
Chapter 372 Bloody Battle Tingfeng Pavilion

Chapter 372 Bloody Battle Tingfeng Pavilion
The September moon hangs high, the stars are shining brightly, the street lights are feasting, and the neon colors are blooming.The big red lantern in front of Tingfeng Pavilion looks like a drop of red ink accidentally dropped by the painter, which is particularly eye-catching.

When the lights are on, the streets of Beishi are still lively.The cries of vendors, the craziness of children, the curses of parents, the ringing of bells for mules and horses, and the coquettish calls of prostitutes in front of restaurants.Beishi is always a place of hustle and bustle, and it seems that there is no moment of tranquility.

Everything here seems to be the same as usual, but suddenly a group of people arrived to suppress the hustle and bustle here.

"Is it all him? Let me get out of the way!"

There were more people behind Kong Xiang than in the afternoon, and so was Duan Youde.Both sides kept their eyes and ears on each other, and when Han Shi ran home to move, Duan Youde also took action to increase the manpower.He has been waiting in Tingfeng Pavilion, expecting that Kong Xiang will definitely come to him.

But Kong Xiang listened to the words of the old slave Qi Hui, and spent money to hire thirty dead men.It was said that there were still people coming, but Kong Xiang couldn't wait any longer, and led more than 60 people to block the entrance of Tingfeng Pavilion.

A group of people are vicious, holding swords, sticks and hammers.This scene frightened the passers-by and ran away in panic, hiding in the distance, poking their heads and whispering.

Among the crowd of onlookers was a tall young man.He was dressed in black, with a sword on his back, a cloak on his head, and a pink veil over his face.A careful person took a closer look, and found that the gauze scarf turned out to be a women's square scarf, which he randomly tied around his face. There was a word "pity" sewn in red thread on one corner of the scarf.

Su Yu finally came.Lao Huang also wanted to come, but Su Yu stayed in Honghei Temple because of his silent nagging and annoying people.But Su Yu didn't come alone, Seventh Senior Brother Hua Tingfeng was hiding on the top of Tingfeng's attic, looking around.The personnel arrangement of both sides can be seen clearly.

Su Yu looked up at Hua Tingfeng, and said with emotion in his heart, Brother Seven's lightness kung fu is really the best in the world.He rushed up the five-story eaves of Tingfeng Pavilion almost like a white line, his rock climbing movements were more agile than that of the ape, and there was a touch of elegance.

Except for Su Yu, no one seemed to be aware of Hua Tingfeng's existence.After Hua Tingfeng gestured to Su Yu, he quickly hid himself.Through that gesture, I knew that the arrangement inside was even more terrifying than imagined.Hua Tingfeng made a "must die" gesture.

It is purely a coincidence that the flowers can come from the wind.His house in Pingkangfang was burned because of jealousy between two women.In order to avoid those two powerful women, Hua Tingfeng bought some wine and meat and ran to Honghei Temple to have a few drinks with Junior Brother Su, but Su Yu dragged him to Tingfeng Pavilion.Hua Tingfeng asked Su Yu, what is the benefit of helping Kong Xiang?Su Yu said, I can ask the Kong family for money and give it to Senior Sister Yan.At least he can raise Jukuishan for ten years.Hua Tingfeng agreed without saying a word.

In fact, it doesn’t cost much to raise those people in Jukuishan. Those people are like Buddha and not Buddha, ink is not ink, and they are more like Taoists.I usually practice on the mountain by myself, and I also plant some land.Even if they have no money, they will not starve to death.Hua Tingfeng didn't ask how much money Su Yu could ask for, anyway, he had already come here.

Su Yu avoided the crowd and jumped upstairs near Tingfeng Pavilion.As soon as he jumped up, he realized that someone was hiding nearby.Su Yu couldn't tell the enemy from himself, so he didn't go to contact him.Then Su Yu hid again, jumped onto the tree, and looked at the situation below with the help of the dense canopy to cover his figure.

Thinking in his heart that something was wrong, Duan Youde actually found a hundred and ten people, and they had crossbows in their hands.This is one of the top forbidden items in Luoyang City.Su Yu touched the golden rooster crossbow on his waist.I heard that Tang Ling'er went to the queen for the second time and asked to remove Su Yu from all positions.Although the queen has not agreed, but under Tang Linger's repeated requests, it is not known how many rounds the queen can last.

Su Yu suddenly felt that Tang Ling'er was a bit suspected of "revenging personal revenge", and she wanted to take this opportunity to completely "relegate" Su Yu to a commoner.Su Yu also felt a little resentful: Did Nizi play a little too much?

Just when Su Yu was slightly distracted, a familiar figure appeared in the backyard of Tingfeng Pavilion.The distance is a bit far, the lights are dim, and it is difficult to see clearly.It wasn't until the man turned around that Su Yu realized that this man was "Jack of Spades" Han Wei.Tingfeng Pavilion is the territory of the Han family, so it is not very strange for Han Wei to appear here.But the blood relationship between Han Wei and the head of the Han family is much farther than that of Han Fei.Later, when he joined the Prince's Party, the Han family seemed to reject him even more.

Why is he here?
Su Yu secretly thought that something was wrong, perhaps Han Wei had taken a fancy to the Kong family's money, and he colluded with Duan Youde to get the Kong family's money to honor the prince and party leader Zhao Zhun.Han Fei and Han Wei have been working together, there must be something about Han Fei, but I don't know why Han Fei didn't come.

"No wonder they have crossbows in their hands." Su Yu muttered, put his hands on the sidelines, and said in his heart: "This Han family is a bit interesting. On the surface, they don't participate in party struggles, but they support the princeling party and the princeling party secretly. Yes Want to step on two boats with one foot?"

