
Chapter 434 Level 2 Court Clothes

Chapter 434 Second Grade Court Clothes
Even without looking up, I knew that the queen's face must be as ugly as garlic eggplant.

Now the queen has a tendency to go her own way, and she doesn't even listen to her uncle Cao Sheng's words. It is said that the conflict between the uncle and nephew is getting bigger and bigger.

Turning his eyes slightly, he caught a glimpse of the queen behind the bead curtain.

For some reason, whenever a person in a yellow robe is lying on his back, it always gives people a lazy but extremely noble sense of sight.At this time, the queen was trying to sit up, it seemed that Su Yu's words made her very unhappy, and she was even on the verge of getting angry.

It's better not to let her sit up, Su Yu added: "We must catch, but we must pay attention to the method."

The queen fell down again: "What method?"

"First of all, give these people some guarantees, and tell them that the worst punishment will not be the death penalty, let alone implicate their relatives. They should even promote their sons appropriately. In this way, the queen's deployment can be completed without cause a mutiny."

"But I think it's too weak to do that. The purpose of my arrest is to let them die. The people on the list in your hand, as well as those who were arrested before, will all die. Only by killing them can the future generations be deterred. Otherwise, the Palace And the prince can't deter the military. I think you've heard that Zhang Yunlong and Zhao Ting have jointly asked me for a "counselor minister". Now that the emperor is still here, they're just bullying me like this! If it's true, then one day……"

Then Cao Yuhan said a lot of harsh words, as if expressing her unwavering attitude to Su Yu.

At that time, Su Yu really wanted to ask: Will the emperor agree to do this?
But this question cannot be asked.

Entering the palace today, I didn't come to see the queen. I didn't go to work or go to court because I planned to quit.But the queen is talking here and there, talking endlessly, and I feel that she is worse than Tang Linger.Finally, she also mentioned the Fourth Division, expressing her willingness to forcefully "destroy" the Fourth Division.When Su Yu heard these words, he had decided to retreat.

Su Yu said: "The fourth division cannot move."

"Why can't you move!" Cao Yuzan's voice became louder: "I have transferred the second division (Cao Sheng's troops) back from Xiangzhou. I don't believe that Zhao Ting dared to rebel!"

"I'm afraid Zhang Yunlong won't agree."

"Why does he disagree!"

"Because..." Su Yu swallowed his words again, and turned around and said, "Director Cao's army should be better than my minister's, so I should ask him."

Now that he has decided to quit, why tell her about military affairs.The two have serious conflicts of opinion, and any further talk is purely asking for trouble.Then Su Yu changed the subject and started discussing economic issues.Su Yu also came prepared, not only listed a package of burden reduction plan, but also proposed a new term "national debt".

The burden reduction plan is also in Cao Yuzan's plan.For example, she wants to streamline the title and lower the salary.And Su Yu's plan was much richer than hers.Multiple industries, all-encompassing.It can be said that what Su Yu gave was actually a "tax reform" plan.

Su Yu emphasized that the reason why the country can't collect money is not only that the three factions dominate one side, but also because there are too many intermediate links in tax collection and treasury, and the taxes are deducted by officials at all levels.Now all counties are required to send taxes directly to the national treasury across aisles and prefectures.If the Taoist government wants to use money, it needs to apply for funding from the national treasury.

What's more, all kinds of exorbitant taxes and tricky names are rampant, and businessmen and people are miserable.For example, when entering and leaving Luoyang City, card charges are set up everywhere from the military post checkpoint, city gate, and square gate.This has seriously hindered the flow of goods and curbed economic development.And the accounts are unknown.The right to collect charges at the city gates and gates should be removed, and the tax should be paid only once at the square office.When paying taxes, the Square Office had to provide a voucher. When leaving the city, the merchants handed over the tax voucher to the city gate, so that the tax could be calculated, and then reconciled with each square.

"City entry and exit tax" is just an example, and such chaos is common in other industries or sectors.As long as all these places are checked, the tax collection of the Liang Dynasty will be significantly increased, while the burden on merchants and common people will be reduced.The only "losers" are those corrupt officials.

The queen immediately said "yes", and asked what is a national debt.

Su Yu gave the queen an example that this is equivalent to opening a big bank in the name of the country.Let the common people come and buy national bonds.The so-called treasury bond is equivalent to a deposit note.Set a three-year, five-year, ten-year period, etc. The interest rate must be slightly higher than the market interest rate, but the credibility of the national debt must be guaranteed.

Cao Yuzan thinks that Su Yu is imaginative, you get some "waste paper" and you want the common people to buy it with real money?If someone else said that, the queen would have been pissed off a long time ago.But Su Yu has come up with new things many times, which made the queen look forward to it.At this time, the treasury is empty, and she really needs money.

"I figured it out. Brother Yu entered the palace this time to make peace with the Chang'an princess. You just don't want to be the commander of the Beijing Command anymore. But you don't have to say that my decision is wrong. Twisted melon Not sweet, since you don’t want to, then I will help you. However, I feel that Yudi is a great talent, and it’s a waste to be idle at home. Why don’t I change it for you. Let you go to the household department and arrange a special position for you. It is equivalent to the servant, who is in charge of tax reform and national debt, what do you think?"

Su Yu doesn't like to be the commander who offends people, whoever loves the mess of Jingtong.It is really a good job to be the leader of the tax reform team and also the president of the "Emperor Bank".

