Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 340 Earth... Earth!

Chapter 340 Earth... Earth!
Damn, damn, damn!

Is this family completely insane?
Want to summon Fiddlesticks? !

Li Lin's beating heart almost jumped out of his throat.

He was basically sure that this house belonged to Ander and Natalie.

And the content on this parchment is actually a Demacian poem written by an unknown author and passed down from a distant era.

Of course, for various reasons, this poem has not actually been handed down, but has been submerged in the long river of history.

The content it describes is easy to understand. The object of the description is the ten ancient demons, with the emphasis on the head of the ten demons, the fear demon Fiddlesticks.

It's just that even Li Lin doesn't know exactly what this poem wants to express, so he can only make a rough guess.

According to his understanding, among the current top ten demons, only Fiddlesticks can move freely in the outside world, and there are only legends about this fearful demon spread all over the world.

As for the other nine demons, there are no related descriptions in the literature.

Combined with the word "crown", are they sealed like the crowned star-forming dragon king?
But it doesn't make any sense to think about it now.

The point is, where did Ander and Natalie get this parchment, and did they summon Fiddlesticks?
As far as the current situation of all the villagers in Hengfeng Village disappearing, Li Lin can almost confirm the second point.

Fiddlesticks did appear, and it devoured the souls of all the villagers.

As for the first question, I can't even think about it now.

Li Lin first used "digital thinking" to check whether the parchment was cursed.

After confirming that there was no problem with it, he summoned another drone and brought the scroll back. The current drone continued to be controlled by the brain to explore the room.

While waiting, he thought for a while, took out a very small storage box from his pocket, and took out a glowing glass marble from it.

【Zoe's marble: Just crush it, and Zoe will come to you soon. 】

【Zoe: I'll be here soon~~ I promise! 】

It has been determined that Fiddlesticks is wandering around this village. To be cautious, Li Lin crushed this "glass" marble that feels like hollow plastic without hesitation.

But just as he expected, Zoe didn't show up immediately as she had promised.

"Oh, sure enough... I don't know how long it will take for this little girl who lost her chain at this critical moment to come."

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Li Lin is really reluctant to use Morgana's feathers.

This was the only chance to summon her, and he wanted to wait until the reform of the Demacia magic code encountered obstacles before summoning her.

Two or three minutes later, the drone returned to Li Lin with the parchment.

Without any hesitation, he immediately found Jarvan IV who was talking to Shivana, and handed him the parchment.

"Your Highness, this incident is related to demons, we must lead our troops to evacuate immediately."

Jarvan IV looked up at Li Lin in surprise, took a look at the parchment, and couldn't help but change his face: "Is this... a poem describing demons?"

Li Lin was surprised that he could understand the ancient Demacian text and knew that it was a poem about demons.

Jiawen IV noticed Li Lin's expression and quickly explained: "Reading all the books in Xiongdu is a compulsory course for the crown prince... There are sporadic records in the library of the Illuminati Sect."

Afterwards, he and Shyvana stood up one after the other, "Then do you have any other clues to discover the devil?"

"Your Highness, this is not a joke." Li Lin looked very serious, "That is the head of the top ten demons in ancient times. No matter what, we can't stay longer."

Hearing the noise, Barrett came out of the tent.

The camp was very quiet, and he heard most of the conversation between Li Lin and Emperor Jiawen IV, so he persuaded him, "Little Jiawen, now is not the time to be brave."

There was a trace of harshness in his tone, "Since it has been confirmed that the devil is responsible, even if you worry about the devil, you can't risk your own life or the lives of soldiers."


"Don't forget, even with rune steel armor, it can only reduce the influence of magic on us, we are still mortal.

"The Fearless Pioneer Group can cooperate to kill a sub-dragon. Although we don't know the strength of the demons, I think the demons should be much stronger than those hybrid sub-dragons with only a trace of dragon blood.

"Are you trying to test the strength of the devil at the cost of our own lives?"

Jarvan IV frowned and remained silent.

"What did Ted teach you, as a leader, what is the most important thing to follow when leading soldiers on the battlefield?"

"Everything is based on the lives of the soldiers, and unnecessary sacrifices should be avoided as much as possible."

"Yes, avoid unnecessary sacrifices." Barrett walked to Jarvan IV, reached out and patted him heavily on the shoulder, "Let's withdraw troops."



Jarvan IV listened to Li Lin and Barrett's persuasion, and ordered the tents to be closed quickly, preparing to evacuate.

Isidore and the others had already left, heading towards Tobythia along the river, which was also the direction they needed to march next.

When they were packing their bags, Li Lin reappeared and switched his perspective to explore the nano-robots in Ander's house, and the brain made new discoveries.

Beneath the main room of their house, there is a newly dug space.

Instead of calling this narrow underground space a cellar, it is better to call it a small altar.

An unknown number of dead animals were placed in a corner of the room with their blood drained and their guts emptied.

Their blood was used to draw the six-pointed star magic circle pattern exactly like the parchment.

And the dimly colored and dried internal organs like the heart, liver and lungs were placed in every corner and node of the six-pointed star circle, without any sign of corruption.

[This should be the altar for them to summon fear demons. 】

[I can't understand that these animal corpses and internal organs have been at least two weeks old, but they have not decomposed, which is not in line with the laws of nature. 】

Can even microbes be affected...

Li Lin originally believed that Fiddlesticks' fear was aimed at those creatures with the original emotion of "fear".

But looking at it now, it seems to affect all life except plants.

"I can't stay here any longer..."

Before Li Lin called back the nano-drone, one of the machine cameras in the field for reconnaissance suddenly captured a human figure on the dirt road leading to the rice field.

He stood quietly in the middle of the road, with his head tilted so he couldn't see his face clearly, but he was wearing the same clothes as Ander who disappeared today.

"That's... Andel?"

Li Lin's eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, after being missing for several hours, Andel, whom he had long equated with "death", reappeared in the village.

"Why? Why listen to're all're all fucking murderers!"

This voice is very similar to Andel's, like an amplified version of his frantic raving.

But when the sound reached Li Lin's ears, it was as if sharp iron cones were inserted into his brain, stirring up his brain and at the same time arousing the hidden darkness in his heart.

【Do not!Master, that's not Andel, I haven't detected any signs of life in it! 】

Without the order of Li Lin, who had fallen into a sluggish state, Zhinao directly cut off the connection with the drone.

【According to my judgment, it should be a scarecrow. 】

"Damn it...we're being targeted!"

Li Lin, who had regained his composure, covered his head, his mood sank, and he quickly changed his clothes into battle armor.

The devil's attack was so sudden.

So far, more than ten minutes have passed, but Zooey has not arrived yet.

Li Lin, who was suffering from the sequelae of headache, had no choice but to take out the feather Morgana gave him and inject magic power into it.

After a few seconds, the black feather in his hand was filled with magic power, and it suddenly turned into countless blue magic light spots and dissipated in the air.

But at this moment, Li Lin suddenly felt an inexplicable creep, and the hoarse cries of crows suddenly came from around.

Among the discordant voices, a hoarse and deep voice that no creature in the world could imitate shouted out the word that terrified him:


 Little knowledge: the scarecrow will say the most fearful thing in the victim's heart, and will imitate the last words of the victim before death, not only human beings, but also animals
(End of this chapter)

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