
Chapter 123

Chapter 123
The Southern Jin Dynasty always said that they were the orthodox, and often criticized the Northern Dynasty royal family for having Xianbei blood, and then tried their best to attack, abuse, and slander.Calling Daliang a dynasty of barbarians in the north of the Yangtze River, it will only be militaristic, but there will be no civil rule, and the people will be displaced and the people will have no means of living.

Facing the provocation of the Southern Jin Dynasty, how could the literati in Daliang show weakness? The door of the country is wide open, and it has been breathless for decades.At that time, Liang Gaozu rose up and led the Tang, Meng, and Ximen families to drive the Sima family to the south of the Yangtze River.Since the founding of the country in Daliang, no matter how poor I am, I have fought against the barbarians to the end. I have never ceded land, never paid compensation, never married, and even took back Yunzhou. How can the Sima family be compared?
Although some literati in Jiangbei also scolded, but Jiangnan always did not fight wars, so it was rich, and there were many literati. For more than a hundred years of scolding, Liang Dynasty suffered a bit.When the scolding was too fierce, the emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty had to come forward to persuade the literati not to scold Liang Chao anxiously.The emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty also said that the south of the Yangtze River and the north of the Yangtze River are all Chinese people, and it is not easy for the Northern Liang to resist the alien race. If they really disappear, we will suffer.

Perhaps because it was often criticized, the Liang Dynasty paid more attention to etiquette, and the degree of complexity was more than that of the Southern Dynasty.The ritual officials of the Southern Jin Dynasty heard that the Northern Dynasty increased the etiquette items, so they also quoted the scriptures and racked their brains to add items.A protracted competition began on both sides of the Yangtze River.As a result, "Daliang Lifa" has become a thick book.From a person's birth to death, from ordinary people to royals and nobles, all kinds of etiquette are clearly stipulated, and the classification of ranks is even more clear and rigorous.

Now that the Tang family's draft girls enter the palace for exams, such a major event falls on Su Yu's head, which makes Su Yu feel a little difficult to handle, and sighs from time to time, it would be great if Brother Luo Chen was by his side, that bookworm can recite "Daliang Ritual Law" fluently, definitely Can help myself.

Since you can't play it yourself, just ask others.It is said that the Tang family also has a courtesy officer named Tang Xian, who is Tang Yun's younger brother.Su Yu came to invite him with a gift.Tang Xian said, leave matters of etiquette and law to me, and the princess's mansion just pays for it.Su Yu fully agreed.

Now I don’t even need to take Xiao Huan with me when I’m doing business for the Duke of the country. There are two old swordsmen behind me.Su Yu used the reason of checking the construction progress of the "Book and Newspaper Office" as an excuse to go to the Prince's mansion.In fact, I was invited to meet Miss Cao Yuzan. It was inconvenient to take two old swordsmen with me, so I took out the money and said:
"Two work hard to keep an eye on this side, don't let anyone disturb you. I'll go to the Grand Master's Mansion to have a look. You go to the restaurant to drink at noon. When I come back, you're almost done drinking."

Zhen Xiuwei and Shi Maosheng stayed in a tavern in front of the third prince's residence, while Su Yu ran to the eldest prince's residence.In fact, the distance is not far, just separated by two alleys.

Pretentiously, he went to the construction site to have a look. Unexpectedly, the eldest son Tang Qi was quite efficient in his work. The original collapsed house had been repaired and was being repainted.After inquiring, I learned that Tang Qi went outside to purchase paper, but he has not returned yet.The youngest daughter-in-law Cao Yuchai is in charge of the family.Cao Yuchai was three months pregnant, and her abdomen was slightly swollen.But this girl is able to do things, she is the kind of person who can't sit still, and she is still directing in front of and behind the house.Send some money from time to time, and record all accounts carefully.

Su Yu looked at the account and was very satisfied. At this time, Cao Yuzan ran over by himself.It turned out that she was also here to help her sister.When the two met, they had a tacit understanding, so they came to the small pavilion and sat down.In order not to let others gossip, a little eunuch and a maid stood beside her.

Cao Yuzan said: "Don't worry, Uncle Tang, these two are my confidantes."

"Oh." Su Yu smiled: "What do you mean by looking for me?"

"I heard that the Tang family's test questions were written by my uncle."


