Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 448 Behind you is the Gila Mann family

Chapter 448 Behind you is the Gila Mann family

The ruling and management system of Piltover is an oligarchic system. Occasionally, an open parliamentary election is held every few years to save face. In fact, those votes are strictly controlled by the major families.

There are also some public observations and referendums by the public, which are just the last resort of the councilors. All the decisions of Piltover are actually passed by the seven of them with a show of hands.

Of course, as the "mascot" of the parliament, Heimerdinger's opinions will not be taken seriously most of the time, unless it is research on Hex technology.

Most of the time, the various powers of Piltover are fully controlled by the parliament. In a few cases, the Philos family may be involved, and Camille needs to come forward.

However, since the former head of the Ferros family, Camille's younger brother, Stevan, died of a heart attack, although this gray lady who likes to walk in the haze often appears in the public eye, she rarely interferes in the parliament.

Karina was amazed at the dinner table more than once, thinking that her younger brother passed away, and then her most beloved grandniece, Abil, took over the position, which had a great impact on her.

At that time, Li Lin heard his mother-in-law complaining, but he just smiled and didn't speak.

He is not a person who likes to take credit. If Karina knew that he threatened Madam Cinder, he might have a heart attack because he was frightened on the spot...

Closer to home, apart from Karina, Mel, and Heimerdinger, the other four councilors have also realized that the Philos family no longer asks too much about political affairs, and has become somewhat unscrupulous in some respects.

The unification of the two cities is not something that can be done with a slap on the butt.

What Li Lin wants is not just an empty shell, but the power obtained through coercion, what he wants is the hearts of the people, and what he wants is unity, so that he can concentrate all his strength to resist the final disaster.

Councilors have to "voluntarily" step down as councilors, this cannot be done through threats like ruling Zaun and abolishing the alchemy barons.

Karina, Mel, and Heimerdinger can still discuss it, but for other congressmen, they have to start from other aspects.

Soon, another three days passed, just in time for the weekly parliamentary meeting.

In Li Lin's room, mechanical engineers were helping him arrange his clothes and hair.

In a short while, the Parliament will meet.

Li Lin looked at himself in the mirror, waved his hand to the mechanical engineer beside him, making him step back temporarily, and asked out of thin air, "Have you collected all the evidence?"

In the next second, the response from the brain came to his ears:

[It is complete, including the Salo family, the Hoskar family, the Polpok family and the Wothlaton family, please take a look. 】

The projection screen appeared in front of Li Lin, and various data and high-definition photos were neatly arranged, and each name could further call up their detailed data.

"Hmph, these families have done a lot of dirty work!" Li Lin's face turned cold, "They still have the face to call themselves 'City for Progress' every day?"

[So in the past few years, the decline in poll approval ratings of their four families has become unstoppable, and they know this in their hearts. 】

[It's just that due to the current political situation in Picheng, all citizens can't have any influence on them. 】

【Your takeover of Picheng is the real general trend. 】

Li Lin shook his head and did not speak.

At this moment, his door was knocked again within 5 minutes.

[It's Miss Caitlin. 】

"I know, I am all too familiar with the sound of knocking on the door she is used to."

A smile appeared on Li Lin's tense face, and he went to open the door.

Caitlin was actually wearing formal attire for public affairs today.

It was an ancient blue calf-length slim dress with simple decorations. The family crest of the Gilaman family was sewn on the shoulders, and a pair of closed-toed high-heeled shoes were worn on the small jade feet. , showing an elegant and dignified posture.

The blue-purple hair that can be shawl is inserted with hairpins and headbands, neatly placed behind the head, light makeup is painted on the delicate face, the red-pink heart-shaped gemstone pendant hangs on the white chest, and a touch of reddish red lips are gently closed, It gave Li Lin the urge to kiss her.

"Kate?" Seeing Caitlin's well-dressed appearance, Li Lin was stunned for a while, "Why are you dressed like this...Are you going to the parliament too?"

"Of course." She raised an eyebrow at her lover, "This is what my mother asked for."

Mrs Karina...

Li Lin scratched his cheek in doubt, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Okay~~ It's actually a question about the security of Piltover!"

Caitlin covered her mouth and gave a chuckle, and leaned forward and tapped the tip of Li Lin's nose.

"Sheriff Grayson is about to retire, because after I became a detective, I assisted the Picheng police to solve many major cases, and she intends to recommend me to be the sheriff of Piltover."

"Really?" Li Lin had a look of surprise on his face, "You agreed?"

"You are such an idiot... If I don't agree, why would I wear a formal suit to attend this meeting with you?"

"makes sense."