It's just that I can no longer wear this second-grade court dress, and I feel a little regretful.Because from the look in Tang Linger's eyes, she found that she actually liked Su Yu's wear.Not to mention the princess, even the maids and servants at home are honored to see the county master wearing a second-rank official uniform.

But now this opportunity to play prestige is gone.

Then Su Yu and the queen brought up the matter of "suppressing bandits".The queen said, you are also serving as the censor of Jinyiwei, so you can talk to Zhang secretly about this kind of matter.Then Su Yu left.

The Empress is really efficient in her work. As soon as Su Yu left, she issued an official document to revoke Su Yu's position as the commander of the Beijing Command, and at the same time appointed the chief eunuch Hong Dun to temporarily act as the Commander of the Beijing Command.Hong Dun was guilty of the crime at this time, and the queen said that he should take the blame and make meritorious service.

Finally, the two secret service agencies proposed by Su Yu became government offices controlled by the "Factory Lord".Su Yu, on the other hand, took the letter of appointment and went to the household department to report.In the household department, there is only Fan Dingxuan, the Shangshu of the household department, as the immediate boss.And Master Fan is also the official representative of Fan's chaebol, and his family is extremely rich.Among the six major chaebols, the most low-key but most stable is the Fan's chaebol.

Tang Zhen's wife, Fan Shi, is Fan Dingxuan's younger sister.

In this way, Su Yu is somewhat related to him.But in officialdom, people generally don't like to drag each other's relatives.

Meet Fan Dingxuan.Lord Shangshu is going to host a banquet in honor of this "temporarily unemployed" but very high-ranking Su Tongren.Everyone knew that Su Yu was previously a special official in Beijing, but he was suddenly dismissed and came to the household department. Everyone couldn't help but wonder, did the queen want to touch these civil servants in the household department?
And up to now, Su Yu is also serving as the supervisor of Jinyiwei, and the gang of Jinyiwei are more terrifying than Jingtong.Especially for civil servants.

Jingtong ruled the military, while Jinyiwei took all civil and military bandits and merchants.

Pingkangfang, Meixianyuan.

In the high-rise feast, the delicate and charming women in the hall are thin and fat, singing and dancing in front of the eyes, and laughing and laughing among the interlaced cups and cups.After drinking for three rounds, seeing Su Yu half-drunk, the well-dressed Fan Dingxuan led Su Yu into the secret room, and asked in a low voice: "Master Su came to the household department, but did he come with a mission?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Of course."

Fan Dingxuan couldn't help being a little nervous: "May I ask Mr. Su, who is the queen planning to move? If it's Fan, please tell Mr. Su directly. The benefits will naturally be indispensable to Mr. Su."

"Oh! Lord Shang Shu, don't worry, I'm only here with a financial mission. Those investigations and arrests are no longer under my control. However, the queen is very short of money now, and she really needs Lord Fan's help."

"Uh... Master Su means..."

"Master Shang Shu, don't be too careful, I don't mean anything. If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Everyone only thought that Su Yu was the queen's confidant, the head of the top secret service, and suddenly parachuted into the household department, so there must be some kind of "meaning" in his words.Obviously this is a misunderstanding.Su Yu just talked too much after drinking.But Su Yu after drinking is still sober, he knows what is good and what is bad.When he discovered that the Master Shangshu had the intention to take refuge in the queen, he unceremoniously "extorted" some money for the queen.

It is said that the queen received 20 billion from Fan's chaebol that night.The reason for giving money is: due to the skyrocketing grain prices caused by drought and flood disasters, the money will be given to the empress, the mother of the world, and the relief of disasters and people.

The queen laughed, summoned Fan Dingxuan that night, and praised him greatly.The next day, all the tongue-in-cheek books and newspapers issued a collective article, praising Fan's chaebol from all angles for their previous actions.Soon after, Qian and Han also had money sent to the national treasury. They followed Fan's example and donated 20 billion each.

Before the emperor was dead, this gang of chaebols who had been playing tricks on the wind had already begun to blatantly show their favor to the queen.Of course, their money will not be wasted.If the protection fee is paid enough, the business will go smoothly.And their eyes and ears had long heard that the emperor hadn't left the palace for a long time.It is said that the emperor has been lying in the queen's bedroom.The emperor was very ill, and his reluctance to go out and about aroused no suspicion.But even the emperor's personal eunuchs and maids didn't come out and walk around.This is intriguing.

Cao Yuzan got 60 billion in one go to ease the urgent need, and she already knew that Fan's money was related to Su Yu.At this moment, she was not so angry about Su Yu's "forced withdrawal" from Jingtong. Instead, she felt a little regretful because of her cold face that day, and worried that there would be a estrangement with Su Yu from now on.

But soon she gave up this idea, because among the memorials she received from the Ministry of Household Affairs was a copy of Su Yu's, and she could see from the lines that Su Yu was in a good mood.Su Yu's memorials were never as cautious and rigid as other officials, but more like letters between friends.He wrote: Your Majesty the Queen, there is a limit to squeezing the plutocrats. If you push them into a hurry, it will not be beautiful to flee to other countries with the money, and it may cause the Great Depression...

After reading the secret performance, the queen smiled knowingly.

Putting down the memorial: "Xiaobao, I told you to find my uncle to come see me, why hasn't he come yet?"

Cao Xiaobao said with embarrassment: "Madam, Xiaobao has been there three times, but Master... He not only refused to come, he even scolded me."

"Oh? What did uncle scold you for?"

(End of this chapter)

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