Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 352 Immortal Fortress, Swain's Plan

Chapter 352 Immortal Fortress, Swain's Plan

At the same time, on the east side of the mainland of Valoran, in the palace of the Great General, the immortal fortress of the Noxus imperial capital.

The dim yellow light of a candlestick was weak, mixed with a strange and charming red light.

A middle-aged man was wearing a plain black windbreaker, with Noxus-style plate armor inside, and the marks on it all proved that it had been baptized by the flames of war.

The man is sitting in front of a round table with candlesticks, his right hand is placed on the left, and his left hand is tightly tucked in the hem of his coat under the cover of his coat.

His gray hair is combed back and grows to his shoulders, his stern eyes are slightly frowned, his expressionless face is tense, and he is silently flipping through a heavy historical book, showing the aristocratic personality Gentleman and temperament.

After a while, as the window sill of the room opened without wind, the middle-aged man turned his head to look, and a raven with scarlet pupils was standing on the window sill, tilting his head and looking at him.

He frowned, and swung the hem of his clothes with his left hand, revealing an arm made entirely of red light.

And that hand...

Rather than saying it is a hand, it might be better to describe it as a twisted claw that looks similar to a human left hand, a kind of bird claw...

Crow's paw.

As the man clenched his left hand slightly, the crimson magic light covered the whole body of the raven standing on the window sill in an instant.

But before he could take any further action, the door of the room was knocked loudly.

The man withdrew his gaze from the window sill, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a red light flashed in his pupils.

"My lord, General Darius asks to see you."

"I see, let him in."

The man put his left hand back under the hem of his coat without a trace.

He thought for a moment, stood up, walked past the window sill where the window was closed again at unknown time, and walked quickly to the side of the room where the fireplace was burning.

Not long after, the door was knocked again, but it was heavier than before.

The man took out a bottle of fine Ionian wine, poured it into the glass that had just been placed on the table, and at the same time responded, "The door is unlocked, come in."

The door of the room was pushed open, and another middle-aged man with black hair with strands of gray hair on both sides and a strong aura of iron and blood strode into the room.

He was wearing a specially made large plate armor, which was also engraved with battle scars embedded with inexhaustible blood spots, and he dragged a brand new red cloak behind him.

A faint smell of rust leaked from his plate armor, but he didn't care at all.

"Want a glass of wine, Darius."

Darius stood behind the man, "No, now is not the time to drink, I have to keep my head clear."

His voice is unusually firm and vigorous, and it seems that there is an undeniable meaning in every note.

"It's a pity, this is the finest wine in Ionia, and it was specially bought by the Lanster family from Piltover at a high price.

"If it was Delevingne, he would definitely get drunk."

The Lancet family...

Upon hearing this name, a stern look flashed in Darius' eyes.

Because this family colluded with foreign members of the rebellion in an attempt to overthrow the rule of the new general, they were assassinated and ransacked by assassins sent by the Du Kecao family.

He, Darius, usually hated pigs who rebelled against the empire the most, but the man in front of him who also overthrew the rule of the former emperor Brown Darkwill was different.

The duty of the Hand of Noxus is to be loyal to the Imperium, not the Crown.

Under the leadership of Darkwill, the empire went from bad to worse, especially during the anxious period of the Ionian War, it was almost in a state of disintegration.

If it weren't for Jericho Swain who overthrew the emperor's rule overnight and established the Trifari Council of Three, and issued the Trifari Proclamation, reorganizing power to fight against the corrupt nobles, and leading the empire back on track.

In the future, it will be impossible to have the name Noxus Empire.

"Jericho, I have received news that the 37th Battalion led by Prescott has gone to Demacia. Is it your order?" Darius remained silent for a while before continuing to ask.

"Do not."

Swain turned around, looked directly into Darius' eyes, and only uttered one word.

Stared at by those scarlet pupils, Darius unconsciously felt a fleeting sense of suffocation, as if everything about himself was exposed in front of him, leaving no privacy.

Swain is stronger...

Darius could feel the change in the man in front of him.

There is an indescribable feeling on his body, as if something has been deformed.

But no matter how carefully you observe, you can't find any clues.

Fortunately, we are in the same camp.

The chaotic thoughts flashed in Darius' mind, which made him sigh with emotion.

"I thought it was you who sent Prescott to Demacia to get rid of him." Darius squeezed out an awkward smile, "The remnants of Darkwill can't stay with you, they just Like a bomb that has expired, it will suddenly explode at some point."

"I will not send soldiers to die for no reason. It is a warband... There will always be other ways to deal with the remnants."

A figure of a former executioner of the empire appeared in Swain's mind, "He was sent by Lady Pale."

"Black Rose again?" Darius said solemnly, "Because of them, we have lost another battle group, and our situation is not good..."

"Don't worry, everything is still under my control."

After thinking for a while, Swain waved to Darius and asked him to follow him back to the "study" where the bookshelves were placed.

Afterwards, he put down the wine glass in his right hand, took out a roll of parchment from the desk drawer where he was reading, and handed it to Darius.

"This is?"

Darius raised his eyebrows, untied the rope on the top of the parchment, and spread it out.

This is a lifelike portrait of a person's head, drawn by Swain himself.

"Ionian?" Darius looked up at Swain in confusion, "Who is he?"

"You have been back to the Immortal Fortress for several months, so you must have seen the changes in the city?" Swain did not directly answer his question.

"Changes..." Darius thought for a while, "Are you referring to the Hexgate, bicycles, and those expensive power generation equipment that are different from HexTech?"

You must know that in the past few decades, Piltover has held the secret of Hex technology tightly in his hands, and will never sell the related Hex power generation facilities to Noxus.

