Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 268 Stevan's Invitation

Chapter 268 Stevan's Invitation

The Church of the Goddess of Wind is a sect that has been established for a long time, but there were only a few hundred members in the previous church.

The church does not have a big church, only a small house that can accommodate dozens of people provided by devout believers in the relatively affluent border market, which can be regarded as a place where they usually gather and pray together.

There is not even a statue of Janna there, the only thing that can be used for worship is a statue of a blue bird carved out of wood.

However, although the number of followers of the Goddess of Wind sect is small, at least everyone is a devout believer.

This slogan was conveyed to them only by Janna herself, and they would naturally spread it to others.

However, after experiencing the explosion in Zaun this time, Janna's believers have increased dozens of times, and it is inevitable that there are people who fish in troubled waters and have bad conduct.

At this time, the importance of canons and teachings is reflected.

Today's intellectual brain has scanned and entered almost all types of classics in the two cities into the database, including Demacia's "Winged Sisters", Freljord's original demigods, Ionia's nature spirits, giant gods, etc. Feng's belief in the giant gods and protoss.

Follow the gourd painting to formulate some sects belonging to the Goddess of Wind. Without too strict regulations, the brain can still do it.

There is no need for Li Lin to worry too much about this aspect. He only needs to discuss it with Janna after completion.

In the following time, the two of them discussed the location of the church again.

Zaan did not say that there are many empty and abandoned places without ownership.

Now that the alchemy barons have been disbanded by Li Lin, he can choose a place at will, and he doesn't even need to spend the money to buy a house, just pay for the decoration.

However, the location of the church in Piltover has to be considered comprehensively.

There are basically no vacant land plots in the northern urban area. Even if there are, buying a land plot will cost a lot of money.

In addition, if you want to come from the southern city to the northern city, you have to pass the bridge in the Piltover Canyon, and you have to pay a copper ring toll.

A part of the southern urban area lives in poverty, and believers who live on a budget may not come to pray. This is not in line with Li Lin's original intention of building the church.

Therefore, the location of the church had to be in the southern urban area.

Due to the dense urban area of ​​Piltover, even in the southern urban area, if there is a free area, it must be close to the southernmost Sun Gate.

Although it is a bit far from the northern urban area, judging from the population ratio and the flow of people in the two urban areas, it is still beneficial to build the church in the southern urban area.

After all, compared with people living in poverty, wealthy families or powerful families have relatively less belief in gods.

After Li Lin told his detailed plan for the Goddess of Wind Sect, Janna was very grateful for this and promised to provide him with all the assistance he needed.

In fact, the only help Li Lin needs is for her to help the wind power plant generate electricity.

But the construction of the wind power plant has not yet started, so there is no rush. It is the key to let Janna develop followers and accumulate strength.



Time flies.

It's been over two weeks since the Zaun explosion and Alchemy Venom leak.

After receiving a report from Li Lin, and under the joint investigation of Sergeant Grayson and Detective Caitlin, Renata was fully convicted of manipulating the explosion.

Piltover's law does not have the death penalty, but MPs believe that if Renata is not sentenced to death, the people will not be convinced.

They launched a referendum on Renata's trial, and with Li Lin's push, the people of Zaun were also eligible to vote.

All male and female citizens who have reached the age of 18 and have completed their annual ceremony and reported to the Pittsburgh Law Enforcement Office are eligible to vote on Renata's "sinking hook" for mining or public execution of gun sentences.

Not surprisingly, 83.79% of the citizens of Piltover and 96.5% of the citizens of Zaun believed that Renata was unforgivable and supported her shooting.

Some of the remaining small groups do not want to introduce the death penalty as a precedent, for fear that the "death penalty" will be added to Piltover's laws in the future.

In addition, a smaller part is pure "Mother Bitch", who publicly condemns the parliament and does not want the prisoner to be sentenced to death.

Voters overwhelmingly favored the death penalty for Renata.

Her public shooting will be carried out in a month after lawmakers reconvened a parliamentary session.

In addition to this, Li Lin has thoroughly figured out the theoretical basis of rune technology in the past two weeks, and enchanted three rune magics of "energy increase", "strengthening defense" and "self-repair" on his Infinity Warframe .

This is also the upper limit that can be enchanted on an item with Li Lin's technology.

In the northern part of the city, the bell of the Zodiac Vault rings 8 times.

According to the plan, Li Lin is going to build the "Battlefield Mecha Kogmaw" today, first raising his level to level 55, so as to further unlock new technologies.

But at this moment, the maid of Gilaman's family suddenly knocked on the door of the workshop.

Li Lin asked Zhinao to open the door, and the maid handed him a standard-sized sound transmission tube, "Mr. Li Lin, there is a sound transmission tube for you."

"For me?"

Li Lin previously upgraded the landline phone, no need to manually transfer, just need to enter the phone number, which is much more convenient.

Generally speaking, unless it is an urgent matter between big families, people will basically not use the sound transmission tube to deliver letters.

And even in the past, when the major families discussed matters, they basically sent representatives for interviews, and the use of sound transmission tubes was nothing more than notifications.

As a result, there are fewer opportunities to use the sound transmission tube.

Li Lin stared at the sound transmission tube in his hand and frowned slightly, then smiled politely at the maid, "Thank you for your hard work."

"My pleasure."

The maid saluted him, then walked out of the workshop and closed the door behind her.

Li Lin leaned back, leaned on the back of his chair, and disassembled the tightly sealed sound transmission tube.

The shell of the sound transmission tube only shows the name and address of the destination. If you want to know who sent the letter, you have to open it to see it.

This can be regarded as a means of keeping secrets, although it is useless in Li Lin's view.

Taking out the letter, he casually threw the metal tube bigger than his palm onto the workbench, then fixed his eyes on the envelope.

Noticing the appearance of the family emblem, Li Lin was slightly taken aback, "...the Philos family?"

【Master, there is an agreement in your memo with Mrs. Gray that you will visit the Ferros family after the evolution day. 】

"—Hiss! How did I forget this!"

[I reminded you after the evolution day, but you were busy with the Geboga plan at that time, so you put this plan on hold. 】

[Following due to the explosion in Zaun, this matter continued to be shelved. 】

[I wanted to remind you again in the next few days, but I didn't expect the Philos family to send you an invitation letter directly. 】

【Sorry master, this is my negligence at work. 】

"It's not your problem brain, don't blame yourself."

With the "artificial intelligence self-evolution logic", the brain's speech and behavior are becoming more and more like a normal person.

Sometimes, Li Lin even has the illusion that it is not artificial intelligence that is talking to him, but a good friend who has been with him for a long time.

Perhaps, a true omnic, like a mechanical life like Transformers, will be realized in a short time.

Li Lin shook his head, put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, opened the envelope, and took out the letter paper with the stamp of the Philos family stamped with neat strokes.

There were not many words in the letter, and the general content was to invite him to visit Lanxun Manor, and hinted at the agreement he had made with Mrs. Gray before his evolution.

As for the signer at the end of the content, it is stamped with the seal of "Stevan Fellowes".

"Steven..." Li Lin sneered, "It seems that the old poisonous snake really can't sit still."

 There are exams tonight, plus a little Calvin. .The word count of these two chapters is a bit short. .

  The volume of Piltover is almost at the end. After finishing the plot of the Philos family, the launch of the satellite at the end of the volume is almost over. The next volume is Demacia
(End of this chapter)

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