Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 190 The Ascender?that's all right

Chapter 190 The Ascender?that's all right
Jess looked happy, and clasped the thin boy's shoulders with two powerful hands like a vise, and asked in a broken Shurima language: "You said Li Lin is back?!"

"Hey! Jess, calm down, you hurt this child." The old craftsman of Gilaman's family reminded.

Jess noticed the boy's liver-colored expression, and immediately let go of his hand without apologizing, "Are you sure it's really Li Lin?"

"If... you are talking about the person who is following the grand maester and wearing a black armor with blue light shining, I think so." The boy responded rubbing his sore shoulder.

"Grand Maester?" Jess raised his eyebrows, his face was full of doubts, "Who is the Grand Maester?"

"Of course it's Nasus, the great god-warrior known to everyone in Shurima!"

As soon as Nasus was mentioned, the boy immediately danced and became excited, even forgetting the pain in his shoulder.

The old man snorted twice, and whispered in a voice just enough for Jace to hear: "I told you to read more historical documents before coming to Shurima..."

Jess waved his hand impatiently, and turned his head to signal the old man to stop talking.

"Of course I've heard of the God Warriors. I read about them a lot when I was studying Hex crystals...but the focus now is not on this."

Jace's eyes returned to the Shurima boy, and then he untied a heavy money bag from his waist and threw it into his hand.

The boy's eyes lit up, and he opened the purse without hesitation, and took out a shiny gold coin, "Wow! You are so generous, sir!"

"30 gold plates, quickly take me to Li Lin."

"Talis, you gave him too much, so much money, I'm afraid it will be tomorrow..."

"Enough Grant, I've said it, now is not the time to say that!"

The old man shook his head helplessly, sighed, and stopped talking.

This guy, Jess, is getting more and more rude...

The boy carefully put the money bag into his clothes, then waved to Jess, and ran towards the south gate of Nashilami.

Jess kept up with the boy's pace, leaving only the craftsmen standing on the ground and looking at each other.

"Shall we... want to follow?" asked the young craftsman beside Lanol.

"Of course I have to go!" Grant, who was standing opposite him, said before Lanolle could respond, "Didn't you hear what that little guy said? A god warrior! Don't you really want to go and see it?"

The faces of the craftsmen of other families showed a little emotion.

Most of them have heard of the Shurima Empire and the Celestial Warriors at their peak thousands of years ago, and naturally want to see what they were like.

Grant blew on the gray beard around his mouth, and asked the young assistants around him to help him follow Jess and the others.

Ranore gritted his teeth, turned his head and signaled to the craftsmen of the Mirdard family: "Go, we will follow."



The southern gate of Nashilami.

Li Lin and the others were recognized before they stepped into the city.

Nasus is so recognizable.

The residents of Nashilami passed on to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon hundreds of people gathered near the south gate, just to see the immortal appearance of the god warrior.

"Uh, aren't we being too ostentatious?" Sivir looked at the people on both sides of the street and whispered beside Li Lin.

Although she encountered such an admirable situation in the City of the Sun not long ago, at that time she had assumed the role of a descendant of the Shurima royal family.

What's more, Sivir was not familiar with the City of the Sun at that time, and those people knew that she was the royal princess.

But in Nashilami, everyone only knew that she was a mercenary, and this kind of welcoming scene made her quite uncomfortable.

Kassadin glanced at Sivir and seemed to guess what she was thinking, "Don't think too much, they are not welcoming you."

Sivir: "..."

Kaisha, who was following behind Li Lin and Kassadin, covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Fortunately, the people of Shurima respected Nasus very much, and did not lose their minds and swarm him like some fans on Earth.

They just knelt on one knee at a reasonable distance, folded their arms across their chests, and greeted Nasus with the highest Shuriman courtesy.

But most non-Shuriman people don't understand such etiquette, especially someone who has never paid attention to such trivial matters.

"Li Lin!" A familiar loud voice came from the end of the street.

Immediately afterwards, following the sound of hurried footsteps, Jess pushed away the Shurima people who were blocking him, and ran all the way to Li Lin, ignoring their glaring gazes.

He stretched out his fist and hammered Li Lin's chest armor with a displeased expression: "You bastard! Where did you go?!"

"Uh, this rude handsome guy is..." Sivir's eyes turned to Li Lin, "Your friend?"

Li Lin didn't answer her question, and unfolded his mask to stare at the young man in front of him, "Jess? Why are you here?"

"You asked me, and I still want to ask you! What are you doing in the desert without doing what I entrusted to you? Do you know how dangerous that is?!

"Don't say you have this power armor, and... eh?" Jess was stunned when he saw more than a dozen storm robots floating behind Li Lin, "Damn it, you did this? Are you going to fight a war?" Yet?"

"It's about the same... I don't have any guarantee, how dare I run into the desert?"

"Even if there is such a thing, if you meet some monsters like powerful mage ascenders..."

"Cough cough!"

Before Jess could say the last words, Li Lin quickly cleared his throat, and gestured to Nasus who was standing beside him.

"I forgot to introduce you, this is Nasus, the grand maester of the Shurima Empire, a warrior of the gods who ascended thousands of years ago."

It was only then that Jess noticed that a jackal-headed god standing three meters high, wearing a battle armor and holding a long axe, was standing beside him.

I saw him lowering his head, the scarlet cold light in his eyes was beating, and he was not angry.

Jess suddenly had the feeling that his soul had been seen through, his expression was dull, and he couldn't help shivering, "I'll give you water and shade, this... sir?"

He hastily greeted him with Shurima.

"Yeah." Nasus snorted softly, and then said to Li Lin: "Your friend needs you, just leave it to me from Governor Saga."

After saying that, he nodded to Sivir, Kassadin and Kai'Sa, and walked towards the Harbor Governor's Mansion surrounded by the crowd.

When Nasus was far away, Jess couldn't help taking a deep breath, "—Hiss! Is this the Ascender? I'm so scared that I'm in a cold sweat."

Li Lin held back the smile in his heart, and patted Jess on the shoulder, "Fortunately, the Grand Master is generous and doesn't like to argue with others."

"If it were Nasus' brother Renekton, the desert butcher, you would have been cut in two by him and died on the street."

Jess frowned and looked away, looking at Sivir who dared to call the god's name directly, "This one again?"

"Sivir, the head of Zhai Haro's mercenary group." Before Li Lin, Sivir introduced himself.

Jess looked suspicious, "A woman can also be the head of a mercenary group?"

Xivir was upset when he heard this, raised his chin, and said with a provocative expression, "You want to try my strength? Regardless of your size, I don't even need a weapon to deal with you."


"Don't get excited, don't get excited!" Li Lin quickly grabbed Jess, "To be honest, you really can't beat her."

"Even if you can fight, I don't think you dare to attack." Kassadin added, "She is a descendant of Emperor Azir, with royal blood."

Jess: "..."

God Emperor...Azir?

Jess' eyes widened, he looked Sivir up and down, and a look of shock flashed in his pupils, "This, is this true?"

Jess looked at Li Lin, saw that he just nodded, and immediately covered his chest, still in disbelief.

"But... didn't Azir fall with the Shurima Empire thousands of years ago?"

"Have you heard the recent rumors?" Li Lin shook his head and smiled.

"You mean, the rumor that Azir was resurrected and became an Ascended? Is that true?!"

"Of course it's true, we witnessed his return in the City of the Sun."

Jess wiped the fine cold sweat that oozed from his forehead, wondering if he was dreaming now.

The gears turn clockwise!

It's been a crazy day today...

"Quick, tell me what you've been through along the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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