
Chapter 259

Chapter 259
That damned Zhao Linglong, she actually called Su Yu's name when she was drunk and crazy.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this made the Chang'an Princess, who has always been very face-saving, come down to power.Although Tang Ling'er knew that Su Yu had nothing to do with Zhao Linglong, once this happened, it was inevitable that some people would make irresponsible remarks.There was an evil fire in the princess's heart that had nowhere to vent.

However, Tang Linger's performance today was not bad, and she forbeared in her heart and did not reprimand Su Yu for this, but just told Su Yu to stay away from right and wrong women as much as possible.

Su Yu felt that Princess Chang'an seemed extraordinarily gentle this day, and even made people feel ready to move, but in the end Tang Linger still asked Su Yu to leave, and nothing happened.

Su Yu went back to the room and asked Ouyang Jing, did you give Zhao Linglong the red and green pills?

Ouyang Jing said: I sent a big box.


When Ouyang Jing left, it was already time to hold the lamp.

Not long after, Tang Lian walked in: "Senior Brother Su, Senior Sister Yan wants to see you."

"Oh? Where?"

"Come with me."

Su Yu and Tang Lian saw Yan mourning in a tavern.Senior Sister Yan is still the same, wearing a bunt black dress, serious and unsmiling.There is always a murderous look in her eyes, which must be caused by killing too many people.Whenever I see her, I feel a chill in my heart, and I dare not offend.

When the three of them met, they just greeted each other briefly, and then they came to the second floor.

Yan mourned and said: "The news in the palace says that the emperor wants to punish the Mohists, and the [-] members of the Red and Black God Sect have already disturbed the Emperor. I came to you today to tell you that if you want the Red and Black God Sect to continue , we cannot keep so many people. Reduce the number to less than [-] in a short period of time, otherwise there will be danger of extermination of the sect.”

After speaking, Yan mourned and was about to leave, Su Yu stopped the way and said, "Senior Sister Yan, since you can't let go, come back. Eldest brother has already left, why do you still have grudges in your heart?"

"I don't want to discipline the sect anymore, not because of senior brother."

"What's that for?"

"Because I have no goals." Yan mourned and slowed down: "I was not good at management, and now you have managed the sect in an orderly manner. I am very pleased. I came to see you this time, just because I don't want you to be implicated. From then on, I I will leave Luoyang and never come back."

"Senior Sister Yan, don't lie!" Su Yu said solemnly, "If you could really let go, you would have left long ago. Why did you come to me and say these things?"

No one in the divine religion dared to speak to Yan Beiming in such a tone.Yan Beiming's expression was extremely ugly.The air in the room was stagnant, and Tang Lian didn't dare to interject a word.

"I had already given up the divine religion, and when it was about to collapse completely, you were the one who turned the tide. Now that everything is going well, how can I have the heart to compete with you?"


Su Yu got up early in the morning, put the memorial in his arms, got into the carriage and went straight to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.When he came to the censor's room, he handed over the papers before the queen ascended the court.

"Hey, Sujun Ma also came to pass the booklet."

Feng Jing, the eunuch who collected the censor's room, said with a smile on his face.Beside him were two young eunuchs who looked unfamiliar.

"Please take care of your father-in-law and put it on top."

While speaking, Su Yusai stuffed a few gold coins into Eunuch Feng.

Eunuch Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, then pushed the money back to Su Yu, looking at his face, it seemed that he couldn't explain it: "If Sujun horses want to be in the front row, they have to come early, there is no other way. But you can rest assured, no matter who is in the queue No matter where it is, the empress will see it."

I heard from those old censors that the eunuch Ke Naka asked for it, and even dared to press the memorial for a few days.However, after Cao Yuzan became regent, the weather in Yushi's room changed drastically.Not only the censor's room, but also the nine temples and five prisons have become very large, and the reputation of the yamen's gate has gradually improved.Su Yu had heard about it, and experienced it personally today, and felt that the rumors were true.

Su Yu put away the gold coins, exchanged them for silver coins, and handed them to the three eunuchs, saying it was tea money, but this time the three did not refuse.Su Yu also said: "It's really hard for the empress to work for the country."

"Yes, yes, the empress is diligent, and she has really worked hard."

The division of labor among the various departments in the Liang Dynasty was clear, and most matters could be resolved within the departments. Only when there were serious internal disagreements would they be brought up to the court.Or this matter involves multiple departments, and the departments cannot coordinate, and they don't want to bring it to the prime minister's mansion.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, Da Sima's Mansion, and Yushi Doctor's Mansion in the Liang Dynasty are more like three decorations.It has become a place where the three big bosses handle family affairs.Only when foreign envoys come, will they gather together in a grandiose manner and go through the motions.

The court is a place to discuss important matters, and there are not many things to discuss every day. On average, it can be over in half an hour.But since the outbreak of factionalism, the situation has changed, and the problems that could be solved in the temples and supervisors in the past have to be brought to the court with a big fuss.The two parties, the prince and the prince, were arguing endlessly over various "little matters", and the quarrel was so heated.

