Chapter 206

Dart Council
In the dark alien space, countless white patterns similar to eyes hang high in the sky.

The gravekeeper, who was supposed to return to Dart as a member of parliament, is still standing under the members of the House of Representatives and accepting the reprimand of Dart members with a dark face.

"Adam and Eve in the new era lost?! This is completely different from the plan!" A heavy voice came from the pattern above.

The loud sound made the whole space tremble slightly, which was enough to see the strength of the Dart MP.

The so-called Senator Dart is the product of Adam and Eve, who were once the founders of the new era, after they retired.

After leading the new era as gravekeepers, they will break away from the shackles of the physical body and become spirits and the world. As agents of the world, they help the world continue to lead civilization to the next stage.

Their strength will also continue to grow with the replacement of civilizations and the increase of representatives to ensure that they will fail due to backwardness in the next era.

"I'm sorry, this is also something I didn't expect." The gravekeeper lowered his head and said.

Due to the different functions, Dart has absolute command over the tomb keeper, even if the tomb keeper was once the king of an era, he could not escape the end of becoming someone else's subordinate.

This is also one of the reasons why the cemetery is eager to start a new era and become a member of parliament.

Adam and Eve are just the rulers of an era. When an era ends, he will be eliminated. Only by becoming one of Dart's councilors can he exist forever as the real ruler of this world.

"What I want is not your apology! It's the plan! The new king is dead! Even if the fourth book of apocalypse has been completed, without the guidance of the king, the new era is incomplete! Cause the end of Apocalypse!" Senator Dart said angrily.

Although Apocalypse again and again will indeed bring transformation to the world, this process must also be very meticulous. The lack of a link may cause the transformation of the world to stagnate.

In the process of world transformation, Adam and Eve are indispensable, only they can lead a new era, and now Adam and Eve are dead, which will cause a series of chain reactions.

Without the guidance of the new king, the new ethnic groups born in the new era will not be able to receive correct guidance, and serious cases may even cause the world level to regress!

It's not just Dart who doesn't want to see it, the world does too.

"...I'm sorry." The gravekeeper shook his head lightly.

The Stone of Origin was lowered by the will of the world, and the Book of Apocalypse existed through the will of the world itself to evolve. Now that it failed, let him find a way?What can he think of? !

"Forget it, let's put this matter aside for now. After all, it's not like it hasn't failed before." Another member of Dart said in a conciliatory voice: "Our first problem now is Li Huo. How should we deal with him?"

Having said that, everyone fell into an eerie silence.

Since the birth of the earth, it is impossible for there to be only four Apocalypse, and the respective civilizations have naturally made various efforts to confront Dart in order to survive.

Even Dart came up with the fourth apocalypse after summing up experience after repeated failures.

But what is different from before is that the reason why the previous civilizations were able to resist was because the civilization itself possessed considerable power and stopped it before the Book of Apocalypse was actually opened.

And once the apocalypse begins, the new king will evolve, holding a completely different level of power from the previous civilization.

However, this time it is different. The Book of Apocalypse has actually been completed. The new Wang Chengze has even received world blessings that far exceed all previous ones because of his own strength—it can be seen from the fact that Adam is a higher rank than Eve. .

But Adam and Eve were still defeated, defeated by the rebels of the old age, which seemed ridiculous to them!
"Then let's wait and see." Another member of Dart said with a sigh: "If it is an enemy that even the new king cannot defeat, we... may not be able to defeat it."

But in fact, this is already the result of the Dart congressman's bragging.

Because it is the new king, Adam and Eve will be the first wave of people to receive the benefits brought about by the transformation of the world when the new era opens, and Senator Dart will gradually receive feedback during the next evolution of civilization.

Based on their strength, maybe they will be promoted to the fourth sequence with Chengze one day in the future, but now... haven't you seen that Li Huo trampled Chengze as a melon?
"Ah, then just wait patiently." The other councilors also agreed, so the conclusion of the coffin fell silent again.

Although the fall of the new king caught them off guard, the long life allowed them to keep trying and making mistakes, and they could afford to wait!

"Now, why don't you go and save her?"

"Why should I have her?"

"Because she called you for help."

"None of my business!"

The picture in the dream gradually became clear but gradually faded away. Li Huo vaguely felt that he seemed to remember something, but he vaguely remembered nothing.

Li Huo's hand moved slightly, but because of the excessive overdraft of the mysterious value before, his whole body was so sore, as if he had been injected with anesthesia and could not move.

He slowly opened his eyes, and what came into view was Wuming's beautiful face. At this moment, he was lying on Wuming's lap enjoying the knee pillow service that only appeared in film and television works.

It's just that Li Huo at this time has no desire to enjoy himself, his forehead is sweating profusely.

That's right, unlike ordinary protagonists who can't remember the time of blackening after being blackened, Li Huo remembers his behavior just now clearly!
It's just like Li Huo's two abnormal actions before, Li Huo didn't feel that what he did before was too much or strange, he just felt panic about what he would face next.

Will she be angry?Will you be angry?You must be angry, right?
Ask for forgiveness?or what?Who will save me!
"You're awake." Nameless looked down at Li Huo, she didn't seem to notice anything unusual about Li Huo, she looked at Li Huo with a smile, as if nothing happened before.

Li Huo was taken aback by Wuming's performance, she...wasn't angry?

"That... about the previous thing... I..." Li Huo's eyes dodged for a while, not knowing what to say:

Li Huo closed his eyes and said loudly: "Nameless! Chimian! I'm really sorry! I just used you as tools!"

Although Wuming didn't show anger, the less angry Wuming was, the more he felt a crisis in Li Huo.

Wuming won't try to kill himself and kill himself, right?

"Oh, that's okay." Wuming smiled, with a gleam in his eyes: "As your contractor, isn't it normal to be manipulated by you?"

(End of this chapter)

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