Troubled by being too cute after dressing as a villain

Chapter 195 Don't You Want to Avenge the Princess?

Chapter 195 Don't You Want to Avenge the Princess?

The news of the princess' death spread from the General's Mansion, but not many people knew about it.

The first person who noticed something was wrong was Song Yan. She made an appointment with the princess to enter the palace together today, but the birthday banquet was about to start, but there was still no movement in the general's mansion.

Song Yan had a bad premonition, so she broke into the general's mansion directly to find someone.

Song Yan was so keen that she noticed something was wrong almost the moment she approached Wen Ranchen and Shen Jingxian's bedrooms.


Too quiet.

Quietly eerie.

She used her identity to forcefully wave back the servants, and walked towards Shen Jingxian and Wen Ranchen's bedroom by herself.

She knew that this was unreasonable, and her reputation would even be hindered by it, but she couldn't care less about it.

The princess shouldn't not show up at this time, not to mention, the princess's attitude yesterday was also very weird.

After Song Yan experienced the incident of almost breaking her leg, she deliberately learned the medical skills that can save emergency and make some medicines. Her sense of smell is sharper than ordinary people, and after training, she can easily distinguish the smell of different things. .

Now, standing in front of Shen Jingxian's bedroom, the first thing she smelled was blood.

The smell of blood, the eerie silence.

Song Yan realized something, but she didn't call for guards, she just pushed the door open a small crack carefully to confirm the situation inside.

In an instant, the pupils shrank suddenly.

Song Yan quickly closed the door, checked the surrounding environment again and again, and then opened the door again to enter, and quickly closed the door.

When Song Yan entered the room, the first thing she saw was the princess lying on the ground with many arrows sticking out of her body.

Standing beside Wen Ranchen, his body was stiff, as motionless as a sculpture.

He turned his back to Song Yan, and Song Yan couldn't see his expression clearly.

The blood on the ground continued to spread around Shen Jingxian, and it was almost at the threshold.

A moment of despair swept Song Yan's brain, but she calmed down quickly. After judging what was going on in front of her, combined with what Shen Jingxian said yesterday, she was sure that the princess must have expected something.

Since it is predictable, it must be man-made.

She can't show weakness now, if she shows weakness, who will find out the truth?Who will avenge the princess?

Song Yan was very regretful. She regretted why she didn't ask the princess a few more words after she realized something was wrong yesterday. If she had asked, would the princess not be like this today.

What did the princess... tell her yesterday?


Take care of Wen Ranchen...

It's so obvious, why doesn't she understand.

Song Yan, Song Yan, you pretend to be smart, but you didn't even realize that the princess was in prison.

How about a new life?So what about the six yuan and the first?Still unable to protect the most important person to oneself.

Whether it is her child in the previous life, or the princess who rescued her from the abyss in this life.

At this moment, Song Yan only felt how ridiculous her soft-heartedness these days was. She was a politician, and if she wasn't ruthless enough, she wouldn't be able to protect anyone.

She can't stand the princess.

Song Yan took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and opened them again, her eyes became much firmer.

She walked towards the princess step by step until she stood side by side with Wen Ranchen.

At this time, Wen Ranchen was like an empty shell that had been taken away. Even if Song Yan approached, he didn't react at all. He only knew to stare at Shen Jingxian on the ground. It seemed like this, Shen Jingxian could live Come here in general.

Song Yan couldn't bear to look away, but soon, she forced herself to look back.

She carefully observed the princess' clothes, the wound on her body, the angle at which the arrow was inserted, and saw the hairpin in Wen Ranchen's hand, and the dowry not closed not far away.

With all the things together, Song Yan immediately judged that Wen Ranchen was also there when the princess was attacked.

And judging from Wen Ranchen's state, Wen Ranchen didn't fight the assassin.

It can even be said that the assassin did not attract Wen Ranchen's attention.

But, what kind of person can shoot so many arrows without being noticed under Wen Ranchen's nose.

Song Yan squatted down and looked carefully at the sword on the princess, but she was careful not to touch the princess at all.

After seeing the logo on the arrow clearly, Song Yan frowned. The person who assassinated the princess must not be simple, it is likely to be the royal family of a certain country...

No, probably more than one country.

The sword on the princess's body actually has the symbols of five countries. Is this a frame-up or a conspiracy.

This requires a long-term plan.

Song Yan glanced at Wen Ranchen who was still standing there like a dead person, with a look of disgust in her eyes.

If it wasn't for the princess' warning, she really didn't want to care about this cowardly man.

"Wen Ranchen, wake up."

"Don't you want to avenge the princess?"

Hearing this, Wen Ranchen's pupils moved, and suddenly looked at Song Yan, his eyes were so dark and bottomless, Song Yan felt that she didn't look at someone, but looked more like looking into the abyss of despair.

"What do you know?"


 Thank you Pure Love Girls for the gift!

  I really can't move anymore, the princess can't live today, let's talk about it tomorrow (escape)

(End of this chapter)

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