
Chapter 488 Su Family Alley

Chapter 488 Su Family Alley
Lidefang, Gouzui Hutong, where there is a stone chessboard.The chessboard is solid and heavy, and it has not been weathered and cracked after hundreds of years of wind and rain, but a smooth layer of paste is left on the places that are often touched by hands.Due to the age, even the oldest man in the alley couldn't tell its origin, he just said that he saw the chessboard there when he was a child.And it is also the busiest place in the alley.A group of people can be seen gathering there every day, some play chess, some watch chess, and gossip from time to time.From national affairs to Widow Han's broken shoes, there is nothing they can't talk about.

This morning, the middle-aged men were all busy with their livelihoods, and only two old men who had retired from the army sat on both sides of the chessboard.Two teenagers of twelve or thirteen squatted aside.Suddenly an old woman in a basket came over.The old woman did not look like a working person, but she was dressed so plainly that no one noticed.

The white-bearded old man in the chess game raised his chess piece, but he didn't drop it for a long time, but said: "If you say that this fierce-looking woman is Kefu, it's no wonder that Mr. Ximen is unlucky in his life. I think that when the eldest son was not married, he was also very high-spirited He is a good man, and he is highly regarded by the old Duke Ximen Zaichi. He was planning to send him to the army for training, but before he went to the army, he married the old monster Gongsun with high cheekbones and jaws like a crocodile. My career ended in the first half of the year. When I returned home, I couldn’t be an elder for decades. In the end, I was killed by fire and thunder, burned to death by the fire, crushed to death by the house, and left with incomplete bones. What a tragedy! "

"Yes, yes, it is said that the old monster Gongsun is ugly and has a vicious heart, so he must be the reincarnation of an evil spirit." The bearded old man pointed to the white bearded old man, signaling him to hurry up.

"Crocodile essence." At this time, a boy with a head who was watching chess next to him said.

Another one-eyed boy laughed and asked, "Have you ever seen Old Monster Gongsun? Does he really look like a crocodile?"

"Haven't you seen it or heard of it? You little bastard, get out of here!" The white bearded old man scolded the one-eyed boy away, still holding the chess piece: "Oh, have you heard that Miss Nine and Xu Luochen's engagement was cancelled. That Gongsun Li accepted Xu Luochen's 2000 million betrothal gift, and even after repenting, she didn't return a single coin."

The batch-headed boy scolded: "My God! There is such a shameless person in the world? She is a Pixiu, she only eats and does not pull."

The bearded old man frowned and said, "No way, he is a nobleman after all, so he can do such a shameful thing?"

Hearing these words, the woman in the basket was so angry that her hands and feet were cold, she pointed at the old man with white beard and asked sharply: "Who told you to talk nonsense here, answer me quickly!"

The woman spoke in an orderly tone, and the white-bearded old man turned his head to look at her, but he didn't recognize her, so he scolded: "You mother-in-law, are you taking choking medicine? Can you speak well? And 'answer you quickly', You're a dick!"

Suddenly a group of evil slaves rushed out from the corner of the street, grabbed the old man with white beard and slapped him several times.The old man with the white beard refused to accept it, and shouted and cursed at the top of his voice.He didn't shut up until later when he heard that the old lady in the basket was Mrs. Gongsun.

Yesterday afternoon, Su Yu's second son had a bad temper and wanted to bring Ouyang Jing and Xu Luochen to the door to ask for a bride price.But he calmed down halfway.I feel that going directly to ask for a bride price is low-level, like a "vulgar hand" in a game of chess.So he turned the horse's head back to Qinghuafang, asked Xu Luochen to write and spread rumors, and sent a servant girl to bring money to various books and newspapers to contribute articles.Create public opinion, slander, abuse, and various arrangements of the Gongsun family.At the same time, she was forced to take the initiative to send the bride price back to Xu Luochen's home.

Gongsun Li, wife of the eldest son of the Ximen family, is a daughter of the noble Gongsun family.Since childhood, the wind can't blow, the rain can't get wet, and it's white and clean.Although he was not considered beautiful when he was young, he was not comparable to ordinary people.Now in his 50s, with gray hair and sagging skin, he no longer has the good color of his youth, but he is not as crocodile as the rumors say.Hearing the words of the tiger and wolf, one knew it was written by Xu Luochen.

When Miss Nine was burned by the fire, Gongsun Li thought her daughter's face was ruined. At that time, Xu Luochen came to propose marriage, and she reluctantly agreed.But when she saw that her daughter was recovering well from the burns, she regretted it again.After sending people to inquire about it, it became more and more felt that Xu Luochen was not good enough for his daughter.Therefore, she annulled the marriage contract and wanted to remarry her daughter to the wealthy Xu family.She also thought that Xu Luochen would come to ask for a bride price, so she prepared 1200 million in advance and put it in the concierge.As long as Xu Luochen came to the door, he would give him the money at the door and not let him in.

But Mrs. Gongsun waited for a few days, but instead of waiting for Xu Luochen to come, she waited for a lot of gossip.The madness of public opinion has intensified, and the overwhelming abuse from the book and newspaper industry has made her a little overwhelmed.I also heard from my mother-in-law that people in the streets and alleys are discussing this matter, which has a very bad influence on my wife.So Gongsun Li put on her mother's clothes, came to the street with a small basket, and wanted to hear what everyone said.She walked on the street for half an hour, and finally heard the old man with white beard scolding her at the chess stand in the alley.


