the future, the power of Naga Kaporos is indispensable.

If it can be avoided, Li Lin certainly doesn't want to have conflicts with her, so as not to cause suspicion.

After two seconds, he asked: "What's the use of someone who doesn't know the truth looking for me today? Well, let me guess... Could it be related to Planck?"

A trace of sadness flashed across Illaoi's face, but she quickly regained her firmness, "That's right."

"I heard that Zhen Zhe was once in a relationship with Planck, but if you came today to plead for this evil robber, I advise you to take back this idea." He said straight to the point.

In any case, Illaoi broke up with Plank long before he took over Bilgewater, and the two of them were only first-time lovers.

More than 20 years have passed, and the two are no longer the youthful appearance they were at the beginning.

Even if Illaoi still has old feelings for Planck, as long as Li Lin is tougher, she will not be able to do any irrational behavior.

Which idiot would give up a god who truly protects him for a man who has done a lot of evil?

What's more, Illaoi is still a devout follower of Naga Kaporos.

However, what surprised Li Lin was Illaoi's next words: "No, Speaker Li, I think you misunderstood something."

"Huh?" Li Lin raised his eyebrows.

"Planck has long deviated from the way of Naga Kaporos. He has gone astray. He is no longer moving, unable to move forward, and has no progress. His goal is only to stop at the master of Bilgewater."

Illaoi took a deep breath, as if suppressing the sadness in her heart, and continued: "Naga Kaporos wants human beings to move, not stagnate.

"This is the core meaning of the 'sport' she pursues.

"Planck let her down, so Naga Kaporos gave up on him."

Is this script wrong?

Li Lin's expression changed from surprise to doubt.

Obviously, Plank, after being plotted by Sarah and losing an arm, went to the Baju Temple to find Illaoi in an attempt to regain Bilgewater with her help.

During the trial of Naga Kaporos, Planck's soul recovered his body, passed the trial, gained stronger power, and got the support of Illaoi...

However, when he carefully searched the details of sorting and categorizing in his mind, enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

The crippled Planck passed the test with the will to regain Bilgewater, and was recognized by Naga Kaporos, which was not the reversed order in Li Lin's initial impression.

Li Lin and Illaoi looked at each other, ""

"My visit today is to convey the will of Naga Kaporos to you."

With a serious expression, Illaoi got up from the chair, easily picked Shenxi, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, with her feet, held it in her hands, and then carried it on her shoulders.

A dash of emerald green leaked from the Shenxi, and Li Lin saw a few translucent "octopus" tentacles protruding from it.

A trace of divine aura that could easily crush Janna, the Goddess of Wind who had gained a lot of power of faith, emanated from Shenxin.

This is the difference between the original old gods of Runeterra and the gods of faith who later crowned gods through faith.

Even in Bilgewater, the aura of Naga Kaporos is no less than that of the second stage of ascension, and has now revived Aatrox, the strongest among the god warriors.

"Naga Kaporos told me your name three years ago, and told me to give you a trial when you landed on the Python Islands.

"But now, she has changed her mind and decided to recognize your right to rule Bilgewater, and you will bring movement to all mankind."

Illaoi glanced at the closed door, Li Lin also heard the movement, and turned his head to look.

Not long after, Sarah, who had just finished arranging the work for her subordinates, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that the two people in the room were staring at her, she was stunned for a moment, "You guys are..."

"And, of course, Sarah Doom's reign over Bilgewater."



Little knowledge: Naga Kaporos is just the god of life in the Python Islands and the Sea of ​​​​Watchers, the ancient god born in Runeterra, and the same level as the Freljord demigod, not from Kesu as some people say Lu universe's outer gods and the like.

Representing the movement of the universe is touted by the church. The true meaning of the word represented by Naga Kaporos is supplemented in the stand-alone game rumor: Human beings cannot stand still and must continue to evolve

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