How did I become a god of evil!

Chapter 126 Fiery Concussion, God-Blessed Spell Spirit

Chapter 126 Fiery Concussion, God-Blessed Spell Spirit

Yadi came to the underground market this time mainly because he wanted to meet Lord Elvin de Armand, the knight leader.

The last time Erwin sent ten bottles of good wine, he said that he would come back in mid-November and have a good drink then.

Yadi came here with the mentality of having a big drink with Brother Erwin, so he took off his disguise before entering the house and met with his true face.

When he met Erwin last time, he didn't know who he was.

I don't know what to do, and I'm afraid that this big man is a fake, so I don't dare to accept the friendship of the Armand family.

It is different now.

As one of the candidates for the first ruling of the second heresy tribunal, he is fully qualified to sit on an equal footing with the knight leader.

If he wins and becomes the official successor of the first adjudicator, then a mere knight leader will not be enough.

The heads of the top ten Knights Templars—that is, the status of the Grand Knights are only on the same level as the second to fifth adjudicators. A ruling against the bit.

The Chief Knight Commander is just a vain title of honor and does not have actual power.

Social interaction requires roughly equal positions, and the deputy director usually plays with the deputy director, otherwise he barely enters the director's circle, and he is also a role of running errands to serve the bureau.

After learning the true meaning of Z, Yadi has always wanted to meet with Erwin, have a big drink, and consolidate this friendship.

My own successor to the First Judgment is false, but Erwin's knight collar of the third leader of the First Legion of the Black Rose Knights is real.

If you consolidate this friendship, it will be of great help to yourself.

Many inconvenient things can be done.

Of course, things that are inconvenient for Erwin can also be done by himself; such as blacking out a certain competitor.

The meaning of social friendship lies in the exchange of interests, forming an effect of 1+1>2. The more interests are exchanged, the more each other gets, and the deeper and unbreakable the friendship.

In fact, it is a bundle of interests.

Expanding the scope of strength is the urgent appeal of Yadi.

Z4 has a high status but is invisible. It has high authority but very little resources that can actually be mobilized.

At present, in the tribunal, he can only mobilize Camuel alone, and indirectly mobilize a God's Whip of Retribution law enforcement team.

Or the old subordinates of Lao Ka.

Although Camuel was promoted to inspector, his team did not expand.

This requires Yadi to continue to make contributions.

Exchange credit for power.

This is determined by the Z competition rules.

But Z can make friends, and the strength of friends is not restricted by the ruling, which is also allowed by the competition rules.

This is also the reason why Supreme Muting set the licenses of the four members of the Z series to such a high level.

You are encouraged to use this to make friends.

Melia is rich and has great powers in the Public Security Office; Jason has developed three years ahead of schedule, and it is obvious that his tentacles have reached into the Covenant Pastoral Court.

Yadi didn't have these resources, and met Erwin by chance, so he didn't want to waste such a good friend.

You push me to sit on the throne of the first adjudicator, and I push you to sit on the throne of the Grand Knight Commander of the Knights Templar. This is the greatest exchange of interests.

Of course, he couldn't directly reveal his identity.

But for Erwin, who was born in the saint family and whose grandfather was the chief knight commander, it is impossible to know nothing about the Z selection system that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Is this friendship worth the investment?

But which investment is not a gamble?

The Knights Templar is in the light, and the verdict is in the dark. One light and one dark complement each other.

Who said that in the future, the deep friendship between His Excellency the First Judgment and His Excellency the Black Rose Grand Knight Commander would not be possible.

To take a step back, the "Sun" is very likely to be a high-level executive of the adjudication office, or even a certain adjudicator, so we cannot fully trust the resources provided by the adjudication, including Camuel.

At this time, the help of the knight leader is very important.

Yadi is ready to get drunk with Erwin tonight.

Unfortunately, Erwin did not come back.

"Your Excellency is currently in the oracle capital, and there are many trivial matters in the temple. I called last night and said that I might not be able to return until around the New Year." Bob replied with a bow.

Yadi nodded helplessly, and found another topic, "I have a friend who wants to buy a gunslinger that has both tracking and spiritual attack characteristics. Do you have any recommendations?"

I wanted to ask Erwin, but now I have to ask Bob.

This honorary knight is also a gunner who fought on the battlefield, and he can be regarded as an expert.

Engraving warlocks may not all be believers in the God of Truth. Yadi has not mentioned his own beliefs. The so-called Son of Frost is also a joke, and even the name is fake, but to be on the safe side, he still pretends to be a friend.

"Gunners with tracking and spiritual attack characteristics are extremely rare. That is the dream of all gunners. It is of great significance to gunners, and can even raise a family."

Bob smiled apologetically, "So occasionally someone can realize it from the grace of God, and it is also a family heirloom. I would rather let it annihilate by itself than trade it."

Eddie understood.

His own troubles are also the troubles of all gunners.

A magician capable of tracking and spiritual attacks is a big killer in the field of gunners, and it cannot be compared with auxiliary equipment such as spiritual trackers.

The magic spirit that "can raise a family" is too precious. Even if there is, even if no one can inherit it like the situation of Will's family, they are not willing to sell it for money.

The same Gunners, no one wants to cultivate another family of Gunners by their own hands.

"It's a pity, I promised him."

Yadi sighed slightly, showing the disappointment that he failed to fulfill his promise.

Seeing that Lord Klein was not very happy, Bob hurriedly said, "My lord, as far as I know, there is a kind of magic spirit in the Church of the Sun that can meet the requirements of your friend, which is given by the God of Sun through the book of oracle. The magic spirit that comes down is called Raging Fire Concussion, so it is also called the god-given magic spirit; but the god-given magic spirit can’t be bought with God’s gift coupons, I don’t know my dear friend..."

Stop talking.

Yadi looked at him, "Go ahead."

"My lord, I don't know if your friend has the authority to enter the Sea of ​​Evil Fallen." Bob bowed, "If so, you can use the contribution points of Evil Fallen to exchange for the spirit of the fire concussion; of course, according to my lord, that contribution It’s not a small number at all, and even a narrow escape may not be enough to save.”

"That depends on his luck."

Yardy nodded slightly, thanking Bob for his valuable information.

It seems that it is really necessary to go to the sea of ​​evil falling into the curtain again.

In the face of the great enemy, the strength of others is imaginary, and the most important thing is to improve one's own strength.

After being sent off by Will and Bob, Yadi left the box and went to the service desk again to place an order for the Magician and the fully purified Baro Leopard Cat.

The former is for himself, and the latter is for Beria's body.

The Bornean Leopard Cat is the most ferocious of the Leopard Cat breeds, and its physical strength is relatively large among many Extraordinary creatures. It is suitable for Beria's container.

It was almost time for Ted to come, and Yadi left the market through the small gate on the [club floor].

(End of this chapter)

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