
Chapter 268

Chapter 268
The parallel carriage of Chang'an County Horse went straight to Jingxingfang. Sitting in the carriage, Su Yu pondered silently.

Now Mei Hongshan went to Jinyiwei to be the deputy commander, and stayed there all day, so the Honghei Temple would have no manager.Such a large monastery cannot be without a master, Su Yu considered letting Li Xun or Matthew be the elder of the precepts.But I also feel that they all have obvious shortcomings - in this seniority-based sect, their qualifications are too thin, and they themselves do not have the ability to overwhelm the crowd, so they cannot convince the crowd.

"Could it be that Tang Lian is the elder of the precepts?... Among this group of people, it seems that no one is more suitable than her."

When Su Yu came to the Jinyiwei Office, there were still some people who didn't get up.

It is said that they were so busy last night that it was almost dawn.So early this morning, Wan Changzhang, the commander of Qianniuwei and the commander of Jinyiwei, did not force them to come out for morning exercises.

When they met for the second time, Wan Changzhang was much more polite to Su Yu, and they sat and chatted in the government office.

Wan Changzhang was having breakfast, while Su Yu was holding a cup of hot tea and suddenly took a sip.

Commander Wan is a typical military style. He eats very quickly, and he doesn't care about "eating without talking". He said inarticulately while eating:
"Yesterday, the Shence Camp performed the best, but with some minor injuries, unlike the Feihu Camp and Huben Camp. There were great differences on the road, and they were not united when they arrived. As a result, three people died in the Feihu Camp, and even more tragically in the Huben Camp. Seven died. Those who died were easy to deal with, and it was enough to spend money on pensions. Those who were injured were a bit troublesome. They had to be healed first, and if they became disabled, they had to arrange some logistical work. If they were severely disabled, I would also There is no way but to let them go home. But those of us who have come down from the battlefield, the last thing we want to see is actually this. Some people would rather die on the battlefield than go home with a disability. Be a disabled person .”

Su Yu nodded.

Deputy Commander Zhao Dunfu said: "It's not always true. There are still people who deliberately pretend to be wounded on the battlefield. I also heard that some people cut themselves with a knife so that they can retreat home."

Wan Changzhang pointed to Zhao Dunfu and said: "I think you are a possibility. Don't look at me promoting you this time, not because you are brave, but because you have a lot of skills. Now we are fighting in the city, we can't blindly promote you." Fight hard. After all, you have to take care of the people all the time."

Zhao Dunfu smiled obsequiously: "Thanks to Commander Wan's suggestion, otherwise we would never know if we would have a chance to be promoted in this life."

Wan Changzhang ignored Zhao Dunfu and turned to ask Su Yu: "I heard that Sujun Ma is also a Mohist. This time the imperial court has made many suggestions for the rectification of Mohism."

"That's it."

"Why do you want to add the word 'count'?"

Su Yu smiled: "First of all, I heard that the emperor and empress are interested in governing the Mohist school, so I made some suggestions. I didn't make it first."

After Wan Changzhang finished eating, he put the bowl and chopsticks on the dinner plate, and a subordinate took the plate away.He wiped his mouth grinningly: "That's reasonable. If the emperor and empress don't plan to move, it's useless for you to make a move. I have to say that Su Junma's trick is clever. It can not only resolve the crisis of your sect, but also Being able to serve the country is really killing two birds with one stone. However, there are still many tasks in the future, and I cannot guarantee that they will all live to old age."

Su Yu nodded and said: "It's their own choice to become Jinyiwei. If anyone regrets it, they can quit in the future. As far as I know, Jinwuwei soldiers can apply for retirement after three years of service."

Wan Changzhang said: "It's said in the "Jinwu Guard Law", but it doesn't work in practice. Jinwu Guards are soldiers, and they don't come and leave whenever they want."

Su Yu didn't agree with Wan Changzhang's point of view, but he still nodded.

Su Yu would never throw all his opinions in front of him, let alone tell him all his channels.