In Tongjifang, a group of people are inquiring about the price of houses everywhere, and if they find one willing to sell, they will buy it on the spot.The first person was wearing a red gown, and he looked like an official family.Whoops, whose son is this, he is so good-looking that he attracts all the daughter-in-laws and girls in the street.He poked his head back, squinted his eyes and laughed, looking at this peerless beauty, all of them praised Pan An in the present.

Asking about a maid with buns on her hair, the maid said with pride that she is from the Chang'an County Lord's Mansion, and the person in the red gown is our Su Junma.Everyone praised that Junma Ye is really good-looking.Hearing this, the servant girl and you are honored.After the maid left, the widow of the Han family said: "Look at it, Princess Chang'an's life is so good. If I have such a man, ten years of life would be worth it."

At this time, a widow surnamed Yue said: Don't be too envious, it is said that the horse in Chang'an County is not good.Widow Han was surprised and said: "Old sister-in-law, how do you know?"Widow Yue said: "Xunyang Princess Zhao Linglong said it."Widow Han asked: Do you know Princess Xunyang?Widow Yue said: My brother-in-law's brother-in-law is physically strong and works as a thug in the Xunyang County Lord's Mansion. I heard what the Xunyang County Lord and Xingze County Ma Hanhao said.

If you want to say that this group of women is really hateful, you must let Su Yu hear you if you talk about gossip.Su Yu didn't bother to talk to them, if Su Yu said to them: I'm fine.This helpless woman is likely to say: Then let's try it on the kang?

Continue to spend money to buy a house.Pay the money with one hand and receive the title deed with the other hand.At this time, Su Yu was "clutching" half of the alley and more than [-] private courtyards.

If you want to do things happily, you must have the help of a small official from the Square Department.As long as the petty officials are in order, whoever buys the house can be flexible, and the name will be filled later in the future.

Since the houses here are cheap, Su Yu can fulfill some wishes. He plans to buy all the alleys near Fangmen.Although doing so would attract opposition from some resettlers, Su Yu decided to use money to throw those houses into his hands.

The petty official took the benefits, and ran around to buy real estate for Su Yu.Some houses didn’t want to sell at all, so the petty official came to the door and said: Your dilapidated house is not worth a lot of money, and now the old man is paying twice the market price, what are you waiting for?You sold the house and moved everything in the house.Then take the money to buy a house elsewhere, and in the end you still have a house left for nothing.Do you understand this account?
"Master Su, there is a small broken room to the west, you..."


"Master, I found another one, but the house has been destroyed, but the title deed is still there."


"Master Jun, there is another one on the west side. The house is gone. It is said that people in the alley stole all the bricks and beams after it collapsed."

"Don't ask me anymore, as long as the title deed is still there, you can buy as much as you can."

That afternoon, Su Yu bought the entire alley in one go.After buying the alley, there was still money left, so I bought a restaurant on the main street near the entrance of the alley.It used to be called Chen's Restaurant, but now it's changed to Su's Restaurant.

Su Yu spent [-] million to buy a house. It is said that Ouyang Jing was even more ruthless, and really poured all [-] million into it.But Ouyang Jing and Su Yu didn't buy it in the same workshop, so it would not be beautiful to avoid raising prices.In fact, Su Yu wanted to buy a house in Houzaifang, because it would be relocated soon.It's a pity that the chaebols have already attacked first.

When Su Yu heard the news from the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager had already arranged for Meng Xiang to discuss the matter with the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households. At that time, Han, Fan, and Qian's family had already received the news, bringing huge sums of money and countless house slaves. He rushed over and almost surrounded the whole workshop.And the [-] million that Su Yu "picked out" from the wife of the princess is nothing to mention in front of the three chaebols.

After buying so many houses, it took a whole day to complete the procedures. Su Yu didn't go to the back hall to meet the queen mother, but just asked Tong Yu to ask for leave.After all the formalities were completed, officials from the square office had to be invited to eat and drink. It was already dark when I got home.I saw that the light in the princess's house was still on.This lamp is Madam's care, calling Su Yu into her room.But today Su Yu smelled of alcohol, so he didn't go in there.Ask the servant girl to turn off the light, and then return to Xiaoxilou.

"Tong Yu, Xiao Huan, you two have had a hard day. Go to the canteen and order some delicious food, order a pot of wine, call Lao Huang, and let the four of us have a few drinks under the peach tree."


Xiao Huan and Tong Yule ran to the dining hall, and as soon as they looked away, the two couldn't wait to walk away hand in hand.It seems that their little conflict has been resolved.There was another sachet around Tong Yu's waist, which was given to him by Xiao Huan.It is said that Tong Yu has not spoken to Zhen Qiaoqiao for many days, and the specific reason is unknown.

Just as the table was put down, Tong Xi and Wan Yanqing ran over.The male little princess Jia was used to slipping into Su Yu's arms, and sat on Su Yu's lap to prepare for dinner.She also patted her stomach and said, in fact, she is not hungry, she just wants to see what you eat.

(End of this chapter)

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