Full Time Master: Extrasensory Prodigy

Chapter 164 Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 164 Chaos Battlefield

"Speaking of which, what are you doing here?" Ouyang Xuanqing also asked suspiciously.

After observing the battlefield for so long, Blue River was the first guild executive that Ouyang Xuanqing saw on the battlefield.

"It's just itchy hands, I want to fight." Lan He also replied with some embarrassment.

"My hands are itchy, how about we make a deal?" Ouyang Xuanqing suddenly said with a smile.

"What deal?" Lan He was also taken aback and asked.

"For the sake of our old friendship, if we help you cut the reincarnation, how about we return the lost equipment?" Ouyang Xuanqing suggested.

Hearing this, Lan He's eyes lit up. It's a good idea. It's not bad to have an expert join in. Otherwise, if you cut it down like this, you will only lose the members of Lanxi Pavilion and Samsara, and other guilds will pick it up instead. cheap.

"Your proposal is good, I agree." Lan He agreed, and he was not stupid, knowing that cutting down like this would not be of any benefit to Lanxi Pavilion or Samsara.

"Since you agree, let's do this." Ouyang Xuanqing also laughed, and then said, "Then let's start now." After Ouyang Xuanqing finished speaking, Xuan Tianyun rushed into the crowd.

Ye Xiu also heard about the deal between Ouyang Xuanqing and Lan He, but he didn't say anything. After all, it would be faster to pick up equipment this way, so why not do it?

"Baozi, Sister Rou, only those with the Samsara Guild on their heads, don't worry about the rest." Ouyang Xuanqing also said with a smile.

"it is good!"

"No problem! Second boss, just watch!"

Although he was very tired of the intrigues between the guilds, Blue River was a loyal fan of the Blue Rain team, and this had never changed.

And this time, Team Blue Rain was killed ahead of schedule by Team Samsara in the finals, a big fight?In the consideration of the guild leaders like Mr. Chun Yi, this is a loss of the guild's strength. It is better to avoid it if it can be avoided. But in Lan He's heart at this time, he is more willing to participate in such a PK that does not need to think too much war.

Therefore, Blue River took the initiative to come to this battlefield and became one of the few master players in this battle.

Although Chun Yi is old at this time, the Three Realms and Six Paths are also here, but they are only watching the battle and have not made a move. After all, the interests of the guild are the priority. This kind of fan fights, let the fans vent themselves. Why let people like Mr. Chunyi go into this muddy water?

As for Lan He, let him go crazy.

But when Elder Chun Yi and many Blue Creek Pavilion players saw Xuan Tianyun, Lord Grim and their two friends in the tenth district in the crowd, they couldn't help but get nervous. What are they doing here?
Seeing that Lanqiao Chunxue seemed to be communicating with Xuan Tianyun just now, Mr. Chunyi hurriedly asked.

"I just made a deal. They play reincarnation, and the lost equipment belongs to them." Lan He also replied to his president.

"Are you sure?" Elder Chun Yi was also a little skeptical. After all, these people are all masters who play cards against common sense. What if there is a fraud?
As for the Three Realms and Six Paths, his expression was much worse. He received the news that Xuan Tianyun and his group began to besiege Samsara together with Lanxi Pavilion.

"You Lanxi Pavilion is too deceitful!" The Three Realms and Six Paths also shouted angrily, "You actually asked for help!"

However, Mr. Chunyi said with some concern: "President of the Three Realms and Six Paths, please calm down, maybe this is another trick by Lord Grim and his gang."

"Nonsense trick, all the people who die now are our reincarnation people!" The Six Paths of the Three Realms roared angrily. How can he calm down at this moment? It's the celebration of winning the championship. Now, the number one enemy of the major guilds has come to join the battle, and it's Lanxi Pavilion who helped him. How can he not be angry, how can he not be angry?

I saw Ouyang Xuanqing and his group shuttle back and forth on the battlefield, as long as they were players with the words Samsara Guild on their heads, they were all killed, and some of them didn't even have a chance to resist.

Then there is the proficiency in picking up equipment. This time it is no different than the one just now. Now it is the elite group of reincarnation. Who can enter the elite group is wearing garbage equipment. If the equipment on the body does not have purple, it is embarrassing to say that he is Member of the elite group.

"Give it to me!" The Six Paths of the Three Realms gritted their teeth and ordered. Now he doesn't care if Jun Moxiao is really helping the Blue Brook Pavilion. In a word, both sides fight together. As long as there is no reincarnation guild on the head, then fight .

Elder Chun Yi seems to understand the intention of Lord Grim and the others. They want to increase the conflict between Lanxi Pavilion and Samsara, so as to reap the benefits of fishing.

Well calculated.

Therefore, Elder Chun Yi also sent a team of people to attack Ouyang Xuanqing and the others along with Samsara. After all, they still had to do something.Although Chunyi is always the president of Lanxi Pavilion and a huge fan of Team Blue Rain.Lan Yu lost so badly, can he be happy in his heart?He also wanted to beat up Samsara to vent his anger, but how could he lose control in this situation now, "Ye Qiu" and his group had already started to act, if they targeted Samsara again, how would they play in the future?
The reincarnated people who received the order also rushed towards Xuan Tianyun and the others decisively. At the same time, a small team was drawn from the Lanxi Pavilion and rushed towards Ouyang Xuanqing and his group.

There are still people in the guild who are afraid, but the president's instructions have come down, the elite group, order and prohibition is the minimum, no matter how fearful it is.

Seeing that Samsara started to focus fire on them, Ouyang Xuanqing also started to increase his hand speed. After all, there were only four of them, and they had to guard against the Lanxi Pavilion's sneak attack from behind.

But this time.

"Lao Ye, how are you doing? I carry too much weight." Ouyang Xuanqing said after looking at the backpack.

"Me too." Ye Xiu said helplessly, the load is still quite heavy, and it's hard to use a skill now, let alone an attack.

Therefore, Ye Xiu could only tell everyone to retreat.

But fighting is Tang Rou's favorite thing to do, and now she is even more reluctant to leave. Now she can't wait to experience it and see how much she has grown recently.

"Slipped away." Ouyang Xuanqing said, Xuan Tianyun was also ready to retreat.

Laughing, now there are not only a few people here, but an elite group of hundreds of people. If it is to break through, or for some other purpose, it is okay. It was Ouyang Xuanqing, he had to kneel down when hundreds of skills were released on him at the same time, still want to survive?That is impossible, so at this time, the only option is to escape.

"Baozi, get out." Ye Xiu also told Baozi to retreat.

"Bosses retreat first, I'll cover you!" Baozi shouted awe-inspiringly.

Hearing Baozi's words, Xuan Tianyun couldn't help but roll his eyes, why is this guy so stupid?
But now that Tang Rou was more interested, she said hesitantly, "Let's hit it."

Ye Xiu thought for a while, and it seemed nothing to do with a dozen fights, at most it would just lose some experience and equipment, so he said, "Then you guys fight a dozen, and Ouyang and I will transport the equipment back." Originally, Ye Xiu transported it back by himself. That's fine, but now Ouyang Xuanqing's character still needs to be protected. The materials in his backpack are the basis for making silver equipment in the future. If these are exposed later, it will be over.

Moreover, apart from the silver weapon being bound on Xuan Tianyun's body, those silver outfits on his body were not bound, if it exploded, there would be nowhere to cry.

Therefore, after the four of them ran away and completed the transaction, Xuan Tianyun and Lord Grim ran away with their equipment, while Han Yanrou Baozi invaded the two characters. The elite group rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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