
Chapter 271 Laughter

Chapter 271 Laughter
The elders of the Tang clan are all too old, the oldest second master Tang Ning is already 80 years old, and the youngest seventh master Tang Xun is also 69 years old.

The old and new members of the Presbyterian Church are about to change, and Su Yu feels that Tang Ling'er also has a chance.But who Tang Linger can succeed as the elder, there are many variables in it.

If only in terms of seniority, there are still a lot of high-ranking sons in the Tang family.Except for the eldest son, second son, third son, sixth son, and seventh son who have passed away, the other sons are still alive.

But most of those sons stayed in Chang'an to take control of the military.According to the practice of selecting elders from the Tang clan, they would not be recalled easily.So now among the remaining ranked sons in Tsinghua Square, only the fourth son Tang Kuan, the twelfth son Tang Dian, and the seventeenth son Tang Yan are left.

Among them, Tang Dian is definitely Tangning's successor, and Tang Kuan is very likely to succeed Tang Li.Then there are still two elders, Tang Xun and Tang Jiong.Tang Yan has been courting Tang Xun, and everyone knows that he wants to take over from Tang Xun.However, judging from Tang Yan's various performances, the possibility of him becoming an elder is getting smaller and smaller.

There is a problem with his ability, and there is also some element of luck.


The Tang family cared a lot about Feng Shui.All buildings related to the ancestors are magnificent and magnificent.Just look at the gate archway of the Tang's ancestral hall, the four pillars, three rooms, the third floor, and the large cornices in the Xieshan style are so imposing.The four big pillars of black paint are so thick that they are surrounded by two people.The eight-treasure auspicious beasts are arranged in various places, all of which are lifelike.

No matter how bad the weather is, there will be four strong men standing guard here. They are unsmiling, holding long swords and axes, and they are vicious.

This place is solemn, solemn, and gloomy, as if the souls of the ancestors are here staring at the younger generations.But today, in front of this archway, Tang Dan, the youngest son of the fourth master's family, was scolded thoughtlessly by the son-in-law in Miss Fifteen's room.

After being scolded, Tang Dan not only did not refute anything, but sat down on the stone pier beside him in a low mood.

After a long while, he raised his head and said: "Brother-in-law's words are not false, but I want to work hard, but I have nothing to do. Under such circumstances, how can I work hard? I don't like reading, and I feel sleepy when I read. "I don't like martial arts training either. My feet hurt when I practice martial arts. Could it be possible that my husband can find something for me to do?"

"Okay, as long as you are obedient, I can find something for you to do. And it must be a big deal." Su Yu shook his sleeves: "But it's not sure yet. How about it, you go to the princess mansion tomorrow to find me. I'll take You go discuss it with your cousin."

"This... still need to see her?" Tang Dan said discouragedly: "Last time I scolded her, she hated me to death."

"Family, don't talk about those two families." Su Yu smiled: "There was a bit of awkwardness between siblings, and I forgot it overnight. Your cousin is the person in power, so she has her own generosity. Marrying for you, She also prepared many presents for you at her own expense."

"Really?" Tang Dan scratched his head, looking somewhat disbelieving.

"Of course. I saw it with my own eyes, can it be fake?"

"What kind of gift?"

"Well, gifts can be exchanged anyway. Then tell me, what do you like?"

"I like horses!" Tang Dan stood up abruptly, and said with bright eyes, "It's the kind of horse Tang Qi rides. Actually, I know that you gave him that horse."

"I gave you what, how can I have money?" Su Yu shrugged: "It's all from your cousin, but I took Tang Qi to buy a horse. Well, now I know what you like. This It's up to me, I'll go tell your cousin for you."

"Oh, miss, you are really a good person." Tang Dan rubbed his hands excitedly.

Tang Dan and Tang Linger grew up together as children.In Tang Dan's memory, Tang Ling'er cleaned herself up a lot.It can be said that it has been played since childhood.Just now Su Yu praised Tang Dan for his "tenacious character", which may have something to do with his always looking for fights.

People are like this, when they are naughty when they are young, they tend to be stronger than good children when they grow up.So it is not necessarily a bad thing for children to be naughty when they are young.On the contrary, those very well-behaved children will stir up huge waves in their hearts when they encounter a storm when they grow up.Of course, there are no absolutes.It is not uncommon for some people to be introverted all their lives and later become industry leaders.This kind of thing cannot be generalized, only in relative terms.It is also an accepted fact that introverts are sensitive but focused and more likely to become scientists.