I really admire the physical strength of these people for not quarreling for two hours every day and refusing to give up.

Su Yu often came to the censor's room to read the summaries of government affairs, which were what those censors who were able to participate in the early court saw, heard and thought every day at court.By looking at these records, it is as if you can go to court in person and feel the turbulent waves in the Golden Luan Hall.Almost every few days, an official with a rank above five was dismissed and investigated.

But even so, the dispute between the two parties has intensified, giving people a sense of advancing and succeeding.

Especially since the Meng family and the Ximen family expressed their attitudes, the competition above the court has become more intense.As the core of the party struggle, the 19-year-old Empress Cao and the 21-year-old Prince Geng are undergoing unprecedented trials.And the Emperor Tianci collapsed in the harem all day long.

Every time Su Yu thinks of Emperor Tianci, he always feels that he is smiling sinisterly.Everything in the court seemed to be under his control.

After submitting the memorial, Su Yu stayed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to wait for news.The papers he handed over will be read by Cao Yuhan, and will be screened to decide whether to speak in court.If you don't say it in the court hall, you may summon the censor in the apse after the next court.Or the queen directly approves and sends the excerpt back to the censor's room.

Waited from morning until noon.Watching the ministers walk out of the main hall, the "fighters" quarreled for another two hours, and I don't know what they were arguing about today.When the censors with rank five or above returned to the censor's room, there was a commotion in the censor's room, and they couldn't quite hear what they said, and a group of people went to the East Palace again.

Seeing their busy figures, Su Yu felt a little relaxed, and forgot all about the fatigue caused by "waiting".

After lunch time, the queen came to the apse.Soon after, he began to summon the censor.At the same time, there are officials below the fifth rank of other temple supervisors.Among them was Su Yu's name, and Su Yu followed a large group of people into the apse.

According to the queen's will, Su Yu was ranked third, with more than [-] people behind him.Although everyone didn't enter together, the apse has a strong voice, and you can hear it all while sitting at the door.

The first person to enter the apse was an eighth-rank official of the Ministry of Industry. He proposed a series of proposals for urban water supply and drainage reforms, but was rejected by the Ministry of Industry because the required funds were too high.But he was dissatisfied, so he wrote a memorial and submitted it to the queen for ruling.After he went in, he came out within a quarter of an hour.The official seemed very happy, and told a colleague next to him that the empress agreed to do an experiment in the southwest of the city. Next time there will be floods, and if the performance in the southwest of the city is outstanding, then funds will be allocated to rebuild the whole city.

The second person who entered the apse was a sixth-rank official of the Ministry of Rites. He said that the proliferation of prostitutes in Luoyang City is not only unsightly, but also causes many diseases. This situation is worrying, and the court must take strict management.He put forward a package plan, which spread to Wanhualou, Meixianyuan, Caiyun Pavilion and Kaiyuan Pavilion.And behind these four restaurants are the big chaebols and princes.So it failed in the Ministry of Rites.With a swipe of the empress's pen, she issued four orders to the three departments, and finally appointed the official as the censor inspector to supervise the matter.

Su Yu was the third to enter, and Cao Yuzan said as soon as he came in: "This man has great skills, please grant me a seat."

This is not a common treatment. The people who can have a seat in the apse, except for those first-rank officials, are some old and respectable people.

Su Yu saluted and thanked him, and sat down firmly.

Cao Yuzan said: "Su Yushi made two suggestions today. Regarding the matter of water transportation, we have discussed it in the court. The opinions of all parties are highly consistent. From now on, we will increase the cargo inspection point at the entrance to speed up the water transportation. A few days later The Ministry of Industry and Military Affairs will submit a plan before discussing the matter of tearing down walls and expanding roads. As for Su Yushi's proposal to integrate the Mohist sect, I feel that it is still immature, so I didn't mention it in the court. I don't know what Su Yushi has to say Have something to say?"

Su Yudao: "Nowadays, many sects of Mohism are becoming more and more powerful in the whole country, but they are neglected to manage them. There is no special law for Mohism in the "Da Liang Law", which is the root cause of this trend. I think it is time to punish all sects. It's time for strict management. But management does not mean suppression. For example, special ultimatums are issued to certain monks to allow them to serve the country. And a reward and punishment system is established to provide promotion channels. Only when they get official status will they care more about themselves and sects."

Cao Yuzan said: "According to your memorial, can it be considered that they are regarded as the court guards, specially used to deal with those bad Mohists, and then control the number and scale of Mohist sects, and can also be used to monitor courtiers?"

Su Yu said: "You can think so."

Cao Yuzan was silent for a while: "You said in the memorial that this guard is isolated from the Jinwu Guard, and only the guard office is set up. This matter needs to be discussed with the emperor. I think even if the guard office is established, it will not be the Mohist's turn to take charge. Su Yu Shi Ke has thought about it. The first sect to be recruited at that time may be the Red and Black God Sect. I also heard that the Red and Black God Sect has [-] members. This number is really too big, and it will make the emperor feel uneasy. .”

(End of this chapter)

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