But in the past two years, the family of the Gilamann councilor in Piltover somehow sold various power generation facilities to Noxus at extremely high prices for the first time ever.

Of course, according to Darius' little understanding of Hex technology, this kind of power generation equipment does not need Hex crystals, and can generate electricity only by burning coal and wood.

There are even devices that can be used by shining the sun or placing them in the water.

This new type of technology has attracted the attention of the major families of the Immortal Fortress, but its high price has dissuaded most people.

Not to mention the Hexfly Gate, which is strictly guarded by the Piltover guards, most of the families who can afford power generation equipment have used their brains on this aspect.

They bought the equipment back and wanted their craftsmen to reverse engineer this novel technology.

If successful, they will make a lot of money.

However, due to various unknown reasons, this kind of power generation equipment will often be damaged when disassembled, so that nobles dare not spend money on researching this new type of technology.

In addition, the most important thing for Noxus is the hexa gate that can shuttle to all parts of the world in a few seconds.

Although the price of using it is relatively expensive, compared with the equally expensive and risky sea voyage, the Hexagate has an absolute advantage in all aspects.

In the few months since the completion of the Hex-Flying Gate alone, the trade volume of the Immortal Fortress has more than doubled, greatly increasing the empire's tax revenue.

Swain paused, "You must have heard of their inventors."

"Li Lin of Gilaman's family is known as the talented craftsman of Piltover and the pioneer of the future..."

Just as he was talking, Darius seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes moved down again, looking at the parchment.

"Could it be him?"

"This young man is beyond my expectations."

A playful smile appeared on Swain's tense face, which surprised Darius.

The next moment, he took out a document full of words from the drawer, pressed it on the table and handed it to Darius opposite.

"Look at this."

Darius had a bit of confusion on his face, and he still didn't understand what happened.

It wasn't until he finished reading the content on the paper that he opened his eyes wide and looked at Swain, speechless in shock, "He actually..."

This document contains all kinds of information about Li Lin, as well as the hand-drawn sketches of the air combat machine Storm and Mechanical Engineers.

Including that he grew up in Ionia, his parents died in the attack of the Noxus army, and he fled to Piltover alone for four years, and then he was suddenly taken in as a craftsman by the Gilaman family. Soar into the sky.

Then, in less than two years, he became an important figure in Piltover.

"Don't you think his rise seems strange?" Swain asked in an inexplicable tone.

"It's a little strange..."

Darius put the file back on the table, his face extremely serious.

Although he is the most expensive hand of Noxus, when the Trifari Council was established, he, as a representative of "force", was able to sit on an equal footing with Swain in politics.

But his resourcefulness can only be reflected on the battlefield after all.

For this kind of political issue, Darius did not understand, nor did he want to understand.

However, even if Swain didn't mention it, Darius could still see the strangeness of this young man.

These various novel inventions that even the outstanding craftsmen of the Piltover family could not come up with, but came from an Ionian who had only been in contact with mechanics for four years.

Everything went too smoothly.

"We sent a lot of war masons into Piltover, and they were basically arrested by these so-called 'mechanical engineers'.

"Not only that, according to my eyeliner report, not only the 37th battle group led by Prescott is going to the border of Demacia this time, but also the gray battle group belonging to the black rose.

"But they all lost the news, and it seems that the entire army was wiped out... But on the battlefield, my eyeliner noticed the traces of Piltover's mechanical troops."

Swain dropped another blockbuster.

Darius clenched his fists, "The mechanical army... and the black rose, what do they want?"

Swain shook his head and returned to that expressionless expression.

In fact, he still has more information about Piltover that he hasn't told Darius.

Because it is impossible to inquire about such information only by war stonemasons.

Except for the sound of crackling matches burning in the fireplace, the house fell into a temporary silence.

"It seems that with this guy around, we probably won't be able to chew on the tough bone of Piltover." Darius paused, "Just like Shurima."

There was an inexplicable brilliance in Swain's eyes, "It just so happens that what we need now is to recuperate."

"By the way, I have other things to look for you at this time." Darius' tone was straightened, and he restrained some worries just now. "It's still related to the black rose."

"You want to say Faceless Man?"

"You even know this?"

The three-person council of Tri Farley adheres to the principle of separation of powers, with Swain representing "far-reaching", Darius representing "force", and Faceless representing "cunning".

But now, the faceless man's behavior is very strange, just like a different person.

"He has been replaced by the Pale Lady."

Darius' face changed for a while, "What shall we... do next?"

"How is your Trifari Legion building?" Swain asked an irrelevant topic.

"I am selecting the most outstanding and elite fighters in each chapter, and it is expected to be formed early next year."

"Very well, now we have no worries for the time being."

Swain was silent for a moment.

Darius couldn't understand what he wanted to express, but since he said so, there was no need to worry about it for the time being.

"Go and tell Du Kecao to send someone to Piltover to secretly investigate the situation of the Gilaman family and Li Lin."

"Du Kecao?" Darius looked stunned, "But even the war masons can't deal with mechanical engineers, let the assassins go..."

"I have my own plan, just follow it." Swain waved his hand, "Remember, you go to the Du Kecao family in person, if you have time... as soon as possible."

"Okay, I see." Darius sighed, "If there is nothing else, I'll go first."

"sweet Dreams."

"In these years, I'm glad I don't have nightmares."

"Sometimes, it's good to have expectations in your heart."

Darius didn't speak again, nodded to Swain, turned and left the room and closed the door.

And Swain kept watching him leave, and immediately stretched out his demon left hand, and inexplicable ravings that no one else could hear came from his ears, and scenes flashed through his mind.

His calm expression changed for a while.

"War machines, primordial fear demons, protoss..."

Swain took a deep breath, and looked to the southwest with deep eyes.

"It seems that I still underestimated you... Li Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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