According to Commander Wan's description, what happened to Feihu Camp and Huben Camp yesterday can be described as tragic.It is true that they are not as united as the Shence Camp, but this is not the direct cause of their high sacrifice.The more important thing is that the enemies they face are more powerful and resist more resolutely.

Just imagine last night, if Ye Wuliang's 37 people also desperately resisted, there must have been casualties in the Shence Camp.After all, the opponent is not made of dough.They just lacked command and panicked in the event of a surprise attack.This battle does not represent their true strength.Just like when the princess's mansion was attacked, the princess's mansion was also in a panic.That's why so many people died.

While chatting, I found out the address of Commander Wan, and then Su Yu went out and bought some gifts for his home.Wan Changzhang's house is very small, not at all the level of a fifth-rank official.When Su Yu entered his house, he seemed to be able to find out the reason.According to Mrs. Wan's description, Wan Changchao is very stubborn, he doesn't respect the superiors, and he doesn't oppress the subordinates.

Regarding the appointment of subordinates, they were all directly appointed by the General Administration of the Jinwu Guard. He only had the right to nominate, not to appoint.It stands to reason that "having the right to nominate" is enough for the commander to get some money, but Wan Changqiang never does that.It is not easy for a person like him to buy a house in Luoyang City.

Su Yu gave a lot of presents to Madam, Madam was so happy from ear to ear.He kept asking Su Yu where the nobleman was from.Su Yu just didn't say anything, and after his wife had put away all the presents, Su Yu hugged his youngest daughter and said, "I'm the county horse of Chang'an County Lord's Mansion, Su Yu."


Madam was startled for a while.She didn't know exactly what rank Chang'an Princess was, but she did know that she was a very famous and powerful princess.It turned out that the handsome man in front of him was a horse from Chang'an County, no wonder it was not easy to look at.The frightened wife quickly kowtowed, saying she was offended.The madam's appearance frightened the child, and Su Yu even coaxed him.

"I didn't come here for bribes. I just think that Commander Wan is an upright person, and I hope to make friends with him. You tell him that I have a basic understanding of his situation. It is said that courtesy is reciprocal, but please make him not have to return the courtesy. As long as he can If Shence Ying takes care of her, she will be happier than giving me any presents."


Back near the Jinyiwei government office again, Su Yu bought a three-entry courtyard.

With this purchase, you can clearly feel that the price has increased.If the house can be sold two months in advance, the house can be at least 30 yuan cheaper.

Buying this yard almost used up half of Su Yu's savings.

Now Su Yu only has 300 million left in his hand.

Fortunately, 600 people from the Red and Black God Sect have been sent away, otherwise this amount of money would not be enough.And those 600 people have now been gathered together, and will travel to Yunzhou this afternoon.

In order to save the brothers and sisters from suffering, Su Yu prepared another gift of at least 100 million yuan, and 50 yuan

In the afternoon, Su Yu brought Tang Lian to the Jiaojun Field and distributed gifts to the leaders of the Xuanjia Army.

Of course the leaders understood the meaning of Su Yu's move, and they said to Su Yu: Don't worry about Su County Ma, we are going north this time to send the land reclamation team, not the convicts.We know that.There are post stations along the way to meet them, and when they arrive at the place, they will be given land.We have made these policies clear to the six hundred disciples of the Red Black God Sect in advance, and they don't seem to be dissatisfied.

Afterwards, Su Yu found representatives of some religious sects and sent them the money, saying it was only for emergency use.For example, someone fell ill on the road, or there was a famine after arriving in Yunzhou.

Seeing Hall Master Su taking care of everyone in such a way, the congregation even shed tears.

"After all, it is difficult to leave the homeland. I can understand everyone's feelings. From the bottom of my heart, Master Yan, Li Zuoshi, me, Mei Luohan and others are not willing to let everyone go so far. But for the long-term interests of the sect, and everyone For the sake of our lives and our lives, we had to separate. If we hadn’t taken this step, it might not have been the Yewuliang Manicheanism that was purged last night. Now that we have escaped, we can still have land to give to everyone .Wouldn't this be a great place to live?"

(End of this chapter)

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