
Chapter 420 Chapter 420 Princess Smiles

Chapter 420 Chapter [-] The princess smiled
I wanted to go to Honghei Temple, but I gave up after thinking about it.The more he wanted to take care of Qin'er, the more he couldn't see her more.Just be colder and let her stop thinking.

He only thought that Tan Qin'er was still recuperating in Honghei Temple, so Su Yu rushed to the Meiling Hall, intending to talk to Tang Lian, but he didn't expect that Tan Qin'er was here too.Su Yu immediately hid.

Let Tong Yu go into the house to find Tang Lian, ask Tang Lian out alone, and meet in the car.After asking, I found out that Tan Qin'er has not recovered from her injury, so she will cook in person to entertain the gods and express her gratitude.Even if Su Yu doesn't come to look for him, Tang Lian will send someone to invite him after a while.At this time, Su Yu told Tang Lian his feelings, saying that he didn't want to delay Tan Qin'er any longer.

Su Yu said: "You pay Qin'er [-] yuan from the account of the Meiling Pavilion, but don't say that I gave it to you. From now on, her food and clothing expenses will be under your control, so you can say that you take care of her. Although she Poor, but she is as tough as her father and has a good face. You should find something for her to do, otherwise she will give her money and she will not want it."

Tang Lian sighed: "I can understand senior brother's thoughts, and I also admire him as a human being. But it's hard for Qin'er. I know she has you in her heart, and she is willing to be your concubine. I also know It must be very difficult to go to the princess's mansion as a child, but it is useless for me to persuade her."

Su Yu said: "The more this happens, the more I will stay away from her. What do you think?"

Tang Lian smiled noncommittally.

Su Yu asked again: "Did Senior Sister Yan reply?"

"I didn't reply. I just asked the errand runner to send a message. Senior Sister Yan said that it is up to Brother Qi and you to decide Luoyang, and she will not participate. But if she needs her help, she will come. Especially for the comprehensive counterattack against Ye Wuliang When the time comes, she must participate."

"Senior Sister Yan is becoming more and more aware of the big picture, which is a good thing for the Divine Sect."

Su Yu felt that Senior Sister Yan had changed a lot and was overjoyed.He also told Tang Lian a few words, only saying that he was busy, so he would not attend today's meeting.Then Su Yu left the Meiling Pavilion and went to Kong's house instead.

No matter which era, young people are always more fashionable.When I came to Kong's house again, I felt that the place was full of vitality, which made Su Yu feel refreshed.

Kong Shuo used to be the head of the family. Although the decoration of the house is luxurious, it always looks old-fashioned.Now that Young Master Kong Da is in charge of the house, he immediately feels that the scene here has changed.There used to be knives and axes hanging on the wall, but now they have been changed to pictures of beauties.The previously dark-colored furniture has also been replaced with brighter ones.What made Su Yu feel that the scene was different was the people here.I don't know where Kong Xiang got it, but within a short period of time he managed to get seven wives home.It's incredible.

In an instant, several people who called Su Yu foster father were added.And all of them are young and beautiful, dazzling.In a trance, it seems to be walking into Wanhualou.

It was only later that I found out that this group of girls was raised by Master Kong Da, and his parents did not agree to bring these goblins home at that time.Now that Kong Shuo has passed away, and the Han family has gone somewhere, Kong Xiang just took all of them home.It is said that these seven women originally belonged to a troupe, but Kong Xiang bought them all.If there is nothing to do, let the seven concubines wear costumes and act as seven fairies to play with him.

In this situation, if Ouyang Jing was by his side, he would definitely say: This is how rich people should live, Jin Feng, don't you think so?

If Xu Luochen was by his side, he would definitely scold and peek while covering his face.

If Lin Chongyang was by his side, he would definitely squint his eyes slightly, show disdain on his face, and even walk away angrily.

"Ah! The foster father is here!"

"Auspicious foster father."

"Has foster father eaten?"

"Sit in foster father's room."

"What kind of tea does foster father like?"


On the day of Su Yu's wedding, Kong Xiang took his family to the street to watch the fun, and later he took a concubine to the Duke's Mansion to attend Su Yu's wedding, and brought him a rich gift.For this wedding, Princess Chang'an received a mountain of gifts.The small warehouse of the princess' mansion couldn't be put down at all. Later, the west wing was opened and put down against the beams.

On the day of the wedding, Su Yu rode a horse through the streets, which was so beautiful that these women could see it clearly.This adoptive father is so young and handsome, one can't forget it just by looking at him.How many times has Kong Xiang talked about the relationship between foster father and Kong family.Hearing that foster father will come to Kong's house as a guest, Xiaolang hoofs have long been looking forward to it.Today, when the adoptive father comes to the door, he must be warmly entertained.

"Oh, everyone, don't be busy." Su Yu waved his hand and asked, "Where did Kong Xiang go?"

"I'm digging a grave." The most beautiful concubine whispered.


When I saw Kong Xiang last time, I felt that this kid was very interested in digging graves.Under the instigation and contact of the slave fan Tong, Master Kong Da young master digs graves with a group of tomb thieves with tens of billions of assets to manage.This little concubine who knew the inside story only regarded her adoptive father as not an outsider, so she bluntly told him.

Su Yu was so angry that he was speechless for a while.

"Yo, fourth master is here! Go, go, go down!"

At this time, the butler Qi Hun trotted over and drove the group of goblins out.The "Four Masters" in his mouth are arranged according to Kong Shuo's seniority, the eldest master is Kong Shuo, the second master is Guan Xiong, the third master is Shi Chong, and Su Yu is the fourth.

