Alpine Orchard

Chapter 641

Chapter 641
Whether the No. 4 production line of Hongshan Co., Ltd. can be built has a lot to do with whether it can continue to receive subsidies in the future.

If there is no subsidy, the No. 4 production line will be built again, which will put too much pressure on Hongshan.

Zheng Jinyuan went out for a few days, and after talking about it, the cash subsidy will be canceled next year.However, the organic fertilizer subsidy given by the state will not be small, with a subsidy of 1 yuan per mu per ton per year.

The previous upper limit was 7000 million, and now the upper limit is 1.1 million.

The rapid development of Hongshan shares has a lot to do with the subsidies given by Huacheng.

The upper limit of 1.1 million is not bad.

Li Xuebin also went out for a while and presented more than 2000 tons of new bamboo organic fertilizers as trial samples.

Containing 80.00% bamboo, many natural minerals and soil are added to it.

The production cost is up to 900 yuan per ton.

The price is 1200 yuan per ton.

Beginning next year, the organic fertilizer subsidy will have to be applied by the growers themselves.

Can apply for subsidies, which is 800 yuan per ton.

The semi-bamboo organic fertilizer will adopt the principle of proximity in the future, that is, use nearby organic materials... In this case, the production cost per ton is about 580 yuan.The price is 900 yuan per ton, and if a subsidy can be applied for, the price is 1 yuan per ton.

Charcoal organic fertilizer, 2300 yuan per ton.This price has increased.Even if the subsidy is applied for, it will cost 1900 yuan per ton.

Charcoal organic fertilizer is expensive, but the effect is very good.

The market for this fertilizer is mainly facing the core orchards in large production areas.The price is high, but the orders for next year are already full.

It turns out that there is a No. [-] organic fertilizer without adding bamboo...

The price of this organic fertilizer has been changed again, 1300 yuan per ton.Mainly used in vegetable farms...

The organic materials in Hongshan cannot meet the needs of the factory.Organic materials still have to be purchased from far away places, which is counted separately. 1 ton of organic fertilizer costs more than 900 yuan.

The No. 4 production line first selects the site, and then levels the land.

As for whether to build in the end, it depends on user evaluation.If the evaluation is good, a multi-year contract can be signed with a large production area.

Hongshan shares also re-signed a detailed purchase contract with each bamboo farm.

Otherwise, let alone the risk of investing [-] million yuan, even if you seek a bank loan, they may not necessarily approve it.But if you get future multi-year contract orders, the money can still be easily loaned out.


"Brother." Ye Ran called.

"What are you doing?"

"The durians here are ripe. The two durian gardens in the south are ripe. Can you guess how much it costs per catty?"

"How many?"

"Shushu, 75 yuan per catty. Boss Wei came to see it in person, all inclusive. How about the price?" Ye Ran asked with a smile.

"Very good. How much is the estimated yield per mu?"

"There are more fruit this year. There are as few as seven or eight durians, and the largest tree has more than 1 durians. I estimate that there are about 200 durians per mu. I counted them myself, and they are two hundred durians per mu. They are about five or six kilograms in average. The durian species grow very well in Hainan, and they are also big. The largest durian weighs more than ten kilograms." Ye Ran said excitedly.

The biggest durian, those things are less.Occasionally there will be one or two...

Big fruit, that is, the weight of seven or eight catties.But not many, it takes dozens of them to produce one.

"How does it taste?" Ye Mo asked.

"The taste of the durian in Gaoshanping is slightly worse than that of Gaoshanping. But it's just a little bit... The durian in Gaoshanping has less moisture and tastes better. The durian here has more moisture...the difference is not much." Ye Ran Say.

"Okay. The price of 75 yuan is very good."

"Boss Wei also said that he wants to invest in durian gardens." Ye Ran said.

"We'll talk about this later. Where are the other two durian gardens?" Ye Mo asked.

"The two durian gardens in the north have just begun to bear fruit this year. The fruit is not much." Ye Ran said.

"Okay. After you sell those durians, you put them in your pocket and consume them." Ye Mo said with a smile.

"Give it all to me, it's a bit much."

"Your brother, I have money." Ye Mo said.

"Hey...Thank you bro."

"Whatever you want." Ye Mo smiled.

One piece is 279 mu, the other is 57 mu...

A total of 336 acres.The actual planting area looks like 300 mu.

These durians have to wait for the trees to mature, and then transported in ultra-low temperature refrigeration.

At the beginning of September, the durians were picked and sold for a total of 2430 million yuan.

The money was shared equally between Lin Xiaomian and Ye Ran, more than 1000 million each.

Lin Xiaomian, who got the money, was giggling all day long.This money belongs to her own private money, in her own bank account.

Before, Ye Mo was in charge of the large sum of money.

The money in Lin Xiaomian's personal account has never exceeded 100 million.Now more than 1000 million came, Lin Xiaomian was a little flustered.

The well-dressed Lin Xiaomian was sitting in the car, saw Ye Mo coming back, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you out for consumption."

"Where to spend?" Ye Mo asked with a smile.

"Flower City Consumption."

"Is there any good consumption in Huacheng..."

"Go shopping, shopping. I called Wang Rong and Xu Xiaoli."

"No. It's the most troublesome thing for you women to go shopping..."

"Lin Xiaolin and Xu Xiaoli's boyfriend are going to go, follow me and help me carry my bag."

Ye Mo's scalp is numb, if he knew he would not come back in the company.

Ye Mo got into Lin Xiaomian's car and went to the shopping center in Huacheng.

Xu Xiaoli's boyfriend, whom Ye Mo met for the first time, was tall, estimated to be 1.8 meters.Wearing glasses, he looks gentle.

"My boyfriend, Zhou Wen. This is Xiao Mian's husband, Ye Mo. This is Wang Rong's husband, Lin Xiaolin." Xu Xiaoli introduced.

"Brother Lin, Brother Ye." Zhou Wen took out an unopened pack of cigarettes, opened it and handed Ye Mo and the others one.

Ye Mo took the cigarette with a smile, and was about to put it in his ear, but Zhou Wen took out the lighter.

Ye Mo lit the cigarette and took a puff, then looked at Lin Xiaolin: "Haven't you gone fishing recently?"

Lin Xiaolin glanced at Wang Rong: "She won't let her go."

"Wife control is strict."

"Aren't you?" Lin Xiaomian looked at Ye Mo fiercely.

Ye Mo chuckled, and lifted the bag for Lin Xiaomian: "Come on, let's go shopping."

Ye Mo and the others walked ahead.

Xu Xiaoli and Zhou Wen are behind.

"Ye Mo is the boss of your company?" Zhou Wen whispered.

Xu Xiaoli said 'hmm': "One of the big bosses."

"Your company's organic fertilizer project is going to build the No. [-] production line. Can you tell him to let me contract some?" Zhou Wen looked at Ye Mo's back.

Xu Xiaoli frowned: "The company's engineering projects are open bidding."

Ye Mo didn't hear what Zhou Wen and Xu Xiaoli said, and went to the shopping mall with Lin Xiaomian. She wanted to look at the clothes, so she went shopping one by one.Didn't take a piece of clothes, but bought a few sets for the three children.

What Lin Xiaomian likes most now is dressing up her three sons.

After spending more than 3000 yuan in one day, Lin Xiaomian was not satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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