Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 486 The Demacian Heroes Gathered

Returning to Xiongdu after two months, there have been greater changes here than before.

Since the Light Shield royal family signed the only official trade contract with the Gilaman family, and gave it a number of preferential conditions, it has been loved by many nobles in Xiongdu for its excellent quality of technological products.

In particular, bicycles, which have not been popular in Demacia in the past two years, and watches, which are almost owned by everyone in Piltover, have been enthusiastically sought after.

This is still the result of not introducing electricity into Demacia. Otherwise, the sales of electric vehicles and various household appliances would almost double Gilaman's sales.

Anyway, Demacia is not a small country. After several centuries of inheritance, the nobles have strong financial resources, especially the few towns around Xiongdu, which are very rich.

And Gilaman has an exclusive official sales channel, and there is no competing family at all, so the subsequent profits can be imagined.

In addition to the changes in various aspects, the current Xiongdu has already been decorated.

A series of blue or white colored flags are hung between the buildings, dotted with the logos of flying wings and swords and shields, and the colorful lanterns hanging from the knots are lit with ever-burning candles, slowly floating with the refreshing breeze in early summer .

In the streets and alleys, children are laughing and playing with each other, and the faces of the roadside vendors are all full of smiles, saying hello and blessing to every passerby.

Occasionally, you can see in the crowd that the clothes are obviously different from ordinary people. The mage wearing a hood and robe patrols with the guards to maintain order.

Although some people still have nervous expressions on their faces, it is much better now than when Demacia was panicked because of the mage problem.

Li Lin was dressed in ordinary Demacian clothes, and responded to the stranger's greetings with a polite smile. He soon arrived in front of the more lively Dawn Castle, and changed back to noble clothes.

The guards basically knew every nobleman, and Li Lin was no exception. He was a person who had a profound influence on Demacia.

Li Lin inquired about the location of King Jarvan III, and without bothering the soldiers who were performing their duties, he stepped into the castle alone and arrived at the bright hall for receiving guests and holding banquets.

The marriage of a prince is a major event for the entire country, not to mention that Jarvan IV is still the only son of the Guangdun family, and the old king has only one son like him.

In the past few days, lords from different towns have been arriving in Xiongdu to congratulate, and temporarily staying in Dawn Castle, and will not return to their own territory until the prince's wedding is over.

Not only that, even the neighboring countries allied with Demacia sent envoys representing the king to congratulate them together with their country's diplomatic ambassadors stationed in Xiongdu.

In Demacia, no matter how big or small the title is, or the envoys of allies, the king will personally welcome every guest.

If Li Lin hadn't provided Jarvan III with the body-strengthening potion two months ago, he would have been a little worried about whether the old king, who was only in his 40s but already exceeded the average life expectancy and who liked to drink, would be able to hold on physically.

The journey was unimpeded, Li Lin had just arrived at the entrance of the Resplendent Hall and lost his face when Jarvan III's hearty laugh came from inside: "Look who is here? Our hero!"

Li Lin was stunned for a while, his eyes swept across the densely populated hall, and there were many familiar faces.

Jarvan III strode over, Xin Zhao and Tiana followed closely beside him.

The Bouviers, the Crownguards, Galen, Fiona, the Durand family, etc. were also present.

Sona and Kashina, who were wearing noble dresses, were talking with a beautiful little girl with blond hair in the corner of the hall.

On the other side, standing with the guards was a female ranger in light armor, with a delicate crossbow hanging around her waist, and a nearly extinct blue rock eagle standing on her shoulder.

In addition, Li Lin also felt a hot gaze staring at him, which also came from a yordle in armor not far from the guards, carrying a hammer and a round shield.

Galen's sister, Laxana Crownguard, Demacia Wing Quinn, who was sponsored by the Bouvier family, and Poppy, who was a good friend with Demacia's founding emperor Oren.

It's just that Jarvan IV and Shivana, who are the protagonists, are not present today, and there may be other things to deal with.

All of a sudden, Li Lin, the heroes of Demacia, has seen a lot of people today.

The king's hearty and strong voice attracted everyone in the hall, and they all turned their eyes to Li Lin at the door.

Among them, apart from most people's surprise and some people's eyes of admiration, the most excited and excited one is Sona standing next to Kashina and Lux.

But he himself was calm and composed, facing this scene without the slightest nervousness.

"Except for the lords of the border towns who are still on the way, you are the last one to come back. You have to punish yourself with three cups!"

Jiawen III put his hand on Li Lin's back with a smile, and walked with him to the long table in the center of the hall filled with wine glasses and pastries.

"Since His Majesty said so."

Li Lin did not hesitate to drink up three glasses of special wine with not low alcohol content, but it had no effect on him except the taste, just like drinking water.

"Okay, have fun!"

Jiawen III laughed, and raised his wine glass as a gesture of respect. He let out a pleasant voice, and immediately introduced his deeds to some nobles who had just returned to Xiongdu and didn't know much about Li Lin.

Whether it is saving Prince Jarvan IV to quell the war on the border, defeating and sealing the ancient demon Fiddlesticks, or creating a nuclear fusion reactor that can provide Galio with a steady stream of energy, and resolve the mage rebellion, etc.

Each thing taken out individually can be told as a bedtime story for children, which is full of legend.

Not to mention that he also helped Morgana, the protector of Demacia's flying wings, defeat his sister, and even helped resolve the conflict between the two sisters.

Responding to everyone's toast to him, Jiawen III introduced to Li Lin the nobles who he had never met before and participated in today's banquet.

The first is Pete's wife, Augsa, the mother of Galen and Lacus. She is a dignified and elegant lady who still has a charm. She has a temperament completely different from Karina and exudes the glory of motherhood.

In addition to Augtha Crownguard, Jarvan III also highlighted Laxana and Poppy.

Lacus and her mother have just moved to Xiongdu from Mithral City for less than a month, and they will settle in the capital in the future.

Bobby just came back from the border town not long ago, because she couldn't find a hero who could inherit Oren's hammer, she was not in a good mood recently.

However, when he returned to Xiongdu and heard about Li Lin's deeds, and today's king, Barrett, Tiana, and Xin Zhao all respected him, Bobby's eyes shone with hope again.

As for Quinn, although she was born in a border town with a relatively low status, her elder brother died because of Barrett, and she came to Xiongdu after resurfacing from the shadow of his death.

With the sponsorship of the Bouvier family and the help of Lestara, she became a knight as she wished and joined the rangers defending the territory.

In addition, Barrett and Lestara felt guilty about it, and they brought this young girl who looked small but was already an excellent fighter every time they participated in the banquet.

With Barrett's help, Li Lin finally finished dealing with round after round of toasts from the nobles, took some time off, and slipped to the side of the hall.

Kashina with smiling eyes and Sona with a delighted smile were there.

Li Lin met her soft eyes and smiled slightly, "Long time no see, Sona."

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