Chapter 171

"Thank you, Your Highness."

At this time, Wen Ranchen had returned to normal, as if the soft voice Shen Jingxian heard just now was just an illusion.

After taking the medicine in Shen Jingxian's hand, he opened the medicine bottle with trembling hands, and began to sprinkle the medicine on the wound.

For some reason, Wen Ranchen's hands trembled violently, and the medicine was sprinkled on it, but it couldn't reach the wound, instead it floated everywhere.

Shen Jingxian couldn't stand it anymore, she stepped forward and snatched the medicine bottle from Wen Ranchen's hand, and couldn't help but said, "If you can't do it yourself, don't be brave. If you do it like this, even if you shake the medicine bottle, you won't be able to shake the wound." superior."

The corner of Wen Ranchen's mouth curled up into a smile, and he responded obediently, "Your Highness taught me the lesson."

Shen Jingxian frowned, and gave Wen Ranchen a slap on the head, don't ask, it's what she learned from the queen, "Speak well."

Wen Ranchen was still a little stunned by the beating, and didn't recover for a long time. It was not until Shen Jingxian had applied the medicine to his wound that Wen Ranchen yelled in a low voice, "It hurts."

Shen Jingxian's hands froze, there was nothing she could do about the pain, she had never done this kind of work before, she was afraid of blood! ! !
Now it is the limit to bear the pain and help Wen Ranchen take medicine here.

But Shen Jingxian suddenly felt that something was wrong, she didn't touch the wound at all!She was only responsible for sprinkling the medicine powder on Wen Ranchen's wound. Wen Ranchen's pain was entirely caused by the medicine, so it was none of her business!

Shen Jingxian was also strong when she was unreasonable, not to mention that she was confident now, and said, "Why didn't I see you just now?"

Wen Ranchen was also confident, "I only said it hurts when His Highness is here, and I won't say anything if His Highness is not here."

Fuck!Shen Jingxian broke the defense!

She thought that Wen Ranchen was so pitiful and lovable that she must be crazy.

Shen Jingxian quickly closed the lid of the medicine bottle and was about to run away. She shouldn't have come today, Wen Ranchen is too scary a man, she can't handle it, she has to run!

But just as Shen Jingxian turned around, Wen Ranchen's weak, helpless and pitiful voice came again, "Your Highness, I can't tie this."

Wen Ranchen held a clean white cloth strip in his hand, it was self-evident what it meant.

Shen Jingxian won't be fooled, "Tie it yourself, it's okay when you're alone."

"But I'm not alone now."

"I'm gone and you're alone."

"Can't you just leave?"


"Your Highness, I miss you so much."


Shen Jingxian turned around resignedly and took the white cloth from Wen Ranchen's hand, decided to tie it up for him and run away.

Seeing Shen Jingxian turning her head, Wen Ranchen couldn't help but smile.

Seeing this smile, Shen Jingxian felt offended, so she pretended to be angry, "What's so funny, is this princess funny?"

Wen Ranchen shook his head, regardless of whether Shen Jingxian could see it or not, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow, "I'm just happy, I thought His Highness didn't want me anymore, and chose someone else."

Shen Jingxian carefully wrapped the cloth strip in her hand to cover the hideous wound, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn't say it, she was really afraid.

Feeling better after blocking the wound.

She was too nervous to hear what Wen Ranchen said, so Shen Jingxian asked again, "What?"

Wen Ranchen thought that Shen Jingxian was deliberately changing the topic, her eyes darkened, "Does your Highness regret not choosing Fu Xuan?

Shen Jingxian: ?

I understand the truth, and I also understand these words, but I really don't understand what they mean when they are connected.

"What's the matter with Fu Xuan, he has already returned to Xingyang City."

However, Wen Ranchen seemed to be stepped on the tail, and suddenly his whole body exploded, but he was obviously very uncomfortable, but he still couldn't bear to speak harshly to Shen Jingxian, so he just asked with a little pleading, "Isn't Ruo Fuxuan The son of King Xingyang, will His Highness choose him?"

Only then did Shen Jingxian understand what Wen Ranchen meant.

But when it comes to this, she is also very guilty.

What the Queen did back then was considered her acquiescence. She had just woken up at that time, and her mind was not sober. She felt lucky to survive the catastrophe, and she was also completely shattered by the plot. She hadn't experienced the dimensionality reduction blow and didn't know it at all. How terrible.

So she is running away.

She especially avoided Wen Ranchen, and didn't want to have any interaction with Wen Ranchen.

It's not good to fall in love with Wen Ranchen, and it's not good to get along with Wen Ranchen. Even if they made an agreement, so what, there is no basis for saying it, as long as she doesn't admit it, it's fine, and Fu Xuan is also there, so what? He wanted to use Fu Xuan to force Wen Ranchen to retreat.

But later, Shen Jingxian became more sober and realized what rubbish she was doing, so she immediately cut off Fu Xuan's thoughts. As for Wen Ranchen, because of that promise, she still felt a little guilty after all. It will also accommodate him a little.

Now that Wen Ranchen brought up the old incident again, Shen Jingxian is like a scumbag who has been caught by the tail, she is very guilty, but she will never show it, even if she knows it is her fault, she will never say it is her fault!
"I've always regarded Fu Xuan as my younger brother." Fuck, why are these words so familiar, the more Shen Jingxian said them, the more guilty she became.

Wen Ranchen smiled, and Shen Jingxian saw a few characters in this smile: Of course I chose to forgive her.

Shen Jingxian:  …

"Your Highness, I'm in so much pain." Wen Ranchen didn't continue this topic, but made a sound like a baby dog ​​again, moaning and chirping.

"It won't hurt if you blow it on." Shen Jingxian pretended to blow on the cloth, but of course she was sure it would be useless.

Wen Ranchen lowered his head suddenly, and got into Shen Jingxian's arms just like that.

Shen Jingxian's first reaction was, wouldn't it hurt to bend down like this, so that she didn't dodge in time, Wen Ranchen's hands also wrapped around her waist, "Your Highness, can you give me a hug."

Shen Jingxian:  …

"Aren't you hugging already?" Shen Jingxian was thinking, should she ask Xiao Qi to come in, but if Xiao Qi came in and saw Wen Ranchen hugging her waist, wouldn't she beat Wen Ranchen to death in a moment of excitement... …

Shen Jingxian thinks it's possible, forget it, don't call her Xiaoqi.

Wen Ranchen's voice came muffled from Shen Jingxian's arms, "Now I am holding Her Highness the Princess...I want His Highness to hold me..."

Shen Jingxian didn't move, she was a little embarrassed to be acted like a baby by a boy for the first time, and she was thinking about how to act.

Wen Ranchen thought it was Shen Jingxian's silent rejection, but he didn't want to let go.

Whether the princess wants him or not, he doesn't want to let go.

"Your Highness, are you okay..."


Who can stand this.

Anyway, Shen Jingxian felt that she couldn't stand it.

So, she put her arms around Wen Ranchen's head that was leaning against her arms.

It's strange that a person who looks so tall on weekdays feels like a child when he is held in his arms?

Then, Shen Jingxian suddenly discovered a miraculous thing.

Sure enough, people who practice martial arts seem to have solid bodies.

Xiao Qi was like this, and so was Wen Ranchen.

That's weird.

(End of this chapter)

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