It is a way that Emperor Chongzhen became more and more enthusiastic after he gradually became familiar with the inside information of the Ming Dynasty to make reforms in various fields with plans, stages, and goals.

Although Emperor Chongzhen had also done this before, he didn't feel too much in his heart. However, in the past one or two years, he felt more and more important to set goals in a five-year cycle.

Two or three years is too short to see results.

Six or seven years is too long and too time-consuming.

On the contrary, by taking this intermediate value and gradually advancing the implementation of the set goals, we can not only see the initial results, but also see the continuation of the policy.

It takes a long time for a well-planned policy to really see results. After all, some things cannot be resolved by impatience.

Especially at the current stage, Daming is a unified and centralized feudal dynasty with a huge gap between the rich and the poor, many internal and external conflicts, extremely unbalanced development, extremely abnormal finances, and many problems. It is actually extremely difficult to build a new framework for the old framework full of holes, and various problems and contradictions will erupt if there is a slight carelessness.

Qianqing Palace.

With a gloomy face, Emperor Chongzhen leaned on the dragon chair and looked at the memorials on the imperial case. Hundreds of letters of remonstrance and impeachment were placed in front of him.

"The imperial court has only been stable for a few days, and it's starting to be like this one by one."

Emperor Chongzhen stared at the pile of memorials in front of him with cold eyes, and said coldly: "The investigation of the two major cases, the investigation of deficits, and the initial reform of the salt policy are all in the process of being implemented. When the interests of some of you are touched, the original One set, violating the ancestral patriarchal law, impeaching the House of Internal Affairs for disorderly government, impeaching the military aircraft department for taking power, and admonishing the Beijing camp for excessive changes, whenever there is any problem, use this set to prevaricate me."

Wang Chengen lowered his head, not daring to say much. He could feel that his own emperor was really angry. There were always some people in the group of civil servants in the outer dynasty who didn't know what to do.

"Wang Banban, pick out all the memorials on the imperial case, and all those who have asked to resign."

Emperor Chongzhen stretched out his hand and said: "Transfer all of them to the cabinet and tell Han Yu and them to dismiss all those who have asked to resign. Anyone who is involved in the deficit must make up for the deficit before they can leave Beijing and return home! I will arrest him and send him to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

"The slaves obey the order."

Wang Chengen bowed immediately.

Ever since he sat firmly on the throne of the emperor, Emperor Chongzhen knew that there would be many things, especially if he wanted to reform and reform, and strive to make changes in Ming Dynasty. This kind of contradiction is inevitable.

Benefits are touching.

In the past, he didn't have much control over the initiative, and when he encountered such a situation, it would give Emperor Chongzhen quite a headache. Even if he knew how to maneuver, but under the premise of insufficient advantages, the scope for Emperor Chongzhen to mediate was actually very small.

But it is different now.

Emperor Chongzhen held the relative initiative and was able to face complex national conditions more calmly. Even if the group of civil servants in the outer dynasty really wanted to make trouble, he could also deal with it calmly.

The struggle is endless!

The Wenhua Palace at that time.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

"It's getting more and more difficult to see through the court situation now." Zhou Daodeng leaned on the official hat chair, looked at the silent He Ruchong, and said.

"As for what His Majesty Gan Gang has done arbitrarily, how many disturbances have been caused in the court. Under such circumstances, there are ministers who have submitted remonstrance and impeachment memorials, which are mixed with some resignation memorials, but the emperor's attitude is still so tough.

This has never happened before.

Now that the emperor has thrown the problem to the cabinet, this matter is not easy to solve. Han Yuanfu is staying in his office, and no one is seen. What should we do? "

He Ruchong frowned, "What else can I do, let's take a step forward, the Metropolitan Procuratorate led by Han Jisi is really getting more and more radical.

The Dongji Factory under the leadership of Cao Huachun has not yet finished recovering the previously identified deficits, and the gang of inspectors and censors sent by the Metropolitan Procuratorate found another batch.

How can it go on like this?

Can't the emperor see that if the situation in the court is unstable, it will bring big troubles, not to mention that those deficits cannot be dragged out by individuals. "

A deficit, to put it bluntly, is an unclear account made during his tenure, but in fact this is caused by the chaos of officials.

Especially in the late days of the Tianqi Dynasty, the eunuch party dominated the dynasty and disrupted the order of the court. This made many people who cared about the black hat, forced by various realities, choose to live in peace.

In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, there are very few pillars who can get out of the mud without being stained, and most of them are contaminated with various bad customs.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with the impeachment memorials of some courtiers." Zhou Daodeng sighed softly and stretched out his hand.

"When the emperor set up the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was clear that it had nothing to do with the officials of the outer court, and was in charge of court affairs, but what Qian Sule and Huang Daozhou, the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have done recently are obviously interfering in the affairs of the outer court.

One court, two teams, this is unheard of.

What the Ministry of Internal Affairs does, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is very clear about what the Ministry of Internal Affairs does.

If things go on like this for a long time, I'm afraid that the inflated Ministry of Internal Affairs can even control the cabinet, if this is true..."

"Does it make sense to say that now?"

He Ruchong lifted the sleeves of his robe, looked at Zhou Daodeng and said, "Didn't you realize that in this dispute, the Wen faction is very quiet?

Especially during the shortfall investigation period, after those shortfalls were discovered, they all honestly handed over the shortfall money without any hesitation or dissatisfaction.

This is obviously because Wen Tiren saw this.

However, in order not to be disliked by the emperor, he did not get involved too much, even Zhou Yanru's faction, although Zhou Yanru was ordered to investigate the case, his attitude was clear. "

People are changed by the environment.

As far as Emperor Chongzhen was concerned, he was well aware of the horrors of human nature. In the past, Zhou Daodeng and He Ruchong stayed in the cabinet more for the purpose of mixing sand.

But with the passage of time, there have been corresponding changes in Ming Dynasty, especially they have also quietly involved in these changes, such as the establishment of a caravan in Tianjin Zhili Prefecture, such as the establishment of several workshops in the Gyeonggi area, and then earned a lot of money. Corresponding interests, this also makes their mentality change.

Among the batch of private workshops that sprang up, Emperor Chongzhen knew very well that some of the workshops were actually opened by officials in the court under various names in private, but Emperor Chongzhen didn't pay much attention to it, after all, he was promoting primitive industrialization In the early days, he needed more people to participate, but this did not mean that some things would happen, and Emperor Chongzhen would choose to compromise!

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