Su Yu did not continue to wait for Tang Linger at the door, but returned home with two slaves.

In the evening, Tang Ling'er hadn't come back yet, but Ouyang Xiaoqiao brought a maid to the princess mansion.She said that she just bought two sheep and sent them to the canteen, and the canteen will bring the mutton in a while.I hope to have a barbecue in the backyard garden of the princess mansion.For this reason, she also brought her own spicy seasoning, which she knew her little uncle liked.

Ouyang Jing didn't know what he was up to lately, he just left a big box of money for his daughter, and then ran away without a trace.Even Su Yu didn't know what he was doing.Ouyang Xiaoqiao was bored at home, so she always wanted to come and play with Su Yu.Under the instigation of the maidservant, he finally mustered up the courage to come here.

Now Miss Xiao Qiao has officially worshiped under Qi Zhenren's sect, and she is usually dressed as a Taoist priest.The beautiful girl has unusually long hair, part of which is tied into a bun on the top of her head, and a jasper hairpin is pinned to the bun.Even with the topknot up, there is still waist-length hair flowing down the back.The girl is dressed in a fairy white gauze gown, which is even more graceful and dignified.

"Little Qiao came here uninvited, the little uncle won't be bothered?"

"Oh, of course not."

While speaking, the girl's face was reddish, her beautiful eyes were flowing, and she was quite shy.

Su Yu would rather be willing, but after thinking about it, it is unreasonable for him to have a private meeting with his friend's daughter in the garden when the princess is not at home.So he waited until Tang Ling'er came back before starting a fire in the backyard.And let people go upstairs to invite them, Tang Linger only said that they had eaten, and sent Wang Xun to sit with them in the backyard.

Su Yu didn't plan to talk too much with Ouyang Xiaoqiao, in order not to make the atmosphere awkward, he asked the servants to join in the fun.He also went to invite Lin Xiao and the others, but Lin Xiao said that he could not leave his post because of his duty.So he sent Li Feng and Zhang Guang, who were on vacation in rotation.Feng Yu and Tang Xiaopang were also called.The fat servant girl heard that there was barbecue to eat, so she trotted all the way, and Feng Yu followed her and called out from time to time.

When Feng Yu arrived, Su Yu secretly made a comparison in his heart.

When it comes to natural beauty, no one can surpass Feng Yu.It's a pity that Feng Yu came from a bitter background and had been a prostitute maidservant for nearly ten years. In terms of temperament, she was not at the same level as Ouyang Xiaoqiao.One is the style of the master, and the other is a good girl.Very different.And Ouyang Xiaoqiao is also a beauty, even Tang Linger has to exaggerate a few words.If the beauty and temperament are combined, Miss Xiao Qiao is slightly better.

Among the little maids, Feng Yu can be regarded as a sharp-mouthed one.Just like Lin Daiyu, she opened her mouth unforgivingly.For example, when arguing with Tang Fei and Tang Cui, she never gave in.But in front of her master, how could she have the courage to talk back.So well-behaved.It has only been a few days since she became the head of Dongdacang, and it will take years and months to cultivate the temperament of a little housekeeper like Lin Wan.

Today Feng Yu's appetite is not very good, and he can't eat after just two bites.

Xiao Huan, Tong Yu, and Tong Xi spoke softly from time to time, but their attention was mainly on eating.Tong Yu took care of her younger sister and gave her all the fat to eat.The little guy ate his mouth full of oil.

Li Feng and Zhang Guang didn't talk nonsense, they just ate their meat.

Only Lao Huang and Tang Xiaofei were laughing and laughing.


Yue Hanged the eaves and ordered Li Feng and Zhang Guang to send Miss Xiao Qiao home, and then Su Yu came to the second floor.

Tang Ling'er suffered a foot injury, and it swelled up. She put her left leg out on the couch, and her ankle was being applied with ice.

The documents waiting for approval on the desk are still half a foot thick. I don't know how long she will be busy today.

Su Yu couldn't bear to disturb him, so he stood at the door, hesitating slightly.

Tang Linger raised her head: "Why don't you come in?"

Su Yu walked in slowly: "Do these documents have to be approved today?"

"There are too many things to do during the day, and they are all delayed." Tang Ling'er put down her pen: "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

(End of this chapter)

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