Chapter 39;

"My lord, this Xu Zhao has sinister intentions, do you need someone from your subordinates to teach him a lesson?"

King Yun Jun was silent, and sat down again after a while.

Xu Zhao actually wanted to take advantage of him, it would be a shame to die, the lesson is certain.

However, there are some things he hasn't figured out yet.

According to the article, Xu Zhao is not a brainless person, so how could he plot against him so blatantly?
"You said just now that the Lu family and Prime Minister Zuo are inseparable. Is this news accurate?"

"This subordinate got the news from Huang Yingwei, it is absolutely true."

"The old man of the Lu family has a very good relationship with Prime Minister Right, but because one is an official and one is a businessman, this relationship is relatively secret."

"Not many people know."

Huangyingwei, those are intelligence spies used by the emperor today, ordinary people can't ask them for information.

He was able to get information from them, on the one hand, because the emperor trusted him very much, and on the other hand, the information he inquired about was not a secret.

Therefore, the head of the Huang Yingwei was also happy to give him this face.

"Does Xu Zhao know?"

"Of course he doesn't know. This guy knows the key. How could he have been under Zuo Xiang's family?"

Prince Yun nodded in his heart. He still knew a little about who Xu Zhao was.

He has done a lot of jumping up and down for promotion.

If he really knew that the Lu family had an irresistible relationship with the right minister, according to his virtue of clinging to the powerful, he would definitely not cut off the relationship with the Lu family so easily.

Hearing this, Prince Yun sneered disdainfully.

Such a fool actually wants to use him?
"Although Xu Zhao is hateful, but the beauty is determined to win, what can you do?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged scribe in front of him frowned.

To be honest, judging from the information obtained so far, Lu Yaoyao is not so easy to provoke.

Leaving aside the Right Prime Minister, the Eldest Prince was also very kind to this savior.

However, under such circumstances, my master can still say the four words "I am determined to win", which is enough to explain his desire for this beauty.

Persuading him to give up will definitely not work.

"My lord, if you really want this beauty, I think you have to be sincere."

"Sincerely? What do you mean?"

Junwang Yun did not expect such an answer from his subordinates.

"Judging from the current situation, the prince must absolutely not act according to Xu Zhao's arrangement."

Prince Yun nodded directly.

Knowing Xu Zhao's sinister intentions, how could he continue to drill in foolishly?
"Since your lord, you don't intend to lean towards Xu Zhao, then you can only stand on his opposite side."


Prince Yun frowned.

He didn't want to provoke the right minister and the eldest prince, and he didn't want to provoke the left minister Gao Yanming either.

Seeing him like this, the middle-aged scribe immediately knew what he was thinking.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, if you want a beauty, you will inevitably get involved in factional struggles."

"Subordinates say something you don't like to hear, why don't you just give up?"

Prince Yun remained silent.

give up?

If he hadn't met Lu Yaoyao before, he might have chosen to give up because he didn't want to cause trouble.

But after seeing Lu Yaoyao's inhuman beauty.

How can his heart bear it if he gives up?
"What do you really mean by what you just said?"

"To put it simply, the beauty herself agrees to marry the prince."

"In this way, the forces behind her will have no reason to target you."

"And you can also avoid being used by Xu Zhao."

"It's just that this method is difficult."

Hearing this, King Yun immediately withered.

Is it difficult here?
It is simply very, very difficult.

As far as his reputation is concerned, who in the whole capital is willing to entangle with him?
But when he thought of giving up the beauty, he felt unwilling for a while.

Seeing him frowning in thought, his expression kept changing.

The middle-aged scribe knew that he was not reconciled, and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"There is another way."

King Yun, who was struggling, immediately became excited.

"Tell me, tell me quickly, as long as you can keep me from getting into trouble and get a beauty, I will be very rewarded."

"I beg Your Majesty to issue an order to grant marriage directly."

After all, this world belongs to the Xiao family, and the emperor is the supreme king. If he makes a decree, regardless of whether he is the left minister, the right minister, or the eldest prince, all of them must bow their heads.

Whoever dares to make trouble is dissatisfied with the emperor.


King Yunjun was overjoyed, and slapped himself heavily on the forehead.

"How did this king forget this method?"

As he spoke, he laughed excitedly and walked out of the study.

"My lord, wait"

Hearing this, Prince Yun frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "What else do you want to say?"

"My lord, don't you look at what time it is now, the palace gate is almost locked at this time."


King Yun smiled awkwardly, he was a little too excited to finally think of a way to get a beauty.

"Miss, are you asleep?"

At midnight, in Lu Yaoyao's courtyard, Qiu Shuang suddenly appeared.

Qiu Yu at the door glanced at Qiu Shuang in a daze, then turned to look at the room with the lights off.

Just as I was about to speak, I heard Lu Yaoyao's voice from your sister.

"come in."

The two pushed the door open and walked into the room, Qiu Yu skillfully lit the candle.

"Why is it late, what's the matter?"

"Just now, Yan San who is next to King Jin came."

Lu Yaoyao frowned, and Qiu Shuang continued; "His Royal Highness Jin Wang sent some things over."

As she spoke, she took out a stack of letters from her bosom.

"what is this?"

"The slave does not know."

Lu Yaoyao turned over and got out of bed, took the letter, and Qiu Yu quickly brought the candlestick on the table.

The covers of these letters are old and new, some of them have turned yellow, and the ink on the covers has melted away.

The sealing wax is not complete, and it is obvious that they have all been disassembled.

He took out a letter and unfolded it. After reading the contents, Lu Yaoyao shook his head and laughed.

"It seems that I don't want to owe this favor even if I don't want to."

This letter is a report letter written by someone to Prince Yun.

The general meaning is that, according to King Yun's intention, the embezzled military salary of the western suburbs camp has been sent to the underground warehouse of his other courtyard outside the capital.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

"Look at it."

Lu Yaoyao directly handed the letter to Qiu Yu.

She herself stretched out her hand to fetch another letter.

There are a total of sixteen letters, all of which are evidence of King Yun's messing around, and ten of them are still written by King Yun himself, and at the end are signed by King Yun's private seal.

There are several charges for beheading alone.

The first letter was that the king of Yunjun lied about the number of soldiers and horses in the camp in the western suburbs, and received a huge amount of empty pay.

In addition, they sell armaments and rations to some powerful landlords in various places, seek benefits, and so on.

The most serious crime is that he also raised [-] private soldiers.

Moreover, these people were stationed on the outskirts of the capital.

In Dongzhou country, private soldiers could not be recruited by just anyone.

You must have a title, the minimum is an earl to be eligible to recruit.

Moreover, there are very strict regulations on the number of private soldiers that can be recruited by each title.

For example, the Earl can only recruit [-] people, the Marquis can recruit [-] people, and the Duke can recruit [-] people.

For the royal family, there are [-] people below the county king level, the county king can recruit [-] people, and the prince can recruit [-] people.

Of course, this is only on the surface, but in any wealthy family with status, who doesn't have some hidden guards thugs secretly?
Doesn't the Xu Mansion also have a dozen hidden guards?

(End of this chapter)

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