Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 147 The Light of the Sun Disc Shines Forever

Chapter 147 The Light of the Sun Disc Shines Forever
In the northwest of Nashilami, in a high tower on top of a hidden cliff.

In the room on the top floor of the tower, winding and stacked bookshelves filled the small space. Various styles of wooden scrolls, old yellow loose-leaf pages, and a large number of books were the only things in this room.

A burly figure with obsidian-like skin and at least two meters tall sat cross-legged quietly.

His face was hidden in the shadow of the rag-like hooded robe, and he bowed his back, letting out a deep and long sigh from time to time.

As the night darkened, he slowly stood up with his legs twisted at a strange angle compared to ordinary people, strolled to the window sill of the room, and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Astrology, a divination magic that can only be fully mastered by very few magical geniuses.

His originally scarlet eyes captured a dark purple magical light, and the colorful constellations in the sky suddenly changed in his eyes, turning into another look.

Suddenly, he noticed an abnormality in the astrology, "...this is?!"

He stretched out his bandage-covered fingers like a leper, or a mummy, and the surging magic power that shone with light spots gathered at his fingertips, forming a grand pattern of stars.

The cool wind blowing into the house through the windowsill blew off the hood on his head, completely revealing his complete jackal head.

He is the lost son of the desert, Grand Maester-Nasus who established and presides over the great library of Shurima.

"Giant Serpent's Tail, Reincarnation of Fate... Renekton, my brother, and Xerath..." Nasus gasped.

But before he could do any further divination, the star pattern in the night sky suddenly changed again, and a beam of bright light shot from the sky towards the center of the desert.

Shock flashed in Nasus' eyes, and he couldn't help shouting in a hoarse and deep voice: "This, this is impossible!"

He hurried through the pile of books, pushed open the dilapidated door of the room, and ran down the winding and dilapidated stone staircase down the tower.

How long has it been since the last time you came outside?
Ten years, 20 years?

Or maybe decades...

Can not remember.

However, Nasus still remembers the purple-skinned arcane mage dedicated to collecting world runes and sealing them up.

Wonder how his journey has been?

Nasus shook his head, dismissing the cloudy memory of his past.

Now is not the time to think about that.

Nasus's scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked away.

There is the center of the desert, where the original capital of the Shurima Empire—the City of the Sun—is located.

Suddenly, a kind of blood-linked throbbing flashed through his heart.

Nasus couldn't hide the shock and joy in his eyes, "Rekton... you actually came out..."

But soon, the joy in his heart was replaced by deep worry.

Renekton and Xerath had spent thousands of years in the shadowy tombs of emperors.

Is he really still the original him...

Before Nasus was melancholy for too long, a long-lost power suddenly injected into his body.

He could feel that his body as an ascender was once again bathed in a gentle and endless sea of ​​magic power.

Nasus' expression was even more shocked, "This the sun disc!"

His fingers were clenched tightly, crackling in the cracks in the bones.

After standing silently in the night wind for a long time, Nasus hurried back to the tower and took out a "cane" that was also wrapped in cloth strips, and the wide top was also wrapped in rags.

After closing the gate of the tower, which was impossible for ordinary people to open, Nasus took a deep breath and walked along the cliff towards the foot of the mountain.

This time, he will not repeat the same mistakes.



In the far northern polar region, in the severe cold and bitingly icy snow.

A four to five meter tall monster made of scarlet flesh and blood, with a hideous appearance, slaughtered wantonly in a small tribe of dozens of people.

"Yes, yes! Scream! Hahahaha..."

The bladeless giant sword in his hand looks like some kind of corrupted evil thing, and the sharp edges and corners of the same color as obsidian are like the incarnation of the devil, stained with blood.

There was an orange-red evil light in the center of the sword body of the giant sword. At the position where the hilt and the sword body were connected, a heart-like core was throbbing wantonly, resonating with the entire sword body.

With the nourishment of every drop of blood, every trace of flesh and blood, the beating rhythm of the giant sword became stronger and stronger.

Screams, howls, and roars can be heard endlessly.

But he enjoyed all of this, enjoying the pleasure of killing and drawing flesh and blood to strengthen himself.

"I am Aatrox, and I am the end of the world!" He raised his knife and dropped it, laughing wildly at the same time, his majestic spirit seemed to be able to shatter mountains and rivers.

"You demon! You will be cursed! The great mammoth will not let you go!" A warrior who was trampled by Aatrox uttered the last curse.

