Hospital No. 444

Chapter 176 Black Outline

Chapter 176 Black Outline
For the ghost doctor, no matter where he is, going to work is teleportation, so Fang Zhou can live in W City during this time.

Arriving at the hotel where he was staying and opening the door, Fang Zhou did not expect it to be a five-star hotel.

"Doctor Fang, this is a business hotel that our investment bank has cooperated with for a long time," Luo Ren continued, "I will trouble you during this time."

"You don't need to find such a good hotel," Fang Zhou said hastily, "The hotel is so good, I'm afraid the director will think that this is paying my consultation fee in disguise. If I violate the regulations, I will have my salary deducted. As for accommodation, I am Take it."


"It doesn't matter. The current exchange rate of the spiritual healing point against RMB has risen a lot. I have planned to exchange more money for financial management recently."

The exchange rate of spiritual healing points for currency exchange of various countries has always fluctuated greatly. As long as you exchange in the hospital, the corresponding funds will appear in your designated bank card.However, some doctors will always pay attention to exchange rate fluctuations and will not exchange easily, such as Ark.

"Okay, let's not disturb your rest, I will take you to see my mother tomorrow."

"Okay, go back quickly, too."

After Luo Ren, Dai Lin and Lu Yuqing left, Fang Zhou sat alone in the hotel room.

He still recalled the scene in the afternoon in his mind.

Almost...he was discovered by a nurse wearing a red mask!
At that time, if he talked to that foreign woman...

"Hospital No. 666..."

In the hospital code, it has been emphasized that "this hospital is called Hospital No. 444, not Hospital No. 666."

And, if you can see a doctor or nurse wearing a red mask, you must act as if you can't see them.

Hospital No. 444 rarely receives European and American patients. Generally speaking, most of the patients are Chinese. Occasionally, patients from Japan, South Korea, India, and Southeast Asia are admitted.European and American patients usually only come in if they happen to live in Asia, but that foreign woman is different...

She thinks this is the so-called No. 666 hospital?
"Believe this is Hospital No. 444"...

It seems to be a concept that the dean deeply implants in every doctor's mind, and no one has ever doubted this.

But now, Fang Zhou felt more and more wrong.

Also, why was that foreign woman captured by a nurse with a red mask?
Patients can't see those medical staff with red masks!

Why is it still captured and killed?
The department of Jiling Surgery is not accessible to ordinary patients.Hospitals usually roughly determine the curses suffered by patients and issue them the business cards of doctors in the corresponding departments.

And, the one thing that concerned him the most.

The foreign woman said: Why does she see so many Chinese here?

In other words... In her concept, it should be all English?

"There is no department with an English name in Hospital No. 444"...


Hospitals in reality consider that patients may have different nationalities, and most of the various text signs will be accompanied by English.But in Hospital 444, I couldn't find any English.Even, even the CT room is written as "tomography room", and the B-ultrasound room is written as "ultrasound room".

"Could it be..."

Is there really a No. 666 hospital?
Then why does hospital No. 666 not exist in the rules set by the director to deceive doctors?

But for Zhou Zhou, the most painful thing is that he can't talk to anyone about it.Doctors and nurses who have seen red masks must never tell anyone.

He took a shower, changed into pajamas, turned on the laptop he was carrying, and...began searching the Internet for "Lehman Halland".

Fang Zhou first looked at the Chinese webpage, and then searched the Internet.

He was not interested in magic, so he didn't know much about this master magician. After a search, he found out that Lehman was a world-renowned magician, and he was inferior to super-class magicians like David Copperfield.

However, looking at Lehman's photo, he suddenly felt a little strange.


He gradually enlarged Lehman's photo.

Then...he looked at the photo carefully, and suddenly noticed something.

He raised his hand to cover Lehman's forehead.

At this moment, he discovered...