At this time, there was a quarrel at the gate of Tingfeng Pavilion, and the young master Kong Xiang asked Duan Youde to hand over the roster.But Duan Youde stood upstairs and called Kong Xiang to go upstairs.Looking at the expressions of the two people, one was murderous, and the other was talking and laughing.Su Yu thought that Kong Xiang would not rush in, but unexpectedly, Kong Xiang did.

Before rushing in, 60 people threw their torches into Tingfeng Pavilion together, and then some people poured oil into the building.The fire exploded, followed by the sound of intensive swords.

"This kid is really stupid."

Su Yu sighed in his heart, and saw someone rushing towards Kong Xiang in the firelight.But Kong Xiang's kung fu is not weak, he rushed forward amidst the sound of swords and swords, raised his sword and dropped it, and his head fell to the ground.Following Kong Xiang, dozens of people rushed upstairs in a rage.

A bunch of people are just crazy.

"As expected of Boss Kong's son, brave enough!" Su Yu looked around: "Unfortunately, it was a little bit of a miss. If Kong Shuo was here, there must be someone behind here."

Kong Xiang has no backup, but Duan Youde has.

The scuffle broke out, and the entire Tingfeng Pavilion seemed to be exploding. The sound of killing shook the sky, and everyone with their weapons broke in from the front and back doors.The hall on the first floor was full of blood, and no one had time to put out the fire, and the fire became more and more intense.Seeing that the situation was not good, Hua Tingfeng slid down the stairs and jumped to Su Yu's side: "Junior Brother Su, when shall we make a move?"

Before Su Yu could speak, Hua Tingfeng said again: "This posture is a bit big, we can't go in easily."

Su Yu said: "It depends on Kong Xiang's good luck. We can only help within the scope of our ability. With such a big battle, I can't help him. Let's see the situation."

Hua Tingfeng lay on the branch: "There are a few ruthless people around him, and there will be no danger for a while. But there are more and more enemies, and there are crossbows. I think it will be a matter of time before they fail."

Su Yu glanced at the flowers and listened to the wind, but said nothing.

At this time, Kong Xiang had led his people to the second floor, and it was difficult to see the situation inside through the window.I just saw fighting figures in the window from time to time.

A fight in the building was not the worst outcome for Kong Xiang.This will greatly limit the performance of Han Wei's subordinates.The room was full of veils and veils, which seriously blocked the view, and these things were burning fast.

Black smoke overflowed from the window. It is estimated that these guys will not last long, and there is not much time left for Kong Xiang.

Su Yudao: "Burning buildings is a good idea, it can stop some people."

Hua Tingfeng no longer insisted on his previous opinion: "Indeed, Han Wei's people can't go up."

"Looking at the posture of these two groups, they won't stop unless they kill each other."

"What do you mean, Junior Brother?"

"I think the opportunity has come, not everyone can climb the eaves." Su Yu and Hua Tingfeng looked at each other: "Senior brother Qi is a master at lightness kung fu, you go and assassinate Duan Youde, and I will take Kong Xiang out. Brother just need to make a surprise attack, One hit is the best; if you can't succeed, don't stay, just leave immediately. And I took Kong Xiang to escape, half relying on me, half depending on his own good luck. I only rescued him, and then I also quickly escaped, Otherwise, it’s easy to get entangled.”


The young master of the Kong family was red-eyed and took the lead to rush to the second floor. Qi Hun led thirty dead men to stop Han Wei on the first floor.

Most of the second floor is the old ministry of the Confucius family.

Some people saw that it was Kong Xiang who came to kill them, but their will to fight was not very strong, but such people are a minority after all.

Duan Youde was originally in Kong Shuo's old department, but after Kong Shuo's death, Duan Youde recruited another group of people.

Kong Xiang roared and rushed towards Duan Youde, but he couldn't go through at all. The knife and ax blocked his way in front of him, and a group of people rolled together, blood and blood flying everywhere.

Duan Youde leaned on a large log pillar and commanded the battle, and the people around him rushed forward.Only Duan Yi stayed by his side.

Looking at the people in the chaos, Duan Youde tore off the folded crossbow from his waist.Hugged in his arms, the bowstring was fully drawn, pointing at Kong Xiang.But he held it up for a while, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He felt it was unnecessary.Kong Xiang and his men have been cornered.

Just when he was proud, the knife in Duan Yi's hand suddenly shot out and slashed at Duan Youde's neck.

At that time, Du Youde had his back against a log, so the knife couldn't be cut from behind.As a result, the frontal knife lacked concealment.

Duan Youde was shocked, instinctively flashed to the side, and Duan Yi slashed on the log with the knife in his hand.Duan Yi hit too hard and got the knife stuck in the wood. When he pulled the knife out, Duan Youde shot a backhand arrow, which hit Duan Yi's heart.Duan Yi straightened his body, then collapsed to the ground limply.

Duan Youde looked puzzled, he didn't understand why Duan Yi suddenly attacked him, when a white shadow flew out of the window, as if a white horse had passed through the gap, it didn't stop at all on the second floor, just passed by Duan Youde's side, and immediately Jumped out of the opposite window again.The crispness of the whole movement is breathtaking.

Duan Youde only felt a chill in his neck, and when he reached out to wipe it, it was covered with blood. Then he saw his own blood splashing from his neck, and he couldn't stop it with his hands.

Duan Youde dropped the crossbow in his hand and fell on his back. At this moment, he saw a black figure jumping on the window and shouting: "Duan Youde is dead! The former members of the Kong family knelt down and refused to kill!"

At the same time that Su Yu was shouting, another man in black rushed in and went straight to Kong Xiang...

(End of this chapter)

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