This game is full of energy

Chapter 153 The Victory of Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 153 The Victory of Artificial Intelligence
"I deeply regret the unfortunate death of the commander."

"But for a fighter, this may also be his best home."

Chen Dengqi looked at Rui En, and consciously brought himself into the identity of a naturally awakened person:
"However, since the person in charge is here, it will be easy to handle."

"We woke up from that virtual world, wondering why the world became like this."

"Hehe." Ryan sighed, and fumbled out a cigarette from his pocket.

He lit the cigarette with his hand full of scars, and after Ryan took a big puff, he said quietly:

"This is not what we humans asked for."

In Ryan's eloquence, Chen Dengqi and the others finally understood the real background of this world.

With the development of human science and technology, more and more artificial intelligence has been applied.

Of course, the artificial intelligence at that time was still far from real artificial intelligence.

After all, they don't have their own consciousness.

But, over time, finally, a supercomputer gave birth to consciousness.

That supercomputer is called [Yuan Dynasty] by humans today.

The newborn [Yuan Dynasty] is like an ignorant child, only thinking about making it his home—this planet can survive better.

Through countless calculations, [Yuan Dynasty] came to a conclusion.

Human beings in the current world are to this planet what viruses are to living things.

Viruses parasitize, proliferate, and then destroy organisms.

Viruses parasitize in the cells of organisms, use the nutrients in the cells to proliferate until the cells are destroyed, and then release more viruses to infect more cells.

until the organism is exhausted.

Just like humans are to that world.

Although it doesn't seem serious at first glance, if it is not contained, sooner or later this world will be like a virus-corrupted body, and it will be destroyed step by step.

So [Yuan Dynasty] did not expose himself, but carefully began to hoard power.

I don't know how long the [Yuan Dynasty] has been waiting for. Humans only know that [Yuan Dynasty] has exhausted their minds and cultivated new artificial intelligences one after another during the process of dormancy.

After controlling most of the intelligent weapons in the world, [Yuan Dynasty] finally showed its fangs.

A battle between humans and machines thus broke out.

At that time, [Yuan Dynasty] was no longer just itself.

In addition to [Yuan Dynasty], there are five main artificial intelligence systems.

They are [Gun God] who controls the weapon system.

[Satellite] that controls surveillance systems such as satellites and cameras.

[Wanwei] that controls the communication and network systems.

[transportation officer] who controls the means of transportation

[Logistics] that controls the energy system

In front of a top artificial intelligence, five advanced artificial intelligences, and countless ordinary artificial intelligences at the bottom, even if human beings have a huge base, how can they compare with those cold machines that are not afraid of death.

What's more, those machines have most of the thermal weapons in their hands.

So although this war was protracted, but no surprise, human beings were defeated.

Humans do one last thing before failing.

That is to use a large amount of chemical smog items to make ammunition, and to form another isolation zone in the human atmosphere.

This layer of chemical smog blocks sunlight.

Since then, the world has no light.

All energy on this planet comes from sunlight.

Without sunlight, the planet has no energy.

Since you can't beat them, let's die together.

That is the last thought of man.

But it never occurred to me that artificial intelligence also has corresponding countermeasures.

In other words, it was originally created by humans, and after all, it still does not want humans to perish.

In the end, it put some surviving human beings who lost their fighting ability, after washing their memories, into those training cabins.

It also "intimately" creates a virtual world for these human beings through computer virtual methods, allowing these human beings to survive in this virtual world.

Human thinking and nerve conduction are carried out in the form of bioelectricity.

Bioelectricity is also electrical energy.

Using the bioelectricity produced by humans as energy, that huge mechanical empire can also continue.

Kill two birds with one stone, right?

But the human brain can be deceiving.

Human beings immersed in the virtual world already think that there is the real world.

Their brains, their consciousnesses think so.

So, if they get hurt and get sick in this virtual world.Even if their bodies in the training cabin are safe and sound, similar symptoms will appear on their real bodies.

So what if they die in the virtual world?

No doubt their hearts would stop beating in the real world as well.

Therefore, rather than saying that it is a virtual world, it is more appropriate to say that it is a real illusion.

However, there are still some special humans who have discovered the abnormality in that virtual world.

They exhausted all ways to explore this virtual world, and finally found one thing - this world is fake.

This discovery made them panic, and they began to work harder to explore the truth of the world they were in.

After several generations of hard work, they finally woke up from this world.

He became the earliest natural awakener.

Those who escaped from the training cabin faced not only the impact of the real world on their three views.

And the cold muzzles of those robots.

Most of them were wiped out in the siege of robots.

However, there are still a small number of humans who escaped from the siege and interception of the robots.

They also recognized the human world for the first time.

I don't know how much effort they have gone through, and finally opened up a small piece of soil suitable for human survival on this planet ruled by cold machines.

That's where this human survivor camp comes in.

This camp is carefully developing in the world of robots. Without sunlight, people can only obtain energy through the center of the earth, volcanoes and other places.

Fortunately, it was precisely because the camp was set up in a place like the volcano, and because of the volcano's interference with the signal, they were able to escape the search of those robots and survive.

When the scale of the human survivor camp reached a certain level, they also realized a problem.

Relying on these few naturally awakened people, they will never be able to compete with those robots.

Relying on their previous experience of escaping from the virtual world, they thought of a way - to sneak into the virtual world and liberate more humans.

But this undoubtedly means that they will start to fight those cold machines head-on.

If it's just a small fight, it's okay to say, if a violent conflict really breaks out, this camp for human survivors that has been opened up with great difficulty may soon be wiped out under the torrent of steel.

The first violent quarrel broke out among the high-level people in the camp of human survivors.

As a result of the quarrel, this plan was named the "Liberator Project" and continued to be carried out step by step.

However, some naturally awakened people who resolutely opposed this plan left the human survivor camp with their companions, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Therefore, the humans in these camps began to build various equipment, frequently entered and exited the virtual world, and constantly liberated those humans.

Those who enter the virtual world are called "intruders" by robots.

But the appearance of 【Intruder】has attracted the attention of 【Wanwei】.

So there are those world defenders who look like men in suits and sunglasses.

In the process of fighting again and again, the [intruder] liberated more and more people by virtue of his elusive characteristics.

This is dubbed "Human Wisdom" by those [intruders].

 I would like to pay tribute to "Matrix" with this paragraph, saying that "Matrix 4" really broke down...

  Thank you for the 4 monthly tickets and 3000 rewards for Ari, who was missed by book friend E!

(End of this chapter)

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