
Chapter 230 Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Chapter [-]
The stone-hammer evidence will leave people speechless, and even rebuttals will appear pale and powerless.

But false evidence doesn't work.Sometimes the so-called false evidence cannot even be called evidence, it is more appropriate to say that it is a clue.For example, making dragon robes.Although he found the person who made the dragon robe, he was willing to prove that he made the dragon robe for Prince Geng Zhao Zhun at the behest of Prince Yu, and he could still produce Zhao Zhun's stature data.

But this is not enough to deal a fatal blow to Zhao Zhun and Zhao Yulong.As long as Zhao Zhun and Zhao Yulong refuse to admit it, the tailor will become a false accusation.This will not only lose the initiative, but will make yourself very passive.Obviously Cao Yuzan moved too hastily with this move.

Upon hearing this incriminating evidence, before Zhao Yulong could say anything, Prince Geng Zhao Zhun couldn't sit still.Suddenly stood up, roaring the hall.

Instead of yelling at the queen, he came to Cao Sheng, the director general of Xuanjia, and pointed out: "Cao Zidu! I order you to go to my house to check now. I want to see where my dragon robe is! My house is random You go in and out, you can search however you want, and you can bring as many people as you want. Even if you dig the Geng Palace three feet into the ground, I will dig it with you!"

As soon as Zhao Zhun got angry, the Prince's party burst into an uproar.

In contrast, there were only a few princelings, and the voices of Zhao Dang and others were soon drowned out in the rolling tide.

Su Yu frowned, feeling confused. With Cao Yuzan's character, she shouldn't have acted like this.So what is her purpose in doing this?

Could it be to force uncle Cao Sheng to express his opinion?
But Cao Sheng's face was as heavy as water, and he was indifferent to Zhao Zhun who was roaring with anger.

When there was a commotion in the hall, suddenly a eunuch shouted hoarsely: "The emperor is here!"

The hall suddenly fell silent, and all the officials knelt down to welcome Sheng Jia.

The emaciated figure of Emperor Tianci appeared in the hall, he was only wearing black and yellow casual clothes, and he walked slowly with the support of two eunuchs.The empress gave way to the crown prince, and the emperor sat upright, smiling and looking around.

"Zhang Yunlong."

"Chen is here!"

"What did the queen order you just now?"

"The queen ordered the ministers to lead troops to Yique Pass and Dagu Pass to arrest Liang Cong, the Zhonglang General of the 12th Division of Xuanjia, and Feng Zhanting, the Zhonglang General of the No.[-] Division."

"Why are you not moving?"

"I think I haven't finished talking."

"Did the Queen not finish her words, or did Zhao Zhun not finish her words?"

"It's the queen!"

The emperor turned his gaze and asked Cao Shengdao: "Cao Sheng, why didn't you speak out in the hall?"

Cao Sheng said respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty, I dare not say more."

"Why not?"

"The minister is related to the empress, and outsiders think that he is speaking for the empress if he says anything."

The emperor frowned: "In private, I call you uncle, but there are only monarchs and ministers in the hall. If I am like this, why care about others? As the Xuanjia commander, you shoulder a heavy responsibility. How can you abolish the public for private reasons. Now that someone has sued you Prince Geng's rebellion, as the uncle of the queen, you should stand up and express your opinion. You take the lead in investigating, and during the period, you will be followed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dali Temple, and Yushitai. Whether you can find criminal evidence or not, these people will make their own decisions. You investigate When the time comes, Zhao Zhun’s crime is unforgivable; if you can’t find out, you will be able to return King Geng’s innocence. How can we let it go?”

After the emperor went to the palace, a few words resolved the disturbance.But at this time Cao Yuhan lost an opportunity.After this turmoil, Cao Sheng was not able to express his opinion, nor did he get others to express his opinion.It can be said that this operation was a failure.The princelings were disappointed with Cao Yuhan's ability.

Today is the meeting of Xuanjia monarchs and ministers, and there is such a commotion without the intervention of the three great powers.If the power is handed over to Cao Yuzan in the future, how can he deter Chao Gang.At this time, Cao Yuhan seemed to have turned into Miss Cao again, sitting alone, speechless, with a stiff face.On the other hand, the princelings were all smiling and throwing glances at each other, in stark contrast to the waxy-faced princelings.

Su Yu thought, the queen is still too young.And she has no close ministers and staff around her, so she can think and do it all by herself, how can she not stumble a few times.Not to mention Miss Cao, who is only 19 years old, even if she is as sophisticated as Meng Danqing, she still has a large number of advisers and wise men by her side.

