Chapter 178 Give birth to five sons. (seeking subscription)
Jiang Qianru was in terrible pain.

Seeing that Fang Yun was about to wipe her feet with alcohol, she panicked and quickly put her feet away.

Fang Yun stretched out his hand and gently tugged, "Come on, disinfect."

"You put this bottle down."

Fang Yun knew that she was talking about the alcohol in his hand.

"Yeah, I'll put it down, you stretch out your feet." Fang Yun patted the bed while putting it down.

"It's in the small brown bottle, um, just a little bit, a little bit is enough."

Seeing that Qianru pulled her foot out slowly, and put it gently in front of Fang Yun's eyes, Fang Yun immediately held her ankle, and then immediately changed his other hand to the small bottle that was just filled with alcohol.
Qianru's face changed when she saw it, "Wrong, you took the wrong one!"

"That's right. Isn't it alcohol?"

"No alcohol!"

Qianru, she is afraid of pain. Last time she was injured on the set, she was sterilized with alcohol by her manager. She said she didn’t use alcohol anymore, it hurt too much.

"Hey, just now Grandpa Jiang said that alcohol disinfection is effective."

"Ah!" Qianru was dumbfounded, "You said you put this bottle down!"

"Yes, I won't let it go." Fang Yun firmly grasped Qianru's naughty little feet trying to escape with one hand, and put down the small bottle of alcohol with the other hand, and then picked it up again,
"You, you." Qianru was startled, and she tried her best to withdraw her feet. Fang Yun was also afraid of hurting her, and his hands followed her to send strength, but they controlled her.
"I do not want!"

Alcohol hurts.

"It doesn't hurt, just like a mosquito bite." Fang Yun operated methodically with one hand, and began to dip a cotton swab in alcohol.

As soon as the smell of alcohol came out, Qianru started to feel pain.

"You're coaxing the child! What a mosquito!" Qianru couldn't help herself, "I'm fine, just a little hurt, just washed it with clean water, it should be fine, can you let go of my feet? "

"No, although it's not very serious, you have to pay attention to it and don't get infected."

Qianru's head was shaking like a rattle, and her little feet were disheveled, so she wanted to put her on the bed and hide under the quilt.

Fang Yun grabbed her feet with one hand and a cotton swab in the other, which was not very easy to operate.
There may be a stalemate for 1 minute.

"Hurry up, don't move." Fang Yun pretended to be fierce at the moment.

Jiang Qianru's small mouth drooped immediately, her eyes looked at Fang Yun pitifully, without saying a word, she just stared at Fang Yun,

Well, this woman's eyes are sparking, and she is acting like a baby with her pitiful eyes.

Fang Yun can't take this kind of thing anymore, but the fierceness must not be fierce anymore, like coaxing a child, "It really doesn't hurt, I don't use alcohol, just use a cotton swab to dip a little alcohol, just give you Just rub it on, it won't hurt."

"It's a lie." Qianru is often filming on the set, and sometimes bumps and bumps are completely unavoidable, but she still doesn't follow, her feet just move around there.

"I'm angry." Fang Yun let go of her feet with a dark face.

Qianru glanced at Fang Yun, watching him start to collect things, as if ignoring her,

Of course she voted, "Are you really angry?"

Cautiously sat up and poked Fang Yun.

Fang Yun ignored her.

"Oh." She curled her lips aggrievedly, "I just listen to you, don't be angry"

Fang Yun stopped his movements, stared at her, sat down again, and then patted his thigh, "Where are your feet?"

Qianru obediently pulled out her little feet that had been hiding under the blanket, and put them on Fang Yun's lap obediently,

"Move the butt to the back, the wound is no longer visible." Fang Yun rubbed her calf lightly.


"Turn your legs up a little bit." Fang Yun commanded one sentence at a time.

And looking at the small cotton swab in Fang Yun's hand, smelling the strong smell of alcohol. Qianru retreated a little,
But under the supervision of Fang Yun's eyes, she couldn't resist him at all, so she had to obey.

After the posture was settled, Fang Yun took out a new cotton swab, tilted the small bottle, let the alcohol inside flow out, soaked the cotton swab,

Holding a cotton swab, Fang Yun smeared it very carefully, maybe too seriously, and accidentally poured some alcohol on her wound,

Maybe it was because she was soaked in all kinds of dirty things and was dizzy. Fang Yun had already wiped it off, but it took her a long time to respond. At this moment, she lowered her head and didn't look at Fang Yun. She just asked, "Okay?"