"What's the matter, I'm having a good time, but I have to dig a grave?"

"Fourth master calm down, the young master has such a temper, we really can't control it."

"Whose grave are you going to dig this time?"

"Qinling Han Tomb."

"Qin Ling?" Su Yu's brain hurt for a while, "Is there any news about the Han family and Kong Rui?"

"not yet."

Father and adoptive father are completely different concepts. Kong Xiang knew how to control himself when his father was there, but when his father died, the boy would be completely let go.Before his mother was found, he ran to dig graves to play.If he didn't care, what else did he care about.Just shake your sleeves and leave.

Before leaving, I chatted with Qi Hui.Now the Kong family has no liquid property to speak of, and there are a lot of fixed properties. Kong Xiang is too lazy to manage them, so they rent them out to earn rent.And there is a large warehouse in Beishi, which stores [-] million yuan of rice.There is also a tavern and gambling house left.

There are a few confidantes under him who are in charge of the streets of Beishi, and sometimes go to some places to collect protection money and fight.However, Kong Xiang's protection fee is very low.In Su Yu's words, he was just looking for a sense of presence, and it was enough to let everyone know that the Big Snakehead of Beishi was me, Kong Xiang.And that little protection fee was not entered into the Kong family's account at all, and was sent directly to the brothers for eating, drinking and having fun.

What a hands-off shopkeeper.

Su Yu suddenly felt that it was the wisest decision for Kong Xiang to put 50 billion in the hands of his adoptive mother Tang Ling'er.Although this adoptive mother is very, very stingy, she can make a steady profit if she puts the money there.

Seeing that Su Yu was not in a good mood, Qi Hui repeatedly apologized, saying that he did not take good care of the young master.Su Yu smiled, only Taoist people have their own destiny, don't force it.

Dark clouds covered the sun, and it snowed heavily.

He rushed back to the princess mansion in the snow.

There was so much snow that the carriage almost got stuck in the snowdrift.

Back in the mansion, Su Yu took Wan Yanqing and a group of slaves to build a snowman.Ouyang Xiaoqiao and Kong Ting came back from going out, built a snowman together, and had a snowball fight. Xiaoxi laughed and laughed downstairs.

Suddenly, a small gap opened in the window on the second floor of Luanfeng Pavilion, and Princess Chang'an looked down through the gap.Seeing this group of people playing happily, the princess suddenly felt complicated.From childhood to adulthood, I watched other people play, but I listened to the old man's lecture in the study.

The princess stretched out her hand to close the window, and the sound outside suddenly became much quieter.The princess was depressed, sitting on the couch and looking at the paperwork waiting for approval.Suddenly he was not in the mood to criticize, so he pushed it all to Lin Wan.Lin Wan looked at those high data and panicked.In case of a batch error, it is an error of tens of millions, so be more careful and double-check.

With such a heavy snowfall, President Tang should have arranged for someone to search around to see if there was any damage, but she sat there as if she had lost her soul.

Unknowingly, the noise in the backyard disappeared, and the princess was still bored there.

At this time, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and I heard that I was not alone, and everyone was chatting.

The princess collected her mind, raised her airs, grabbed a roll of documents at random, and pretended to read it.

At this time the door opened, and Su Yu and Tong Yu entered the room with a big snowman on a small square table.

The princess suddenly smiled.



The sky is covered with heavy snow, the snow is thick and thick, and the depth is waist high.


This is one of the five square cities closest to the imperial city, and also the closest to Hui'an Gate.In the northwest corner of the square, there is an empty but huge courtyard, where only one person lives.The man was sitting cross-legged in the room, with a black iron epee beside him.The house is full of all kinds of food.In Hong Dun's words, those things are enough for you to eat for a year.

Long Xiaotian adjusted his breathing and practiced miraculous skills.The room was so quiet that the sound of falling snow could be heard.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, grabbed the epee and broke through the window.

In the yard, on the snow surface, there was actually a person standing.

It was a woman, wearing a black robe, with a cap covering her face, a Tang Hengdao at her waist, the scabbard was pitch black, and the handle and fringe were all black.In the wind and snow, the woman was silent, as if she came from another world.Nearly three feet of snow, and her feet sank less than three inches into the snow.

top master.

Long Xiaotian let out a cold snort, suddenly became violent, and a beam of sword light cut through the waves.

The woman suddenly drew her horizontal knife out of its sheath, leaped high, and three clanging swords fell, all of which fell on Long Xiaotian's sword.

Long Xiaotian only felt that the epee was deflected and could not hit the person, so he jumped backwards.

When he landed again, Long Xiaotian was covered in snow for a foot.

The woman crossed her sword with her hands behind her back, her hands on the snow, her legs back, half lying on the snow surface, in the standard assassin's lurking posture, as if floating on the snow.

"It's such a fast knife, who dare to ask who is the swordsman?"

The woman doesn't talk to her.

Long Xiaotian raged again, as if there was a wave of air, and snowflakes flying all over the sky around him, flying towards the sky like a tornado, stabbed with a sword in the snow, and went straight to the female swordsman.

The female swordsman flashed suddenly, as if she suddenly became two people, with two knives, rushed into the vortex, and fought with Long Xiaotian.

There are many figures under the snow curtain.

After a few rounds, the two separated again.

At this time, Long Xiaotian sword was in his left hand.

The woman turned sideways, pointing at Long Xiaotian with the knife:

"The geese screamed mournfully."

(End of this chapter)

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