"Mammoth? Hahahaha?"

With a little force under Aatrox's feet, he directly crushed his bones, absorbing his flesh and blood into the clumsy imitation of the ascended body that he tried to reshape to show the glory of the past...

"Your God, be afraid of me!" He snorted coldly.

Then, the pair of scarlet eyes looked at the tribal totem altar, the five priests who were summoning the mammoth spirit.

Aatrox grinned, "Otherwise, why hasn't your god appeared yet?"

He raised his giant sword and leaped forward to charge.

The giant sword as hard as obsidian cut through the air swiftly, cutting forward and horizontally at a delicate angle, taking the lives of five priests at the same time, sucking their flesh and blood into the giant sword.

"Not enough... not enough! This bit of flesh and blood is not enough for me to maintain this body for too long."

A gleam of blood flashed in Aatrox's eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Yes, I seem to have left a qualified body a few years ago, as if I was the leader of a certain tribe? It's time..."

Before he finished speaking, an inexplicable palpitation caused him to stop the massacre in his hands.

"This...this is?!"

Regardless of the few survivors of the tribe who were fleeing in all directions, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the far south.

"Sun disc...Shurima..."



In the sea surrounded by danger, the southernmost province of the Ionian Islands, the Round Forest.

A man with silvery white hair and dark purple skin walked in the desert plateau on a moonlit night.

The heart of his chest shone with purple magic light, flickering with the beating of his heart.

In his hand, he was holding a strangely shaped longbow made of unknown materials that seemed to be integrated with his left hand. It didn't even have a bowstring.

Those eyes with only the whites of their eyes were extremely cold, as if they would be pierced by countless sharp arrows if they just looked at each other for a moment.

"Where are you going, Verus?" A young man's voice echoed in his head.


Or Vazumao?
Varus couldn't distinguish the voices of the two people many times.

In the Temple of Pallas two years ago, he used blood magic to possess the two Ionian hunters who were hiding from Noxian soldiers.

But this couple is so strong-willed that even he, who used to be a god warrior, can't suppress it.

Can't destroy their souls...

Today, they are a trinity.

"We can't leave Ionia, Varus." At this moment, another man's voice sounded, "Our parents are still here..."

This should be Wa Zumao's voice?
Varus shook his head, ignored their questions and objections, and walked straight to the western coast of Roundwood Province.

According to the memories of these two hunters, there should be ships that can leave for Shurima.

Under normal circumstances, the two mortals would not be able to wrest control of the body from Varus.

Except for some special circumstances, such as when he wanted to kill innocent people, they would strongly resist.

"Why are you going to Shurima?" Wa Zumao couldn't stop Verus, so he could only ask helplessly.

"I've said it many times." Verus said without any emotion, "I want to find my compatriots and resurrect them."

"Resurrection like you devoured us? We will not allow you to do this inhumane way."

Kai hated this unnecessary killing very much, and tried his best to stop Verus.

"You can't stop me, and you can't stop me..."

Just as he was speaking, Verus suddenly stopped in his footsteps, and an expression of uncontrollable astonishment appeared on his face.

Afterwards, he returned to his plain and cold expression, and strode forward again.

"What's going on? Why can't I stop him?"

"Kay, I can feel our control over our bodies weakening..."

"It's impossible! Wasn't it good just now? Verus, what did you do?"

Varus chose to ignore the annoying noise in his head.

The Sun Disk has resuspended over the Shurima Empire.

I'm going back no matter what.

The Empire must have a way to release me who is sealed in the weapon!

We, who have committed so many sins, are still qualified to continue to plead for forgiveness from the empire?
Varus's steps were unusually heavy.



Valoran continent, in an unknown underground tomb somewhere in Noxus.

A scythe sealed on the altar by countless chains and arcane magic suddenly opened its scarlet one-eyed corner.

"How long have I been asleep..." A deep voice full of darkness and hatred slowly came out of the scythe, echoing in this huge underground space.

No one answered his question, nor could anyone.

"Alas..." Scythe sighed heavily, "My once most convenient and trusted partner is now indeed a cage to imprison me..."

Suddenly, the sickle let out a deafening roar:

"I am not reconciled! I am Raast, a great warrior of the gods! I have saved the world once, how can I be trapped in this endless dark underground and suffer this eternal torture?!"

In the space, the reverberating roar gradually subsided into silence.

I don't know how long it took, the one eye at the corner of the sickle closed again uncontrollably, accompanied by a last helpless sigh:


(End of this chapter)

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