How did I become a god of evil!

Chapter 117 Major Events in History

Chapter 117 Major Events in History

I went shopping all afternoon, shopping for clothes, snacks, and jewelry.

I didn't take Mimi to go shopping in the past two months, and Yadi felt a sense of indebtedness, so he bought a lot of things, and finally bought two largest suitcases.

Mimi is very happy, especially the secret gold gemstone necklace and crystal bracelet.

Girls have no resistance to shiny things.

When it gets dark, Mimi is even happier with delicious roast chicken and beef goulash.

Also happy is Camuel.

Putting down the knife and fork, he wiped his mouth with a napkin in a gentlemanly manner, before Old Ka took out a large file bag.

"All the information is here." He hiccupped and continued, "There are two top-secret documents in it that I don't have the right to view, but it says you have them."

Opening the large file bag, Yadi found two separate files.

The dark red leather bag is sealed with the words "Top Secret" and the surface emits a faint light, indicating that it is kept with a seal array.

Similar to the encapsulation technology of spells, forcible destruction will cause the files inside to be destroyed by themselves.

Yadi turned the pendant back into the form of the Z4 badge and pressed it on.

With a flash of light, the red leather file bag opened automatically.

"Come on, let's watch together."

Yadi took out two thin pieces of paper and gestured to Lao Ka.


Camuel hesitated, "Can you?"

"I said yes, yes."

Eddie didn't care.

The two read the top-secret files together.

In fact, the two files have only one core sentence, and the structure is exactly the same.

[Cadolu Dosac, formerly known as: Beto Alfonso, Chief of the Supreme Pastoral Guard of the Orthodox Anglican Church. 】

[Andrew Samach, original name: Imogen Luthor, Chief of the Supreme Pastoral Office of the Orthodox Anglican Church. 】

Yadi and Camuel looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.


The Orthodox Anglican Church, a term with a strong historical flavor, is the product of the split between the Church of the Five Gods and even the Supreme Pastoral Court.

Yadi, who has always been a good student, still remembers the stories in the extracurricular readings in junior high school.

More than 400 years ago, His Majesty Pope Sig Semiyang resigned from all positions, and led the four cardinals of the other four churches to the most remote and barbaric place in the Eastern Continent——Sawei Peninsula to preach .

It was the only place in the Eastern Continent that was not illuminated by the light of the Five Gods. Over the millennium, the Supreme Shepherd Court organized six Eastern Expeditions, resulting in millions of deaths and injuries, and failed to surrender the Savi Peninsula.

The five high-ranking and powerful figures gave up everything and took risks alone to spread the five sacred lights. This is undoubtedly a sacred act, which was called "the call of the God of Justice" by the Supreme Pastoral Court.

After decades of arduous preaching, the tribes of the Savi Peninsula converted to the Alliance of Five Gods, and the Savi Church was successfully established.

Five people did what a million troops could not do.

What should have been a major victory turned upheaval.

For some unknown reason, the Savi Church banned priests from the five foreign Orthodox churches from entering the peninsula to preach, which aroused serious dissatisfaction from the Supreme Pastoral Court.

Vatican, the capital of the gods, sent an inquiry group led by five cardinals to the Savi Church, which directly led to the Savi Church announcing that it would break away from the Five Orthodox Alliance, change its name to the Orthodox Anglican Church, and establish itself as the Supreme Pastoral Court.

Sig Semyon's adopted son and disciple - Calvin Semyon proclaimed himself the Supreme Pope, known as Semyon II in history.

The two sides excommunicated each other, blamed the other for heresy, and a holy act turned into a church split.

Naturally, Vatican, the capital of the gods, could not tolerate it, and organized the countries of the Eastern Continent to launch the Seventh Eastern Expedition.

When the war was at a stalemate, the Byzantian Empire, the most powerful country in the Eastern Continent, which had previously refused to send troops on various excuses, announced that it would sever ties with Vatican, the capital of the gods, convert to the Orthodox Anglican Church, and attack the Eastern Expeditionary Army from behind.

The failure of the seventh Eastern Expedition caused most of the Eastern Continent to fall out of the jurisdiction of Shendu.

Five years later, Vatican, the capital of the gods, signed a peace agreement with the North Continent without hesitation, gave up a large amount of interests and occupied territories, mobilized seven legions under the Knights Templar, and formed tens of millions of countries with the Central Continent, the Western Continent, and the Southern Continent. The United Army launched the Eighth Eastern Expedition.

The war that lasted for decades caused heavy losses to both sides, and the Eighth Eastern Expedition ended in vain.

Since then, the five Orthodox churches have formed a split situation.

However, all this came to an end because of one person.

Thirty years ago, Cardinal Urban Constantine of the Lieyang Empire in the Central China went to the Eastern Continent alone to meet with the Supreme Pope of the Orthodox Anglican Church of that generation, Semiyan VI, and inspired God with the most devout faith. The art of descending invited five true gods from the Kingdom of God.

Flame of the Sun, Ruler of Fate, Ruler of Justice, Wheel of Time and Space, and King of Eternal Darkness.

The five masters of the gods descended to earth!

The Lords of the Divine Court did not blame the Orthodox Anglican Church, let alone punish them. Instead, they taught with great kindness and tolerance.

Tens of thousands of believers in the orthodox Anglican Church headed by Semiyang VI all wept bitterly, knelt at the feet of the Lord of the Court, and repented of their own guilt and even that of Semiyang I.

Three days later, King Semiyang VI announced the dissolution of the Orthodox Anglican Church, and the believers returned to the arms of the supreme pastor of Vatican, the capital of God.

And drew the fire of divine punishment in public, burning the body of atonement.

Since the end of the split, the five Orthodox churches have been reunified.

In recognition of the meritorious service of Urban Constantine, the Supreme Patriarchate announced the collective abdication, respecting Urban as the supreme patriarch for life.

However, Urban had no intention of power, and walked away in front of the highest pastoral square of Vatican, the capital of God, and returned to the Kingdom of God with his soul. He was known as His Majesty St. Constantine in history.

The only saint in history who called "Your Majesty" with "Holy".


After reading all the files, Yadi repackaged, shook his head and smiled, "It seems that this matter is not that simple."

The five masters of the gods went down to the earth to persuade apostasy and heresy?

A bit messed up.

Camuel also laughed, "The longer we work in this industry, the more we know, the more we can see things that others can't see."

Yadi: "Will you not be silenced?"

"I, it's possible."

Camuel nodded, "You probably won't."

Patting Lao Ka on the shoulder, Yadi smiled and said, "Relax, I will protect you."

Did not say very clearly.

You guarantee me a smooth "ascension" to the throne, and I guarantee you a lifetime of peace.

From the moment grandma chose Camuel as her guide, Lao Ka's fate has been bound up with her.

Success, this is the future King of Hearts.

If you fail, you and I will die miserably.

"Basically, it can be concluded that the Kadolu case and the Samaki case are revenge against the old members of the Orthodox Anglican Church."

Yadi took a sip of his wine, "There must have been many conspiracies hidden in the conversion of the Orthodox Anglican Church 30 years ago. Revenge will not stop, and will continue."

This is what the "sun" is for.

That was an Avenger.

Camuel nodded slightly, "What shall we do?"

"I have too little information." Yadi shook his head, "Is there a list of old people from the Anglican Church?"

It is estimated that it is an extremely large number.

"I don't know."

Camuel shook his head, "I don't have enough authority, but you probably do."

"Arrange it, I'll go to the institute once."


Lao Ka got up to leave.


Yadi stopped him, "I want to see Totti, please coordinate."


"Yes, the son of the wolf king."

(End of this chapter)

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