Cao Yuzan twisted the square scarf in her hands, a little nervous: "I wonder if my uncle can tell Yuzan about the test questions?"

Su Yu's bright eyes flashed.

Cao Yuzan's beautiful eyes turned around, and he said again: "Uncle is a sensible person, and I must know that girls from the Tang family, Meng family, and Ximen's family will definitely not be able to choose the queen this time. In this case, it is good to let Yuzan be the queen." Yes. After all, our two families are also closely related. There must be a care in the future. Uncle helped Yuzan today, and Yuzan is grateful, and there will be repayment in the future."

Su Yu didn't answer right away, but looked at Cao Yuhan with interest.

The girl bowed her head shyly.

Su Yudao: "There are six questions in total. If you only get this one from me, are you sure you will win the first place?"

Cao Yuzan looked around and said in a low voice, "I have contacts with the Meng family and the Ximen family. I have already got the test questions of the Meng family. Now only the Tang family and the Ximen family are missing."

"Oh? Who do you know from the Meng family?"

Cao Yuzan blushed: "If Yuzan tells Uncle, will Uncle give Yuzan the title?"

This girl is not simple. While talking softly, Su Yu had already shown her trump card, and said with a smile: "I asked a math problem. In fact, this problem is very simple for me. But for you, it is not easy." It's very difficult. The purpose of my asking this question is to benefit our girls from the Tang family. At least I won't fall to the last place. If you can really be elected queen, I would be happy to see it. But I don't want Tang Ju suffered a loss because of this. I have a consideration now, how about you and I exchange test questions. Anyway, you also know that Tang Ju cannot be elected as the queen."

Cao Yuzan thought for a while: "It must be kept secret."

Su Yu nodded and said: "Tang Ju is a very sensible person, and I won't tell her where the test questions come from. If you become a queen and she becomes a concubine in the future, you two will be able to help you a lot if you work together. To the emperor. It’s just between the clans, you may not be allowed to do this. But I still hope that you will get closer and become friends who seek common ground while reserving differences.”

Cao Yuzan plucked up her courage and said, "Okay, I will exchange test questions with my uncle."

Su Yu said: "Don't worry, tell me first how you got the test questions from the Meng family."

At first, Su Yu thought that Cao Yuzan contacted the Meng family through Cao Sheng's relationship, but later he realized that was not the case.The Cao family had a general named Zhang Han.It is said that Zhang Han used to be the favorite general of King Mu. Later, King Mu left with money, so Zhang Han took refuge in the Meng family.

Zhang Han was mentioned before. He participated in the palace fight and helped Concubine Meng assassinate Empress Tang in the palace.But not long after that incident ended, Zhang Han was gone.It is said that this man died.But Zhang Han's son Zhang Zhikui and adopted son Huo Zizhen still live in Meng's family.And those two boys really made progress.Practice martial arts.

Cao Yuzan was born in Dunhuang. At that time, King Mu was the King of Anxi in Dunhuang, and Cao Yuzan's father, Cao Shi, was sent by Empress Dowager Chen to support King Mu in name, but actually to monitor him.Therefore, the relationship between King Mu and Cao Xun is not a friend, but a bureaucratic relationship.Cao Yuhan's mother, the Min family, is the younger sister of Min Yue, the general of Anxi.But now the Hexi Corridor is cut off by the Sangla people, and Min Yue has not been able to contact the Central Plains Dynasty for ten years.He didn't even know if Min Yue was dead or alive at this time.Are the [-] soldiers under him still guarding Jiaohe City?

It is worth mentioning that Cao Yuhan's mother, the Min family, was originally intended to be introduced by the Queen Mother to King Mu as his wife.But Princess Mu interfered and messed up the marriage.I don't know how Princess Mu managed to get the girl from the Min family and Cao Xun together.It is said that at a reception, Princess Mu gave the two of them some kind of drug.Times have changed, the past cannot be tested, and no one will delve into it.

In the late period of King Mu's reign in the Dunhuang area, large-scale battles began.The military members also got together. At that time, Cao Yuhan often played with Zhang Zhikui and Huo Zizhen, who were one year older than her, and established a deep childhood friendship.

The Meng family test questions were stolen by Zhang Zhikui and Huo Zizhen for Cao Yuzan.

(End of this chapter)

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