Fang Yun put down the things on one hand and put them in order, and gently kneaded her calf with the other hand, humming lightly.

At this time, the queen suddenly raised her head, her eye circles were a little red, and she looked at Fang Yun with grievances.

As for Fang Yun, he also saw that the big bright eyes of this beautiful queen were filled with tears immediately, and he just bit his lips hard to keep them from falling down.With a pitiful face, he stared at Fang Yun and said in a painful voice: "My feet hurt like hell!"

When Fang Yun saw this expression, his heart melted, and he quickly started to hold a princess in her arms, and kissed her on the cheek, "Okay, okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore."

I don't know if it's really hurting now or because Fang Yun attacked her just now, she was wronged, anyway, when she entered Fang Yun's arms, Qianru's whole body trembled, she quickly put a hand in her mouth and bit it, and then the tears in her eyes Finally, the big ones fell down.She didn't want Fang Yun to see her cry, so she turned her head away.

Fang Yun also felt distressed, "Does it hurt?"

Qianru didn't answer, she wiped her tears on her own, and turned her head aggrieved after a while, and said to Fang Yun, "I've listened to you, so you won't be angry, will you?"

Hiss, this woman is in such pain, she is still worried that she will be angry!

Hey, Fang Yun felt warm all over, and his eyes became softer. If he failed this kind of woman, he could really bury himself wherever he chose.

Follow Qianru home to meet her parents, this time it doesn't seem to be going well.

What a bunch of shit.

Although Qianru got angry because of Qianru, grandpa Jiang passed behind in face.

But if this matter is not resolved, it will remain there forever.

No way, some headaches.

Qianru went to record the show again, and Fang Yun returned to the capital.
Work all morning.

Fang Yun couldn't sit still in his office anymore, he couldn't explain clearly on the Internet, he had to talk to Yiren, and talk about what happened when he went to meet his parents this time.

So before it was time to get off work at noon, he hurriedly took the elevator to the top floor,
At this moment, Yi Ren's office is only hers.

When Fang Yun is not busy, he will come up for lunch at noon.

He nodded.

"Then wait for me for a while, I still have a document to read." Yi Ren pointed to the lunch box over there with a smile, "Today's meal was made by my mother herself."

"Really?" Fang Yun sat down, "That's another blessing."

After flattering him from a distance, Fang Yun was not in a hurry to delay Yi Ren's business.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Yi Ren finished the work in her hand, then got up, stepped on her high heels and walked over here, moving her shoulders while walking.

Seeing this, Fang Yun said with concern: "You, don't just bury your head and work, you have to get up and move around from time to time."

"It's so sore, your shoulders." Yi Ren didn't respond directly to Fang Yun, but sat straight next to Fang Yun, and then turned the chair to expose her back, "Squeeze your shoulders."

This is the difference between Fang Yun and Qianru when they get along. When she is with Qianru, she can't wait to chew up the food and feed it to Fang Yun. She asked Fang Yun to help her, squeeze her shoulders and legs.

But Fang Yun also enjoyed it.

He stood up and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Sister Yiren, it's not Aunt Wu who said, you've started working, don't act like you forgot everything, you have to take a break every once in a while."

"Hehe, I'm resting and you don't want your Yiren sister to be tired, why don't you help her share the load?"

"I'm a little boss in the media, how can I help you share the burden?" Fang Yun lightly hammered her spine with his fist.

"Well, here it is, use a little force." Fang Yun used a little, "That's it, it's comfortable."

"You know how to order me."

"Don't you just order our family Qianru all day long." Qin Yiren smiled, and the three of them had been together for a while.

Of course Yi Ren knew Qianru's attitude towards Fang Yun.

"Where do I have it?" Fang Yun refused to admit it, and changed the topic, "You haven't said it yet, how can I help you share it."

Yi Ren turned around, squinted her eyes, and stared at Fang Yun, "It's so simple, didn't I tell you about it, hurry up and give birth to a boy with my sister, let the child take over, and my sister can rest soon."

You see, if Qianru said this, she would blush, but Yiren said it as it should be. After the relationship was explained, she didn't hide it at all.

"Actually." Fang Yun Yiren is more open to chatting than Qianru. He licked his face and wanted to say, in fact, he has no objection to having a baby, and he can have it tonight, but Yiren seemed to guess what he was going to say, so he interrupted first over him.