Lehman is very similar to that foreign woman who was killed by a nurse with a red mask!
Especially the eyes, as if carved out of a mold!
According to Fang Zhou's investigation, Lehman has no sisters, and his father is also an only child, so he has no cousins.However, there is very little information on his mother, and it is uncertain whether he has cousins.

He really didn't think it was a pure coincidence.

"It won't be such a coincidence!"

So, Ark continued to search for the name of his father, Edward Hallander.

But this time, when seeing the photo, Fang Zhou gasped.

Edward looks more like that foreign woman!
Because one is a man and the other is a woman, in terms of facial features, Edward's nose looks a little more straight, and his skin is relatively dark.Other than that, no matter how you look at it, they all look like one person!

Edward Hallander was a magician with a very bad reputation.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, bisexuality, obsession with astrology, magic and often bloody, are his common labels.He once designed a magic trick of peeling a person's brain alive. The performance of a person's brain was peeled off and then closed. The whole magic was so realistic that many audiences were scared out of their wits, and some even vomited out on the spot.

"Obsessed with astrology..." Fang Zhou didn't know much about this, but began to faintly suspect that he might not be a magician, he might have some kind of curse power.

If it involves the curse of Western demons, perhaps the Demon Department is more suitable to treat Luo Ren's mother and child.But most of the cases of predictive dreams in the past have nothing to do with demons.

Curses involving reincarnation are really tricky.

Back then...Edward Hallander's female assistant surnamed Chen disappeared in his closet under the eyes of everyone, and after that...he never returned.

And after Christmas...the female assistant became Luo Ren's "mother"!
Behind all of this, there is a kind of weirdness.

If the disappearance of the female assistant was Edward's sacrifice to some evil force, what kind of terrible curse did it produce?

Dai Lin was flipping through the notes recorded during training and outpatient clinics during this period.

Anyway, as long as he didn't want to sleep, he wouldn't feel any drowsiness, so he just turned on the lights and fought at night.

As an outpatient doctor, he has to constantly improve his medical skills, be responsible for every patient, and minimize their expenditure on spiritual healing points.

Before you know it, the sky is dawning.

Dai Lin still doesn't feel any sleepiness, and doesn't even want to yawn.

Then, he looked at his younger brother David who was sleeping next to him.

His eyes have night vision, so he didn't turn on the light to read all night, anyway, there won't be any problems with these demon eyes.

"David, I hope you will be fine in the future..."

He stepped forward and covered his younger brother with a quilt.

At this moment, Dai Lin's cell phone rang suddenly.

He immediately picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was Dr. Fang who made a video call.

"Hello? Doctor Fang?"

Dai Lin didn't know why he wanted to make a video call.

Fang Zhou looked at Dai Lin in the video, and said, "Doctor Dai, please do me a favor."

He pointed the phone screen at his laptop display.

"Doctor Dai, let me ask you..." Fang Zhou raised his hand and brushed his hair back: "You can see my forehead, is there any... change?"

Dai Lin was taken aback!

Is it...

Dai Lin looked carefully, shook his head, and said, "No."

"You said no, then I feel relieved."

"Do you feel something strange on your forehead?"

"Maybe it's just my psychology. If something really happens, I have to go to the demon department for treatment. Your eyes are the eyes of demons, so I let you take a look."

"Doctor Fang, how long has it been?"

"Not an hour."

At this moment, Fang Zhou's complexion suddenly changed!

He was staring at the phone screen!

Just now, while Dai Lin was talking, he moved around a bit, so Fang Zhou saw the bed behind Dai Lin!

On the bed behind Dai Lin, under the light of the mobile phone, Fang Zhou could clearly see a dark silhouette of a human being, covered with a quilt, lying on it!

At this time, Fang Zhou felt the pain on his forehead, which immediately became stronger than ever before!
He was just about to speak to remind Dai Lin, when suddenly, the black silhouette of a human turned his head!Although he couldn't see anything, Ark could only feel the strong terror attacking his whole body!
He felt that the black outline was warning him...

Don't tell what he just saw!Otherwise, the end is death!

(End of this chapter)

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