Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 418 Gene Enhancement Surgery

Chapter 418 Gene Enhancement Surgery
The surgical materials for gene enhancement surgery are the same as before, and the main material is still nano-robots.

The difference between this operation and the last operation for Kaisha is that gene enhancement surgery is much more difficult than gene repair, because it is not only the gene chain that needs to be disrupted, but also needs to be reorganized according to their own needs.

According to Li Lin's current technology, he can't unlock superpowers for himself at will, which is a technology that can only be achieved by level 80 "gene chain unlocking".

At present, he can only further strengthen his body and add some advanced genetic traits, such as super strength, super intelligence, super agility and so on.

Needless to say, super strength is fully reflected in physical strength and strength.

Super agility not only includes the speed of the body, but also the speed of nerve reaction that goes with it.

And superintelligence can directly bring about a bonus in terms of brain power, allowing Li Lin's brain to have at least the computing power of a pre-quantum system brain, far surpassing all modern computers on Earth.

In this way, he uses the neural connection device to control Geboga, and does not need the brain to share the pressure for auxiliary calculations. He alone can completely control a mech close to 200 meters, making it more "handy" ".

Of course, this is only part of the strengthening effect brought about by "advanced traits".

The remaining specialties, such as "environmental adaptation", can withstand extreme environments similar to the Freljord's tens of degrees below zero; "selective bloodlines", which can pass on high-quality genes to future generations; The risk of genetic collapse and other dispensable enhancements.

With Li Lin's current physical fitness and skills, there is no need for these at all.

In addition, Li Lin can also strengthen the "Man of Steel" superpower that has been unlocked at this stage to make it more powerful.

All physical attack methods are immune, and the effect of magic is reduced by dozens of percentages. It is still possible to turn on or off this ability more freely, but it will consume more energy from the body.

Li Lin thought about it carefully.

Although I have a nano armor body, it is almost impossible for my body to be harmed, but just like Tony Stark who also has a nano armor in the Avengers, there will always be special moments when the armor cannot replenish nanomaterials.

For him who doesn't like mechanically transforming his body, physical defense is still very necessary. More energy consumed can also be compensated by using high-calorie food that is also genetically modified, or directly injecting low-light potions, which is not a big problem .

After thinking about it, Li Lin asked Zhinao to scan and upload its own data to the system terminal, projected it in front of him, and then began to check the body data:

【Name: Li Lin】

[Physical age: young adults]

【Height: 186 cm】

[Weight: 112 kg]

【Average strength: 22-31 tons】

【Average Speed: 87 km/h】

[Maximum speed (estimated): 99-106 km/h]

[Maximum vertical take-off height (estimated): 10-15 meters]

[Special abilities: two-stage body strengthening, steel body. 】

This is the first time that Li Lin has seen his own body data scanned by his brain. If it is true, he will not know it.

Among them, the "two-stage physical strengthening" in the special ability contains a variety of data, including detailed data of the body, self-healing ability far beyond human comparison, endurance beyond human, agility, spirit, endurance, etc.

He didn't even know that he already had such amazing physical data.

Regardless of height and weight, since the injection of the "active enhancer" for the second stage of physical strengthening, he has completely lost his slightly thin body, and has become a muscular man stronger than Jess, but not Very prominent, without losing the sense of beauty.

And more specific physical data, such as his heart rate per minute has already exceeded the level that a normal person should have, it will be faster during high-intensity exercise, and his body fat rate is only about 5%.
In fact, in the first stage of physical strengthening, that is, after drinking the "gene strengthening potion", Li Lin's physical fitness will surpass that of American captain Steve Rogers, and the second stage of strengthening will leave him far behind.

But even so, his own system evaluation combat power is only 90, and he can't even break through [-] to become incalculable.

Li Lin stared at the holographic display, rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

Immediately, he held out his right virtual finger, and a projected virtual pen appeared between his fingers.

After a period of time, Li Lin magnified some of his projected parts to the extreme from time to time, reaching the level of super cells, and "writing and drawing" on them with a pen, assisted by "data-based thinking" observation and intelligence brain detection. Re-edit your own genes.

It took four or five hours, and Li Lin's forehead was sweating a little. Under the highly tense and extremely precise gene editing design, he couldn't help feeling mentally exhausted.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead casually, he casually injected himself with a dose of shimmering potion to refresh himself. First, let Zhinao follow the procedure of last time, and use himself to conduct a genetic modification experiment on a small white mouse in a sterile explosion-proof warehouse. .