"Have you agreed to go over there this time? How soon will you marry Qianru?"

A child is about to be born, but Yiren's plan is not now, let Fang Yun and Qianru get married first, they have a baby, divorce, and she and Fang Yun get married again and have children.

"Hey." Fang Yun sighed when he heard the question, "I don't have time to chat."

Yi Ren looked at Fang Yun's expression and frowned, "What's wrong."

"What else?"

Fang Yun took some screenshots of chats with Grandpa Jiang at the company that day, and explained the speculation about his relationship with Yiren.

"You mean, Grandpa Jiang gave you two options, one is to break off the relationship with me completely, and the other is to take the money and leave?"

Fang Yun nodded.

"You faltered at the time, didn't you choose?"

Fang Yun nodded again.

Yi Ren stared at Fang Yun for a few seconds, then slapped him on the back of his hand angrily, "What's the matter with you, didn't you say it before, you are going to put the relationship between you and me in front of Grandpa Jiang. Just leave it clean, as long as you don’t know me, just leave it clean, you marry Qianru first, cook the raw rice, and then find a reason to divorce and marry me after a while. Isn’t it already discussed Yet?"

"I" Fang Yun sat down again at this moment, looking at Yi Ren who has no makeup in front of him but is so beautiful, "I can't say it."

Of course Yi Ren could understand what he said but couldn't say, that is, what he couldn't say had nothing to do with her.

"You..." Yiren doesn't know what mood she is in now. She is happy when she is happy. The person she loves cares about herself, and there may be many problems in her arms, and she also has the mind to guard their relationship. She is very happy, but because of this , let the matter develop in an uncontrollable direction, and Yi Ren felt a little helpless, "Where is Grandpa Jiang, what is the attitude behind?"

Fang Yun quarreled with Qianru and Grandpa Jiang again, and Grandpa Jiang took care of his temper and told Yi Ren.

Qin Yiren pondered for a while, ".Rename Mingyi Media."

"Ah?" Fang Yun was taken aback.

"Change it to Fangyun Media. You can change it to any name. Let's change it. Mingyi Media has completely separated from Mingyi Group. It is a gift from our Qin family to thank you for saving me."

Fang Yun probably understood what Yi Ren meant.

It's still the same as before, it's clean, since Grandpa Jiang proposed to take the money and leave, as the head of the Qin family, of course, Fang Yun can also let Fang Yun take the money and leave
"That's it, I also gave you two choices, either take the money and leave, or sever ties with Qianru, and you chose to take the money and leave because of Qianru, and you broke up with me completely."

"Ah, here." Fang Yun stared at Yi Ren with complicated eyes, "Is this going to happen?"

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Yi Ren let out a simple breath, then squinted his eyes and smiled, and said with a smile, "What will happen? Will you be sorry for me? Hmph, just to make you feel sorry for me Otherwise, I yell who will press my shoulders, back, and legs?"


In order to complete the relationship between the three of them, Qianru and Yiren have paid too much.

"I said I'm sorry, but you really apologize?" Yi Ren laughed, "You have nothing to do to me, it's all voluntary."


Fang Yun felt that he had committed a serious crime. Who would try to find a reason for himself to deal with his man and other women. If it wasn't because of his love.
"What are you?" Qin Yiren turned the chair around again, exposing his shoulders in front of Fang Yun, "I only pinched half of it just now, hurry up, give me another pinch, it's so sore."

"Okay." Fang Yun swallowed all the words in his stomach. Yiren has said so, so stop being hypocritical.

"Next time in front of Grandpa Jiang, you can behave more naturally. The three of us will be like this in the future, and it depends on your performance, do you know? How soon will you be able to marry Qianru with the blessing of Qianru's family? Just took the first step.”

Fang Yun was pinched by Yi Ren, and she said, "I'm not young anymore, around 30 years old is the right time to have a baby, you boy, don't let your sister delay for a long time, you should handle the relationship with Qianru's family well, Propose when you should propose, and I will tell you, don't think that my sister has no temper, hehe, you know, I want my son to inherit the family business, you made me an elderly mother, let's see how my sister treats you."

Sniffing the scent of Yiren wafting from under her body, listening to the jokes she made to make Fang Yun feel less burdened
Fang Yun smiled, bent down with a smile, put his mouth next to Yi Ren's ear,
"Well, we have five sons."

(End of this chapter)

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