Su Yu couldn't help thinking: How can I help Cao Yuzan without involving myself?

There needs to be a bridge in the middle, and it is obvious that Zhang Mi cannot be counted on.Now a new person must be re-elected, this person is reliable, can often contact Su Yu, and can often contact the queen.This person still needs to be unobtrusive...

Su Yu remembered a name "Cao Yuchai", the sister of the Empress Empress, Tang Qi's wife, and the bookkeeper of Tang Xianshe.And I am the financial co-organizer of Dongfu.


Leave the apse and drive home.

On the way, Su Yu felt a little doubt in his heart, he felt that Cao Yuhan seemed to be tricked.

The person who designed her was not someone else, but Zhao Chong, the emperor's husband who was half-dead but lifted weights lightly.

Zhao Chong's move was intended to sharpen Cao Yuhan, just like Su Yu experienced Tang Lian.Let her suffer a little bit first, so as not to suffer a big one later.

Thinking of this, Su Yu suddenly became enlightened.With Cao Yuzan's mind, he shouldn't take such a foolish move.But if the emperor's husband is behind her back, it's another matter.

"Heh, this Zhao Chong is interesting."

Su Yu smiled wryly, and smelled blood again.After the sword is sharpened, it's time to use it.A fierce competition may have just begun.Cao Yuhan's primary task now is to recruit people into the group.



Su Yu returned to Qinghuafang, and first went to Dongdacang to have a look.

Ever since the prince's son-in-law successfully took a concubine, Su Yu felt that the group of people around him had quietly changed.For example, that little beauty, Feng Yu, seems to be more enthusiastic than before.

The little beauty has beautiful eyes, shy and timid.Her eyebrows are shining and charming, and her gestures are enchanting.It is pleasing to watch.

Su Yu had a feeling that as long as he made a request, the little beauty would be able to do it with half push and half push.This feeling is itchy.But after thinking about it, I still feel that I can't do it.If you get involved, it may be a life.After all, Chang'an County chief wanted to kill a maid, it was as easy as pie.

If that's the case, Su Yu will definitely feel distressed to death, maybe it will leave a shadow in his heart, and regret it for half his life.

Compared with other 19-year-old men, Su Yu seemed more determined.No matter how turbulent the tide is in my heart, I can be sure.When carrying someone behind your back, just squeeze your little hands and show the maid to read your palm.No more excesses.However, the few contacts he made lightly have already made the girl feel uneasy and face like a peach blossom.

In front of people, Su Yu often said bad things about Feng Yu, saying that she was a tuberculosis type, she couldn't get fat by eating anything, and she wasn't rich at all.Look at Tang Xiaofat, since the food was improved, he has grown two or two scales a day, and he will be Tang Xiaozhu in half a year.


After returning home, as soon as he entered through the back door, he saw Wang Xun and Lin Wan walking towards the main hall. The backs of the two maidservants in brocade clothes were really pretty.

Today Lin Wan went back to the princess' mansion to report on her work, and there was still a day off after the work was over.Lin Wan and Wang Xun were chatting about the hottest topic in Luoyang City at this time, "The Concubine's Concubine Concubines in Batches".Especially for those who have no heirs, or who have few heirs, the princesses and princesses often let go.

Once the princess and princess let go, the speed at which those concubines and horses took concubines was simply jaw-dropping.Some not only brought their concubines home, but even brought their children home.That is to say, those concubines have already raised people outside, but they have not been given titles.

"I think, my uncle also has the same thoughts. It's just that he didn't dare to ask the lady to mention it."

In private, the two of them still called Tang Ling'er Miss, which was a habit they had developed for more than ten years.Wang Xun said something, covered his mouth and snickered.At this time, Su Yu took Xiao Huan and Tong Yu to hide behind the door, and the three of them eavesdropped together.

Lin Wan said: "Oh, tell me, if my uncle really asks Miss to mention this matter, will Miss agree?"

Wang Xun said: "Answer or not, we dare not talk nonsense. But according to my feeling, if a young woman cares about her husband, she can't let her husband take a concubine just because of jealousy. But if this woman is old and still loves her husband, I will find a younger one for the son-in-law like the Eldest Princess."

Lin Wan said: "What if that woman didn't like her husband when she was young?"

Wang Xun paused for a moment: "'s hard for others to say, but with our young lady's temper, I think it's..."

While talking, Wang Xun and Lin Wan walked away, and they couldn't hear what they said clearly.

Xiao Huan curled her lips: "These two people actually have talkative mouths. If Feng Yu and I whispered about Miss, they would definitely scold them when they heard it. But they themselves can't stop talking."

(End of this chapter)

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