Li Lin couldn't help but feel emotional, and it was the butterfly effect caused by himself that made Caitlin accept this position without hesitation.

You know, in the original world line, she rejected the recommendation to be the sheriff.

If it wasn't for the purpose of finding out the identity of "C", the profession of a policeman is obviously more suitable than a detective. I am afraid that she will not become a sheriff in the end.

However, with her own intervention, since the trip to Zaun two years ago, the seeds of changing the two cities have taken root in her heart, so she did not show resistance to being promoted as sheriff internally, or she accepted it with pleasure.

Caitlin reached out and shook Li Lin's eyes, "What are you thinking?"

"No, I didn't think about anything." He raised his head and smiled, pointing to the clock on the wall, "It's almost time for the parliament to start, we have to go."

"Isn't there your floating car? Why are you in such a hurry."

"I'm not in a hurry, but I'm afraid our mother is in a hurry."

"Hmph~~ No one is serious." Caitlin snorted coquettishly, as if she suddenly thought of something, "Oh, by the way, you haven't told me what you are going to do when you suddenly want to join the parliament today Woolen cloth?"

A mysterious smile curled up on the corner of Li Lin's mouth, "Little secret, you will know when the time comes."

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Why are you keeping it from me?" Caitlin raised her voice and looked him up and down, "Hmm... let me guess, it has something to do with Caterina du Cocao and Tyrone ?”

Since Katerina and Swain had been locked up, it was as if they had given up on them. After so long, there was not even a diplomatic response.

Li Lin suspected that it was very likely that Ms. Pale was playing tricks in secret again, disrupting his plans and layout.

Because now to the west of the twin cities, several city-states in the Rocklund Plain belonging to Noxus have set off rebellions.

The rebels killed Swain's orderly before the word got back to the Immortal Bastion and took all the cities.

Not only that, some of the nobles of the Immortal Fortress seemed to be "under control", and suddenly jumped out to accuse Swain of leading Noxus to destruction, in an attempt to choose a new leader.

To put it simply, Noxus is once again caught in internal disputes, and there is no time to negotiate with Piltover about the two assassins.

"What's their situation now?" Li Lin avoided the important and changed the subject.

"The situation is good. Although Katerina's mental state is not very good, compared to before, she has obviously accepted her status as a 'prisoner'."

Caitlin is already studying leadership matters related to the Piltover Police and Piltover Law Enforcement Department, and she has a good understanding of these.

"Are you going to lock them up for a few months and then deport them like you did to war masons, restricting their entry forever?"

"Their value is not equivalent to war masons. They are members of the Du Kecao family. Wouldn't it be a pity not to make good use of them?"

"Well, that's true... Wait, why did you change the subject?"

Caitlin suddenly realized, reached out and tapped Li Lin's chest lightly.

"You know me. Once my curiosity is aroused, I will investigate it no matter what. Be honest, what is your 'conspiracy'?"

She tightened her face, her beautiful blue eyes were fixed on Li Lin's, and she deliberately spoke in a tone of interrogation.

"The word 'conspiracy' is too inappropriate." Li Lin complained, "Could it be that your husband and I are this image in your heart?"

Hearing the word "husband", Caitlin blushed uncontrollably, and hammered him on the chest again.

"Why don't you be serious every day?" She pouted slightly and said coquettishly, her eyes were full of dissatisfaction, "If it's not a big deal, why didn't you tell me?"

Li Lin reached out his hand helplessly, wanting to pinch Caitlin's face.

But she had already put on light makeup, so his right hand turned suddenly, and gently scratched her nose.

"I want to say that I am going to overthrow the current political system of Piltover and bring the two city-states under my own control, do you believe me?" Li Lin said in a joking tone deliberately.

Caitlin was stunned for a moment when she said this, and her expression changed slightly, "Sure enough, I guessed that you had this plan a long time ago."


Caitlin's reaction was very different from Li Lin's expectation.

He originally thought that she would laugh it off as a joke, but unexpectedly, she took it seriously.

"Have you discussed this with your mother?"

Li Lin stared at the nervous Caitlin, and shook his head in a daze.

"How could you not tell your mother about such an important matter?" She scolded, "Then you probably haven't talked about Mel and Professor Heimerdinger."


Li Lin opened his mouth, and just said Caitlin's name, but she interrupted him again: "Now that things are going on, the parliament is about to start, so it's useless to say too much."

The two looked at each other, and Li Lin could only read the concern in her eyes, "You should be ready, right?"


"That's fine." Caitlin breathed a sigh of relief, "No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

Standing on tiptoe, she lightly pecked at the corner of Li Lin's lips like a dragonfly touching water.

"Behind you is the Gilaman family."

(End of this chapter)

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