Chapter 221 Pregnancy messes up daily life (6)

The group of maids entered the palace together with Shi Wang.

Shi Wang originally wanted to accuse Wen Ranchen in front of Shen Jingxian, who would have thought that Shen Jingxian would be surrounded by a group of Yingying Yanyan before he opened his mouth.

Yes, in Shi Huan's eyes, this is a group of Yingying Yanyan.

"Princess!!! Whoa, whoa, princess, it's great that you are still alive, whoa!"

"What kind of princess is it? It's Your Majesty!"

"His Majesty!!"

When a dozen sisters yell these two words together, the picture should not be too beautiful.

Shen Jingxian nodded and asked them to stand up, and counted, the numbers were still the same as back then, no more and no less, just right.

"Is your mission going well?" Shen Jingxian was also very happy to see them, so she couldn't help chatting with them as before.

Of course, Shen Jingxian did not forget Shi Wang, she even gave Shi Wang a chair with a backrest when she sat down!
Everyone else is a stool!

Well, the truth is that there are not enough chairs in the palace, and it is not easy to treat the sisters differently, so I gave the Jimeis a stool, and only gave Shi Wang a chair. Anyway, Shi Wang is old and can afford it.

So Shi Wang, who was getting older, sat silently on the chair and watched His Majesty chatting with the maids.

Although he was a little depressed at first, but he also enjoyed hearing it later, and even vaguely felt the happiness of Sannomiya Sixth Court?

Of course, the happiness was only for a moment, after these women kept beating around the bush and not allowing him to approach His Majesty, he was left speechless in his heart.

Why are these women so scary? It would be too miserable for the emperor to have this kind of Sangong and Liuyuan.

All in all, Wen Ranchen's goal was achieved, and Shi Huang did enter the palace, but after he entered the palace, he rarely talked to Shen Jingxian, and he was quite happy doing the daily drug testing.

Shen Jingxian had nothing to do, originally she could only read picture books, but now that her maids are back, they are still willing to follow her, so she continues to teach them to practice calligraphy.

It's just that these girls have just returned from their missions, and they are always easy to break their pens. It took many days just to get used to the strength of writing.

It's not that they don't have high comprehension ability, it's mainly because Wen Ranchen is staring at them. He justified his name and couldn't make His Majesty too tired.

But what it is actually like can only be said otherwise.

The queen mother would also come to talk to her every day, just because she was afraid that she would be bored.

Although Wen Ranchen was also with her, the Queen Mother, as someone who had experienced it, knew that it was not a question of whether to accompany her or not, but a question of whether she was in a good mood.

What's more, the Supreme Emperor has been used to being idle recently, and he suddenly lost his temper when he was suddenly asked to take up political affairs. The Empress Dowager didn't want to take care of it, so she had to ask Wen Ranchen to help.

In exchange, when Wen Ranchen went to help, the Queen Mother would come over to Shen Jingxian to accompany her, so that Wen Ranchen would not feel worried.

It just so happened that the Empress Dowager recently learned some basic embroidery skills from the Empress Dowager, and today she happily came to Shen Jingxian with a toy she was going to sew for her grandson.

The queen mother was very happy, and she showed off to Shen Jingxian as soon as she entered the door, "Look, these are tiger-toed shoes made by Aijia!"

In fact, Shen Jingxian would not be able to tell the difference if the Queen Mother didn't say that they were tiger-head shoes, but she couldn't discourage the Queen Mother's enthusiasm, so she could only pretend to be pleasantly surprised and said, "The Queen Mother is amazing!"

The queen mother raised her head proudly, "Teach you."

So Shen Jingxian sewed cotton trousers under the hand-in-hand education of her old mother.

The queen mother said so, learning stitches starts with sewing cotton trousers.

"Mother, who taught you this?"

"Your father taught me."

Shen Jingxian swallowed the words stuck in her mouth.

It is estimated that the father made up such words in order to let the mother sew cotton trousers for him, so she should not let it slip.

"What my father taught should be correct."

Shen Jingxian lay under the quilt and sewed her trousers.

After the Queen Mother left for a while, Wen Ranchen also came back.

He drove away the maids and nuns who were waiting in the hall, and closed the door.

"Why are you sewing these things?" Wen Ranchen came over and threw away the cotton trousers in Shen Jingxian's hands.

Shen Jingxian tugged back angrily, clutching her white fingertips, "You are not allowed to take what my mother taught me! Otherwise, I will sue you!"

Wen Ranchen laughed, "How can you sue me?"

"I'm suing you not to let me sew clothes for the baby!"

Wen Ranchen was helpless, got up and brought Shen Jingxian a bowl of bird's nest stewed with milk, with a bit of aggrieved tone, "I just don't want you to be tired, is there something wrong?"

Shen Jingxian is a soft eater, seeing Wen Ranchen like this, her tone softened, "Then I'll just sew it, and it won't be too tiring."

Wen Ranchen held her hand, "It's good for my husband to do this kind of thing for you, madam just needs to have a good rest."

Shen Jingxian was surprised, "You can also make clothes?!"

As expected of the hero of the novel, this skill point is somewhat surprising.

But Shen Jingxian couldn't sew and she had other thoughts, "Husband, I remember you knitted a scarf for me before, teach me so that I can also weave one for you."

This time, Wen Ranchen didn't say that Shen Jingxian couldn't be tired, but only said that he would teach her tomorrow.

Shen Jingxian snorted in her heart, she knew that men are duplicity animals.

Wen Ranchen moaned and hugged Shen Jingxian and sat on his lap, gently stroking her stomach with his hands.

"I went to the Supreme Emperor's place today. Apart from dealing with political affairs, I also heard about one thing."

Shen Jingxian said lazily, "What's the matter?"

"In order to compensate the concubines, the Supreme Emperor allows them to remarry and raise male pets. However, if they remarry, they have to move out of the palace. When they marry, they will follow their husbands. Male pets can be kept in the palace."

Shen Jingxian's expression changed immediately, she turned around and looked at Wen Ranchen, she didn't speak, but her eyes were full of two words, bullfrog!

Wen Ranchen pinched Shen Jingxian's face, "I knew you were interested."

Shen Jingxian nodded fiercely, I am very interested.

"Tell me in detail?"

Wen Ranchen poured out all the gossip he heard from the Supreme Emperor today.

After Shen Jingxian succeeded to the throne, apart from the queen mother, all the concubines who were unwilling to leave before the emperor have become concubines.

But these concubines have been out of favor for most of their lives, it is impossible to expect the Supreme Emperor to change his mind, and they have nowhere to go except the palace, so they are just dawdling.

It happened that a concubine who was on good terms with the queen mother secretly asked if she could have a male pet, and the queen mother agreed to allow him to raise a male pet, and even marry. It can be said to be very free.

This is settled.

As for the Supreme Emperor himself, he felt ashamed of these concubines in his heart, so he let them go.

Shen Jingxian's mind turned, "What do you think, are the concubines' male pets visiting the Imperial Garden?"

Wen Ranchen's eyes darkened, "Your Majesty can't walk around at will now, if you want to go to the Imperial Garden, I will accompany your Majesty some other day."

Shen Jingxian, who was about to take a peek at the concubines' favorite boys: Tsk.

 I'm just asking a little bit, I don't mean to offend, maybe I made a mistake, no matter what, I hope we can uphold the principle of friendly and rational relationship, I have absolutely no intention to offend, just in line with the nature of the universe The great spirit of inquiry asks you: can I finish tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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