After all, it is your own body, and it is related to the most essential genes. Even if the brain has a quantum computing system, it will basically not make mistakes, but what you should worry about is still something to worry about.

The mechanical arm controlled by the brain quickly injected drugs and tranquilizers to prevent gene collapse into a mouse that had been strengthened in the second stage in advance, and then used another mechanical arm to inject nano-robots into it.

You must stay awake during the genetic modification process, which can greatly reduce the probability of mistakes in some dangerous links. Li Lin did this when he helped Kai'Sa remove the shell of the void living body last time.

Anesthesia cannot be used, or even if it is used, it will not have a great effect. The only thing that can be used is a tranquilizer, which can prevent the body of the transformed person from causing accidents due to struggle.

As the mouse's screams subsided, Li Lin was surprised to find that its data on the system's projection panel was soaring, more than doubling in just a few seconds.

Eventually, after the data finally stops at about 3 times what it should have been, and then continues to slowly increase by a small amount.

This still didn't give the mouse the "advanced trait" gene amplification, adding attributes such as strength, intelligence, and agility to it.

[Number 114, the gene enhancement surgery of the experimental mouse that underwent two-stage enhancement was very successful, and the overall body strength increased by about 387%. 】

"It's much higher than the data of the first-stage enhancement to the second-stage enhancement. If you add the evolution of 'advanced traits'..."

The physical qualities of humans and mice are different, and the effects of gene enhancement surgery may not be the same.

However, according to Brain's calculations, Li Lin's current physical fitness can be improved by at least three times.

Li Lin pondered for a moment, then walked straight to the operating table, "Decontaminate the mice and start operating on me."

He took off his clothes, revealing his muscular body, and lay flat on the operating table.

[Need to tie a restraint belt for you? 】

"Tie it on to prevent accidents."

【You will later...】

As the wrists, forearms, upper arms, waist, thighs, calves, and ankles were suddenly tightened by the restraint belts of reinforced materials, Li Lin felt an involuntary sense of tension that he hadn't seen for a long time.

【Master, now we are going to inject you with gene stabilizers and tranquilizers, please pay attention. 】

Li Lin took a deep breath, completely relaxed his body, and urged his body's "Man of Steel" superpower to temporarily shut down.

The next moment, with two faint tingling sensations on his neck, two tubes of concentrated medicine of different types were injected into his body one after another.

His physical strength is much higher, and the usual dosage is not useful to him at all, he must use more.

Not long after, Li Lin felt his whole body become weak in an instant, but his consciousness was still relatively clear.

【Master, now I want to inject you with a nano-genetic modification robot, please pay attention. 】

Zhinao gave him a little time to react, and then manipulated several mechanical arms to approach his neck, arms, abdomen and legs respectively.

In just one second, the sharp needle pierced under the skin, injecting all the nanorobots into his body.

The nanorobots moved rapidly in Li Lin's body, and under the control of the intelligent brain, they soon arrived at the predetermined position of the gene editing plan.

Seeing it suddenly, Li Lin's breathing couldn't help but stagnate slightly, and the tearing pain in his body almost instantly swept through his nerves all over his body and transmitted to his brain.

Unable to move his whole body, he clenched his fists tightly, his teeth clenched, the dense cold sweat was like running water from a broken faucet, seeping out from the pores continuously, the knotted veins seemed to protrude from the surface of the skin, but he still held back Don't make a sound.

[Please persevere, master! 】

There was a hint of eagerness in Zhinao's voice, and he injected a concentrated tranquilizer again.

Now Li Lin is like "a second is like a year". Only a few seconds have passed in the outside world, but to him, it seems like years.

The nanorobots scattered the genetic sequences in his body, and then reorganized them according to the planned sequence.

Finally, after enduring a minute that seemed to have passed through centuries, Li Lin felt the pain in his body recede like a tide.

Immediately after, came a clearer mind, and a sense of power that flowed from all over the body, and even the space in front of him slowed down a lot.

This is after the body has been greatly strengthened, because there is no side effect caused by adaptation.

[The operation was a success, master! 】

【Your basic body data has increased by about 355%! 】

(End of this chapter)

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