Chapter 93

Er Qiang also ate too much.It's really delicious. I've never eaten sea fish after living such a big life.

"Auntie, I will definitely bring you the basin next time I come over."

"It's okay, it's okay, I just miss you girl."

Han Yuanfang really felt the love of others, and his heart was warm.

Both of them held flashlights and shone forward, so that it would be easier for the horse to walk at night.

"Yuanfang, you are amazing."

"That's great?"

"Yeah, let me say I can't tell."

Although the things in the car looked full.In fact, it is large in size.However, the two of them will also come down and walk for a while, so that the horse can relax a bit.

It wasn't until one o'clock that the two returned to the city.

Han Yuanfang didn't go back either.I really have to go to the market tomorrow.

Several people discussed after unloading the car.Some people still try it at the vegetable market in the city.

"Yuanfang, you and Daxiang stay in the city, Binzi and I go to the market, and Erhong stays at home."

"Alright." After discussing the price, several people rested.

All four were very excited.This profit is really high, they seem to see the money.

Han Yuanfang lay down and couldn't fall asleep. She hadn't finished her homework yet and didn't want to affect her sleep.

But after changing the environment, I couldn't sleep.I can only get up and do my homework.I also said in my heart that this is overdrawing my body.

Two hours later, I finished my homework and was sleepy.

At five o'clock, the four boys got up and began to distribute the goods.

Han Yuanfang heard the movement and forced herself to get up.

This is the first and last time.It will definitely not be like this in the future.

At six o'clock, they set off.At this time, there are already many people in the vegetable market.Soon after they left the stall, they were surrounded.

It is very much to inquire about the price.But I didn't buy it.

"Uncles, aunts, grandparents. You can try this shrimp skin. If you want to make dumplings, put some in the steamed buns, it will be delicious.

Besides, this is good stuff.It's not my fault that kids eat long bones, it's backed by science. "

Han Yuanfang didn't know any scientific basis either.

At this time, Daxiang had already lit a fire, put an iron pot on it, put the many Spanish mackerel brought over yesterday to heat it, and soon the tempting aroma came out.

"Everyone smell this smell, isn't it delicious? I ate this at the seaside yesterday. They just put lard, chili, and miso in it and stewed it directly. Moreover, the fish has only one thorn. There are children in the family. If you don’t feel safe giving them fish, then it’s best to eat this kind of fish.”

At this time, a middle-aged man who was a bit rich came over. "This is stewed mackerel. Do we have this in the market?"

"Uncle is really well-informed."

"Hehe, I'm a cook."

"And sea rice? How much is sea rice per catty?"

"Eight yuan per catty. Uncle must know how many shrimps are needed to dry out this catty of dried shrimps. If it is stewed tofu or dumplings stuffed with three delicacies, putting dried shrimps is no match."

"Eight yuan is fine, give me two catties, by the way, will you come back tomorrow?"

"Come, come every day from now on."

"Then give me two catties of dried shrimps and one catty of skinned shrimp meat. Give me five catties of shrimp skins. Today's vegetable buns at noon are made of shrimp skins and cabbage. Many people must like them.

Everyone buy some, I tell you that eating more things in the sea is good for your health, and you won’t get big neck disease. "

Daxiang called him quickly.

"Uncle, don't you want to order seaweed? Go back home, cold seaweed is also delicious, even if you make soup, it is also very fresh."

"Okay, give me a pack, this thing needs to be soaked for two days, such a pack can soak a big pot."

There is the first to buy.Then someone bought it.

Mackerel is the best seller.Mainly because the taste is too tempting.

"Auntie, you can buy some shrimp skins and try them at home. It is to mix the shrimp skins with green onions, add a little soy sauce and add some sesame oil. The taste is incomparable. It is better for the body than eating pickles."

"Okay, give me half a catty."

This is the beginning of a catty and a half catty.The two of them worked until eleven o'clock, and all the goods they brought were sold.

Daxiang smiled and said, "Yuanfang, you are really amazing."

"You were embarrassed to say it at first, but it will be fine tomorrow."

Two people clean up.Han Yuanfang bought some steamed buns and fish at the market.Go back and mix the shrimp skin, it must be delicious.

When the two went back, Erhong had already prepared the meal.

Erqiang Binzi arrived home half an hour later than them.

The three have never eaten Spanish mackerel, but they ate it today, and the last bit of fish soup was eaten with steamed buns.

I also like the shrimp skin mixed with green onions.

After eating, a few people sat together to settle accounts.

"Yuanfang, two of them are here to buy."

"Take your time and don't rush. You just go over and buy the goods.

If the market really opens up, it would be nice to buy a car. "

"Buy a car? How much does that cost?"

"Business is good and you can earn back quickly."

Erqiang wanted to give Han Yuanfang 200 yuan, but she refused.Just take some of each back with you.

The first thing she did when she got home was take a shower, which was so uncomfortable.

Turning back to the stewed fish, the taste is far away.Never smelled this kind of smell.

Stewed.The steamed buns are also ready, she will send them to the old man.

"Yuanfang, what is this?"

"Ma'am, this is sea fish. You should go and have a look at the fair, there should be some for sale."

"It smells really good."

"Eating is good for your health. I don't have much, ma'am. I'll give you half of it. Let my uncle taste it."

"No, no, just this little thing. Are you sending it to your grandma?"

"Yeah, let them taste it. Auntie, there are too few fish. I'll send you shrimp skins later. When my uncle drinks wine, he mixes them with scallions, soy sauce and sesame oil. It's better than peanuts.

Put some when you make dumplings, it tastes good. "

"Thank you Yuanfang. I worry about getting vegetables for your uncle all day long."

"Well, try it."

When Han Yuanfang arrived at grandma's house, the old couple was preparing to cook.

"Yuanfang, what are you serving? Is it so fishy?"

"Grandma, stewed fish, you and my grandfather should try it, and this is shrimp skin."

Han Yuanfang also talked about how to eat shrimp skins.

It is also safe to eat Spanish mackerel for the old couple.

She came back and gave a bowl of shrimp skins to the family of the two neighbors.It was two catties to send to the village chief's house.

Send two catties to Han Dongmei's family.

"Yuanfang, what is this?"

"Dried shrimp is also shrimp skin. Eat some every day, and you can grow taller."

"Really. But I don't like the smell."

"I like it when I eat it."

"Yuanfang, how do you eat this shrimp skin?"

"Ma'am, are you going to make dumplings?"

"Yeah, I can't catch up with cooking at noon all day, so I just make a fool of myself. Make dumplings tonight."

"Ma'am, you set aside a little cabbage stuffing, put it in normally, but you must put less salt, grab a handful of dried shrimps."

"Can it be delicious?"

"You will know if you try it. If you eat things in the sea for a long time, you won't get big neck disease, and you can grow taller."

(End of this chapter)

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