Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 349 People, double standard is normal

Chapter 349 People, double standard is normal

Qin's soul has dissipated.

After taking Qin's soul away, Qian Jue didn't stay here either.

The sheep spirit nodded slightly to the three of them respectively, and then disappeared into the wind together with the wolf spirit.

"Demon Seeker, I've heard of this name." Morgana broke the silence, "In our time, there was no such organization."

"According to the history of Demacia, it was after the battle between you and Kyle that the new king established the Demon Seeker Association, which is responsible for dealing with mage affairs."

Li Lin frowned and pondered, "Why did the Demon Searcher collude with Noxus? Could it be that the nobles of Demacia have been infiltrated by the black rose?"

"black Rose?"

Morgana obviously didn't know what the term referred to.

"The leader of this organization used to be Mordekaiser's subordinate, but she cooperated with the barbarian Noxie tribe outside the Immortal Fortress, cut off the connection between Mordekaiser's soul and armor, and sent it back to the realm of the dead. This is how Noxus will become."

Li Lin sighed, and quickly explained to Morgana, "In other words, Black Rose is the Noxus behind-the-scenes organization, in charge of the replacement of each generation of puppet emperors."

Morgana frowned slightly, "But Demacia has a forbidden magic stone wall, and the black rose shouldn't penetrate Xiongdu..."

Li Lin shook his head, "This is also what I doubt."

The description in the original background story was too vague, and it was impossible for the real world to be completely consistent with the background of the game. He also couldn't figure out what was going on in Demacia.

He originally thought that Eldred, who had an extreme aversion to magic, just didn't want to lose his power, and didn't want the Demon Seeker Association to be disbanded by Jarvan III, so he secretly sent someone to take advantage of the chaos to assassinate the king.

But looking at it now, it is not difficult to see the shadow of LeBlanc in the civil strife in Demacia.

Or, even Eldred himself is the "puppet" of this pale lady.

Could it be that she is the real mastermind behind the turmoil in Demacia?
Zoe, who had been watching Qian Jue's departure, returned to Li Lin and Morgana, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you talking about the boring forest?"

Seeing the puzzled look on their faces, she stuck out her tongue and explained, "It's the Forbidden Stone Forest. The environment there doesn't even have magic power, and many things can't be done. The whole country is lifeless. Don't you find it boring?"

Li Lin and Morgana shook their heads helplessly at the same time, ignoring this little girl who had no idea what they were talking about.

"If some high-level people in Demacia are really in collusion with the Noxus, I can't wait for Kyle to return."

A black flame flashed in Morgana's eyes, "This is my country. I swore to protect it from foreign enemies. Even after hundreds of years, this vow is still valid!"

Li Lin looked at her in surprise, "Do you want to go back to Xiongdu with us?"

"What?! You want to go to the Kingdom of No Interest?" Zoe brought her painful face closer and shook Li Lin's arm pitifully, "Can we not go? Even going back to Piltover would be better than there Wow!"

"Of course..." Li Lin noticed the light of hope in Zoe's colorful pupils, "I can't."


Regardless of the prolonged tone and disappointed Zoe, he continued to look at Morgana.

"I know that King Jarvan III intends to promote the reform of the Magic Code. With your help, this process may go smoothly."

"I did think about going back to Demacia, but..." She pursed her lips and frowned, her tone hesitant, "I haven't gone back for so long, even the world has forgotten me, and now this country rejects magic so much , can they really accept me?"

Morgana lowered her eyes and paused for a while, "Or, they will feel disgusted and excluded from me just like how Kyle and Classics defiled me hundreds of years ago..."

Knowing her worry, Li Lin couldn't help laughing, "Do you care what they think of you?"

Morgana cast him a puzzled look.

"My words may not be very clear, let me put it another way." He deliberately asked again in a teasing tone: "Even if they really hate and reject you, so what?"


"As one of the hosts who inherited the power of the righteous Protoss, is it possible that you are afraid of a bunch of ordinary people?"


Morgana fell into a brief silence.

"That's right, your magic can't even be restrained by boring stones, are you still afraid of those ordinary humans?" Zoe coaxed from the side.

Realizing that he was still hesitant, Li Lin shook his head and said with a smile: "When your strength is mediocre, your magic talent will become a burden, and the magic seekers can easily get rid of you.

"When your strength is strong, your magic talent will be regarded as a threat by the demon hunters, and they will send more troops to try their best to eliminate you as a threat.

"But when your strength is extraordinary, even beyond the reach of human beings, they will worship you as a guest of honor, because you have the power to easily destroy their dominion.

"After you and Kyle inherited the power of the righteous protoss, isn't that what those people who are disgusted with magic and who fled to the western forbidden stone forest because of the rune war did?"

The nano-armor extension on Li Lin's neck quickly turned into a helmet covering his head, making his voice a little muffled.

"Human, an advanced animal with complicated emotions, it's normal to have double standards."

After all, he first confirmed the movement of Jarvan IV and his army, and immediately confirmed it on the map, and asked Zoe to open a portal leading directly to their marching path.

"Do we have to go there..." Zooey sighed.

"Actually, there are still many interesting places in Demacia. Why do you say it's boring if you haven't been there?"

"Well... If it's not fun, you have to go out with me one more time!" Zoe stretched out five slender fingers like slicing onions, "Five times, five times~~!"

"Okay, just do as you say."

Li Lin helplessly stretched out his hand armor and rubbed Zoe's soft long hair. She put on a comfortable expression, and Duo Duo's cheeks showed a slight blush.

She enjoyed Li Lin's caress for her very much.

"Okay, when you arrive in Xiongdu, I will definitely take you to a fun place to play."

"Well, let's go."

Zooey made a nasal sound of unknown meaning, then moved her fingers and drew a big circle in front of herself and Li Lin.

The golden light is shining, and the round "golden cake" is solid, and soon a completely different scene appears on the other side.

Humming an unknown melody, Zoe walked briskly, bouncing and jumping in first.

When Li Lin walked outside the circular portal circle, he looked back at Morgana who was still thinking, "Are you coming? The winged protector of Demacia."

Hearing this, Morgana raised her face, her eyes flickering, "As I said before, you are very talented in debating, Li Lin."

After saying that, the corner of her mouth curled into an imperceptible arc, "You convinced me."

(End of this chapter)

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